Saturday, December 30, 2023

Ring in the New Year with Kalvin Karlton Korff!

Right Hand Man...


  1. Happy New Year, Korffers.

    Karry on Korffing.

  2. What happened to the party Kalvin?

    Kalvin's Website: Posted on 1/1/24


    This web site is being UPDATED as promised with LOTS of new stuff. This will take Approximately two days to upload thousands of files and lots of videos, it's just Physics. Please check back, updates will be posted later this morning on social media as as each sections go live.

    If you wish to receive FREE update notices, subscribe for free content such as Kal Korff's Last Original Roswell Researcher diary entries, just email us in this form below.

    See everyone with updates, new material in a few hours!

  3. Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS!

    Happy New Year everyone.

    As promised, uploading long overdue stuff from the new UFOlitics and Saucer City shows and books which features the great work of top researchers and my stuff where it is relevant, these are finals, some 50 Terrabytes are being reviewed and uploaded, which will take a few days, an entire online world is being activated, the media articles detailing all this, software, slides, recordings, videos, its all being done. I will post links as I have them. In these two real examples, click the image of the person, view choices, select them, view easily verifiable facts.


  4. What the fuck Kalvin!

    There's no change to your "website" and yet you talk about all the work and updating and 50 terabytes, this and that. Fuck you Kalvin!

    Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS!

    Hi everyone, so far uploads are going fine, but slow, taking a short "Power Nap" to use today's vernacular, I think.

  5. I don't feel sorry at all for any woman who gets involved with this creature.

    If you are incapable of undertaking the bare minimum of due dilligence, then you deserve everything that is coming to you.

    1. There is no gf. She’s as fake as his made up UFO App and if there was, no one deserves to endure Korff regardless.

  6. kal taking "fake it 'til you make it" to a whole new level as he fails at even that

    1. Kal just fakes it and never makes it. Literally.

  7. "fake it 'til you make it"

    Ha, ha, ha!!!!

  8. Seems Kalvin's got the sniffles...

    Little Liar Kalvin just won't stop talking about his PhD thesis... from a guy who didn't graduate from Junior College.

    "the imminent deliverables which are also part of my academic PhD thesis..."

    Kal Korff . BREAKING NEWS!

    COVID and Flu are out of control over in the Carson City-Reno-Las Vegas areas of Nevada, will take several days to move 50 Terrabytes of data and files online which comprise OPB and the online worlds now being activated. This is another one of the imminent deliverables which are also part of my academic PhD thesis on extremists and UFO Disclosure nuts and haters and polarizing politics.


  9. Ha, ha, ha! "I'm ready to sue!!!"

    Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS!

    Rethuglican extremist politician, UFO Belieber nut job "Aliens are in the Book of Ezekiel" House OVERSIGHT member Congressman Tim Burchett, aka in my UFOlitics series and Saucer City as Tim BULLCHETT, has NOW RECEIVED THIS "HEADS UP" image and formal notice, and I have also informed his office that I will be calling them on Friday as the President and CEO of the company UFOlitics to discuss Operation Pandora's Box with either him or his staff, I don't care one way or another.

    Then they get written follow up docs, and if they AVOID them, we SUE IN COURT! Everything is READY.

  10. ... my ***academic*** PhD thesis ...

    Well, what other kind of PhD thesis *is* there, Karlton?

  11. Katherine Begay

    Down one Facebook friend to 13...

    No new photos.
    No new likes.

    Only Kalvin related profile wall posts.

    Fake News indeed.

  12. 01/04/2024 2:00 PM

    Kal Korff . BREAKING NEWS!

    Hi everyone. This is final artwork, tonight after midnight I will upload this and the first temple entrance ruins unearthed by Archaeologists in honor of Rethuglican UFO extremist Belieber Tim Congressman Tim Burchett. It's just a start, and on Friday I will be calling Burchett's office to discuss Operation Pandora's Box and still MORE Ethics complaints against them for pushing UFO frauds and other issues. The share button makes it easy for everyone to get the truth out, whatever it is. This is the schedule as of now, FYI.

  13. Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS!

    FINALLY! There are also additional guests, Gurmilan Kaur's long awaited feature story is being released, all SURPRISE GUESTS are booked, I'm sending a Courtesy Notice to Congressman Tim Burchett so his staff is aware of this. URL will be posted at 12:00 Noon PST January 8, 2024.

  14. the unknown korfferJanuary 07, 2024

    crazy shut in dysfunctional fat guy who works at a grocery store. cyber harassing a congressman over flying saucers, and posting about it endlessly to fakebook in the form of "breaking news" updates

    that is about the size of it

  15. that is about the size of it
