Sunday, January 7, 2024

I lost 85 pounds and I gained 8 inches of... neck!

For your enjoyment, a few posts from Kalvin from the past few days. Lie, lying, liar.


  1. Psychopaths and narcissists often write in the third person.

  2. Write in the third person... good to know. Thank you.

    Now about the additional neck inches... :-)

  3. Yes Kalvin, we're so jealous... of your 8" neck! Ha, ha, ha!

    Madandeep Singh: You are a very good person. accept my prayers.

    Kal Korff: thanks my friend. I hope you’re well and staying safe, COVID and flu are in high numbers here and being as this is the state where Las Vegas is we get lots of tourism.
    Thanks again and I’ll post more images as it makes sense, Katherine Begay and I are doing GREAT despite some really JEALOUS people!


    Madandeep Singh: Kal Korff My best wishes to Katherine Begay. I wish you and Bege a mature romantic future.

  4. Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS!

    Hi everyone. I promised a few people I would give them advanced copies of the new expose software, I did this and their feedback was that the ICONS do not work on small screen sizes, so this CHANGE is being made on all content so that it scales as it should. Here's the tweak for Congressman Tim Burchett's expose, this is being uploaded TODAY along with the interview with Billy Bother which is now starting. For the other online expose archives many of these same icons will appear, I have dumped the icons which were in the previous rev because of disparity of screen sizes.


  5. Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS!

    Hi everyone. At 12 noon we will begin interviewing Mr. Billy Bother, who works at the Carnival up the street where Congressman Tim Burchett has his office in Tennessee. His Twin Cousin Brother, Pother, also works at the Carnival and the two of them keep their attentive eyes on UFO Disclosure Clowns, Pleiadiot Clowns, Roswell Clowns, they see them all and report them to ARSE, the Avatar Rendition Services Exchange. After we are through recording him, I'll share the link once I have it. Show should be up sometime today... We had to move filming locations because of COVID issues.


    1. That is what you call Bat Shit Crazy.

  6. Lawrence LiverwurstJanuary 09, 2024

    LOL he "put on the weight" for a movie role! like Vincent D'nofrio, only fatter. that wasn't just years of take-out pizza, fast food, over-eating, natural aging and lack of exercise. the movie only exists as brief "trailers" and still images of kal looking bloated with his sunglasses, and he knows it. but will just lie and lie and lie to his social media friends about stuff that's obvious, like they're STUPID or something. what a fucking clown. poster child for Facebook Avoidance therapy. "this is what your child could become". take their phones away now.

  7. Ha, ha, ha!

    Poster child for Facebook Avoidance therapy.

    "This is what your child could become."

  8. Kal Korff is with Katherine Begay . BREAKING NEWS!

    Hi everyone, Here's a short video on Congressman Tim Burchett, unless COVID impacts our location productions yet again, sometime later tonight/early tomorrow, the full show should be up. I will be following up with Burchett's office AFTER his mighty super duper top secret UFO hearing proves to be yet ANOTHER NOTHING BURGER and WASTE of taxpayer time and money, while Republicans BITCH "About waste," Not if it involves hunting imaginary aliens from the Bible. Burchett is a nut job who stupidly thinks Aliens are in the Book of Ezekiel. he is also on OVERSIGHT, which is especially disturbing, if one cares about the USA and integrity.


    Kal Korff is with Katherine Begay . BREAKING NEWS!

    After several "that's life, cycle of life" disruptions, had a good solid block of time getting stuff uploaded, closer to activations. My next video upload will explain this specific project, since the PLEIADIANS HAVE FAILED ONCE AGAIN TO WARN CULT LEADER MEIER and his nut job followers about this in advance. I actually did this original work in 2004-6 for my original Secret Wars academic thesis and book series on extremists and haters, Operation Pandora's Box insures these long overdue projects executions, nearly 50 deliverables, now being harmonized. As I said, 50 YEARS worth of archives and research. This is the South Entrance only to Pleiadora's Pleasure Palace where Pleiadiots and Rebels against Cult Leader Meier frequent, led by Pleiadora Andrea Hornchen.... 🙂



    Kal Korff is with Katherine Begay . BREAKING NEWS!

    Hello again. As Archaeologists and top researchers continue excavations and preparing for public launch, the new online worlds of UFOlitics and Saucer City, here are four of the archival and REAL History and interactive thingies now being harmonized and uploaded. Since JFK assassination archives, (yet another Temple compound), are also being added, my web site shows what users will be able to click on soon. Once all of this is finished, just need to give the QR Codes to people or the links and they can decide issues for themselves.


  9. She has.... drum role please...

    14 friends now!

    Katherine Begay 14 friends

  10. Run, Katherine, run ...!

  11. i wonder if he's broken the bad news yet about the indian princess wife and genius son waiting in the wings. a couple of them if not mistaken? an wife in Prague too, or Baby Mama for another little genius IQ testing bastard kid. what a miserable excuse for a man

  12. Any lady who gets mixed up with this creature really does not have my sympathy. In the age of the Internet, the truth is just a few clicks away.

  13. he is either a polygamist who has abandoned two or three children and their mothers, OR he lied about those connections and the genius kids that resulted. can't have it both ways: we've heard nothing of them since his usefulness of the claims evaporated

    I would feel less caustic towards MR. KORFF's flakebook friends if one or more of them brought the subject up while he gloats about his new make believe trophy female -- what about the genius son(s) and the women who allegedly produced them?

  14. If you have to hold the hands of people surfing your little website, and explain to them what it all means... you've failed and it's a terrible website.

    Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS!

    10 Archives and Expose Temples are being uploaded, these are the navigation points to exploring them. I can't tell you how much work this has been 🙂, so Im explaining this to journalists like Adrt Levine, Gurmilan Kaur, Ajit Chak and others. Lots of recording these next few days and uploads.



    Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS!

    Been very busy, have to record explanations for all this in my interviews with Testiclese starting today, am going into the studio to do it.



    Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS!

    Going into the studio to record the interviews with Testiclese explaining how this new interactive expose works, who and what is being exposed.
    I'll upload the video sometime tomorrow, barring interruptions.
    THANKS everyone for your kind support.

    More soon...

  15. recording studio = hallway closet, where kal interviews himself

  16. Has his new girlfriend read this blog and turned tail for her life, yet? Because if she hasn't had the gumption to do a simple Google search, then she really has no one to blame but herself.

    1. When you google search Kal this website doesn't show up. A-list of his book publishers show up, with his books. So when people see he's published by Penguin they won't suspect anything bad.

  17. Kalvin was shown this amusing little trick ...
    ... and he really can't stop playing with it, can he?

  18. how many other pix of the happy couple have either of them shared? not re-posting the Giraffe Boy picture, but something else, with them together

    asking for a friend

  19. Zero new images posted of the happy couple.
