Monday, February 10, 2020

The Korff Kon Kontinues


  1. poor dumb Kal just trying to ride the coat tails of everyone who is more successful than him. scope it

  2. The Secret Door · February 9 ·


    Kal Korff joins The Secret Door Podcast to talk paranormal from UFO's, to JFK to Roswell. Kal was one of four original researchers in the Roswell Incident and has been researching UFO incidents for over four decades, amongst many other topics. Kal has been an Analyst, Broadcaster, Commentator, Director, Producer and Investigative Journalist on or for such popular TV networks as ABC, CNN, Discovery Channel, FOX, History Channel, MSNBC, NBC, National Geographic and has appeared on countless radio shows and in the newspapers...

  3. Kal Korff
    10 hrs ·
    Hi everyone. Yes, it's TRUE!

    I'm honored to be on Melissa Martell's show Secret Door Podcast for Part 2, we talked for over two hours and it was freeform and unscripted, which is great, hence two parts.

  4. Kal on facebook: "Hi everyone. I sent this Tweet to Star Trek’s George Takei.

    ‪@GeorgeTakei Sir, quick question. Are supporting Mayor Pete for President just because he’s gay, yes or no? I’m asking because in my view that’s wrong. Instead, electing a person should be about their policies and what they can do, NOT how they roll sexually. Please reply. Thanx!‬"

    Like Kal is a bigot when he said he liked the band Judas Priest until he found out the lead singer was gay. Or like when Kal does nothing but praise Israel related things. George Takei is more of a man than that sniveling cowardly sack of shit Kal K. Korff could ever be. I doubt George Takei ever impersonated a colonel or lied about his credentials. Kal, quick question. Are you supporting Israel and blasting Palestinians because you claim to be Jewish? Instead, you should judge things and people on their policies and what can they can do, NOT how they roll religiously or how delusional you might be. Please reply. Fuck you.

  5. Kal's website looks like a complete pile of shit. This is the same bullshit Kal has been spouting off for the last 30 years. Kal's the guy who says he will change the world and plans it all out, but when it comes time for action, well, there's nothing to be seen because nothing ever changes. A 5th grader would put out a better website than that idiot Kal. If that was me I would've hung myself years ago.

  6. Sharon Heck Neal

    Kal, I like you, but I agree with Mark somewhat. I was going to tell you that you come across so hateful. Is it all or nothing with you? All black or white? Did BO not take a paycheck like Trump? What was BO’s worth when he became president as opposed to now? He became quite wealthy. I think he has kept plenty campaign promises and our country is stronger for it. I don’t know what your beef is, but man you sound so hateful. Remember, what you read doesn’t mean it’s true. It’s just one man’s view.

  7. Kal Korff

    Thomas Hayden I didn’t support Obama and ObamaCare is what I expect from Democrats - half-assed job.
    Try this one about golf, made it several times.
    Now he’s literally laughing to the bank by having done it.

  8. Kal Korff

    Mark Swanson I NEVER said anything like you falsely have built your premise on.
    My POINT, which you deliberately ignore as does every other Trump supporter, remains the SAME until it is DISPROVED with FACTS.
    As with ALL of my views, I’ll be happy to change them AFTER it happens and being a longtime investigative journalist I’ll PUBLISH that said expose and/or correction.
    Please DISPROVE my point and issues here.
    You can’t to be blunt.
    And I suspect deep down, since you are a very smart guy, you know better.

  9. Mark Swanson

    Tell me something peckerhead do you honestly think that a president is ever on vacation? They found Teddy Roosevelt hiking in the mountains to take over for McKinley. And in this day and age its worse? Wake the fuck up

  10. Kal Korff

    By the way bro, I remember being excited and happy Trump was PROMISING never to play golf because he was "too busy" and wanted to work only for the American people. I was one critic of Obama playing too much golf, although Obama unlike Trump didn't enrich his bank account doing so.
    So I LOOKED FORWARD and so did many Trump supporters to Trump making and keeping this promise.
    He instead has made a point to break it.

  11. Kal Korff

    I didn't know that pointing out FACTS about broken promises makes anyone what you just called me.
    I'm not responsible for the FACT Trump makes a POINT to break this promise AND personally enrich himself at your expense and mine, while breaking this specific promise.
    If you have ANY evidence DISPROVING what I have just posted about this, please share it so my post can be corrected and I will write an article for publication EXPOSING this myth, if and when it becomes one.
    If I am wrong, fine. I don't have an ego nor a "my party or my President right or wrong" attitude in all this.
    Others do.
    Reminds me of UFO and CONspiracy nutters.
    Facts don't matter to them.

  12. Kal is now posting Judas Priest videos once again proving he reads this blog every day. Kal tries to bend what he said so he doesn't look bad. The "colonel" needs to wake up because there are no take backs on the web. The video evidence against Kal is the nail in his coffin. What really is funny here is that Kal put those videos out himself. Kal is as phony as the ufo people he pretends to expose. There has not been a single lawsuit filed by Kal as he promised. Nobody was ever arrested like he promised. Kal was never in any military organization and was never a ranking officer. He lied. There was never a 500 book deal. He lied again. He never had $25 million to expose anyone. Another lie. The lies of Kal are stacked so high that nobody should believe a word coming out of his fat mouth. That's all Kal is in reality. He is a mouth piece writing checks with his mouth that his tug boat ass will never be able to make good on. What a sad and pathetic way for a guy as old as Kal to have spent his miserable life. Kal the small town nobody who tried to be a someone by any means he could muster. lol

  13. Here we go with Kal saying that he has proof the corona virus was made in a lab. LMFAO Just like when Kal claimed he had proof of WMDs and was going to give it to the CIA. Best thing is that there is an archive of all of Kal's old Metro articles to p[rove it. This sounds just like all the evidence Kal said he had on Art Bell and never did. It was delightful hearing Kal pucker up and suck up on national radio with an audience of millions and have to kiss Art Bell's ass.

    Kal wrote on Facebook, "BREAKING NEWS!

    Hi everyone. I am now writing a 1,000 word expose for publication in Daily World newspaper in tomorrow's edition, essentially proving that the Coronavirus was indeed from a lab. I have received firsthand info from sources in Asia, including scientists, also evidence implicating Xi Jinping.

    I'll post the published link once it is done, I am signing off for several hours to write these three different articles on this and two other subjects.


    I keep waiting for Kal to full on bonkers again with the colonel business again and start giving speeches to empty rooms. Kal Korff is an IDIOT!

  14. Where is the archive of Kal's metro articles? Could you please supply a link? I remember fuming every single day at the rubbish he would pump out ...

  15. I found this from when that moron Kal wrote for that paper in Prague

  16. There was an old forum where everyone was on about what an idiot Kal was. it was on the old ex pats cz site.

  17. LOLOLOLOLOL I just read the big "expose" conniving Kal wrote on his Facebook page where he wrote "BREAKING NEWS! Hi everyone. I am now writing a 1,000 word expose for publication in Daily World newspaper in tomorrow's edition, essentially proving that the Coronavirus was indeed from a lab. I have received firsthand info from sources in Asia, including scientists, also evidence implicating Xi Jinping."

    Once again Kal presents zero evidence and does not name a single firsthand source. Kal cobbled this article together from various stories in a poorly designed attempt to get some attention. Remember when he said he had documents and firsthand sources about Art Bell? We all know what happened when Kal had to apologize to an international radio audience of millions when he could not prove a single thing he claimed. Any respectable media outlet that had a reporter making these claims and not providing a shred of proof would have fired their ass. There are kids working for high school papers who write better. Kal didn't prove anything other than he is an idiot.

  18. Kal posting about Pakistan law saying men can marry young girls after they've had their first menstrual cycle, "Yet ANOTHER reason Pakistan remains a deliberately failed nation." I think Kal is unhappy because this is one foreign country he can't get into. lol

  19. Kal writing about the poor impact junk fodd has??? LMFAO!! Colonel Porky there is qualified to write about this. Finally he was honest!!!!!!

  20. "Press kit is being finalized".

    He's away with the fairies, isn't he?

  21. This is rise and repeat by Kal. How mnay big announcements about books, radio shows, films, and the rest of it has Kal talk on about with none of it ever happening? Too many to count. Kal so badly wants to be back in the public eye on a scale bigger than writing for some obscure foreign newspapers. Kal desperately wants to be recognized as the genius he thinks he is. He's delusional on a good day. Kal has to challenge people to debates and then seems to suddenly pull out like he did with Kevin Randle. Now Kal is opening his big mouth in hopes that Richard Dolan will debate him but the truth is that Richard Dolan is a much much bigger star in the UFO world than Kal could ever hope to be. Kal wants people to pay attention to him and he is getting some attention, just not the the kind he believes he deserves. He's delusional on a good day again.

    Do not forget that Kal making the claim he had evidece and facts and sources to support his supposedly finding out the true origin of the corona virus, which of course was more utter bullshit from Kal. This is Kal hoping to hit it with something, anything that will make him get back on the lecture and media circuit as anything other than a wacky guy with no secondary education who has been a pretender his entire life.

  22. Kal also has a nasty habit of tagging people on Facebook and Twitter to try to get attention. Kal is so very desperate, but now since he has returned to the United States and taken up residence near Reno, Nevada, he has to be exceedingly careful what he says and writes. Kal no longer has the comfort of being in the other part of the world to avoid subpoenas.
