Friday, February 8, 2013

Kal K. Korff

I'm sure this isn't the first time Kal has had nuts on his chest. I don;t think I've ever witnessed a truer picture of Kal.   hahahahahahahhhaaaaa!


  1. Coming Soon!

    A new blog with new information.

    Thanks for the good times Kal is an idiot blog but it's time for a fresh start.


  2. Actually it would be nice to keep the Korffer's at this site but KIAI has been non-responsive to the Korffer's that have "made this site." Whether KIAI is simply tired of "korffing" or whatever, the fact remains that in order to continue on with our favorite maniac, the site MUST remain dynamic. With much material that is and was sent to KIAI, his unwillingness to post or allow a select few access to the site, not to mention he never responds to email ... we must move on.

  3. Brit_in_PragueFebruary 11, 2013

    I have sent you requests/queries by email over the years, KIAI, and they have been routinely ignored.

  4. Well, I hope this isn't the end of the line for this blog, but if it is, I'd just like to thank KIAI for keeping the flame alive.

    Without him, who knows? Korff might still be in Prague, still lying and conning and cheating overly-trusting philanthropists and other decent people.

    Go with God, KIAI. You have made the world a slightly better place; how many of us can truly say the same?

    Certainly not "Colonel" "KalIsreal" Karlton Korff. Rot in hell, wherever you are. You are worthless vermin.

  5. FN, email me the info you'd like to use to login as an admin and I will set it up. I have been too busy with other projects. Thanks lad.

  6. I've signed up to the blog web site and I sent you a few e-mails as I sorted this out. I'm ready to Korff KIAI.


  7. His boss, boss of what? Korff hasn't been "published" in weeks....

    His wife... What wife? What's her name, a photo maybe...

    Face Book Korffers take notice, Korff posts this stuff all the time and yet his "wife" never responds, never clicks the "Like" button, etc.

    Lying Liar.


    I was able to surprise her with a cake and some of her favorite things to drink, I'm grateful to my boss for letting me have the latter part of the day off to do this.

    I love you honey! xoxooxox

  8. Registrant:
    Kal Korff
    13362 Zesmesnovat Ulice
    Praha, Puerto Rico 10060
    Czech Republic

    Administrative Contact:
    Korff, Kal
    13362 Zesmesnovat Ulice
    Praha, Puerto Rico 10060
    Czech Republic

  9. Read between the lines here people. Remember Korff's lies regarding his "son" and his other "relationships".... and how he treated Tina and her daughter.

    Never forget. We wont.

    A genuine love marriage!?! Sounds like a little boy.

    Kal Korff: Yes, of course! I tell her I love her all the time, and when I miss her, but only for one reason: because it's true. I am so happy to be in a genuine love marriage. I feel truly blessed. Praise God!

  10. Is this .. like with the Indian Princess? Hmmm??

  11. We assume that it is his Princess. You know, the one with no name, no photo, no internet footprint, etc.

  12. FN check your new email addy for an invite.

  13. You are an evil man, KKK.

  14. Kiai,

    Got it! Thanks very much. I'll mess about with it and see what I can do. If I mess it up a bit, now worries, I'll set it back and try again.

    Thanks very much,


  15. Go get 'im, FN!

  16. Kal Korff, trying to impress people with his "taste" and view of what really is music.

    Remember, Korff lied about his music ability as well:

    Claim #133:

    Kal Korff: One of my favorites by one of my favorite singers. For those of you who poke fun at opera or think it doesn't take great talent to do it properly, try singing along with this song and holding and hitting the notes that Pavarotti does.

    You can't :-)

  17. Jesus! Please read this over, read and weep at what and how the California public school system taught Kal K. Korff to communicate.

    My sweet God, Kalvin, do you ever take the time to read over what you post?!?

    And I must say, the manner is which you talk about "your" wife is appalling. It’s further proof that your exchanges with Tina and her daughter were not some aberration or some kind of learning experience or process, no, you’re are who your are Kalvin and that’s an immature and arrogant little prick.

    Kal Korff: My wife cracks me up at times, she's what we call by western standards "old fashioned" -- "normal" by Indian standards. She thinks she should do the cooking, not men.

    So when I am hungry or want to whip something up real quick I do it when she's in the bathroom taking a shower, exploiting the universal truism that no woman ever takes a "Army shower" as in just a few minutes.

    A few times she went into the bathroom and I sprung into action and as George Bush would say, "misunderestimated" her, and she comes out a few minutes later (because she wasn't taking a shower) and she catches me stirring something over the stove and she'll yell "What are you doing?" and push me aside and take the large spoon out of my hand and shoo me away and finish cooking whatever I was was busy making.

    So like a good husband I let her do what she wants to, and I just stand next to hear and hold her and whatever gets finished being prepared and then we eat it if it is vegetarian, I eat it if it is non-veg, since she doesn't eat meat.

    I keep telling my Indian friends who are vegetarians that they're "racists" but they never understand this joke :-)

    Anyway, God bless my wife and she's cute when she gets her old fashioned freak on :-)

  18. Soon the Syndicate will be posting breakdowns regarding Korff's Face Book Timeline.

    We've already "saved" everything we need so Korff can't go back and change things.

    Korff loves Face Book and so do we. We have more info now than ever, based on Korff's own postings, proving (like it's really needed) that Korff continues to lie about his past.

    Face Book Timeline and Tina e-mails:

    Korff posted he got engaged in December of 2010 and then married a month later.

    But he told Tina he got engaged in November of 2010

    Then he told his Face Book friends he got married in September of 2011 but not really, it was in January of 2011.

    All will be posted.

    Alter your history Korff, it will matter little.

    Korffing Syndicate

  19. Anyone who has ever been in an actual relationship knows Kalvin is lying about his "wife" to con people into interacting with him by appearing to have a normal life. This from the globetrotting SAPSTOE who used to brag openly about how different his life was due to being a volunteer analyst. That didn't work so now he's going the other route: Normal guy, regular job with a boss and an endearingly nagging wife whom he refers to as a possessions. His examples of her "showering or using the bathroom" also imply a non-existence. She has no personality and exists only as an imaginary prop to con those whom he envies into acknowledging his existence. The fraud is so pathetically obvious that once again it suggests Kal Korff actually has a below average intellect and actually thinks his "friends" believe him.

  20. We will be saving this last post for a future Korffie Leak posting. Good job lad!

  21. "Anyone who has ever been in an actual relationship knows Kalvin is lying about his "wife" to con people into interacting with him by appearing to have a normal life. This from the globetrotting SAPSTOE who used to brag openly about how different his life was due to being a volunteer analyst. That didn't work so now he's going the other route: Normal guy, regular job with a boss and an endearingly nagging wife whom he refers to as a possessions. His examples of her "showering or using the bathroom" also imply a non-existence. She has no personality and exists only as an imaginary prop to con those whom he envies into acknowledging his existence. The fraud is so pathetically obvious that once again it suggests Kal Korff actually has a below average intellect and actually thinks his "friends" believe him."

    --- a nice, thoughtful post. Is this you, Squonk?

  22. Klose down Karlton's Facebook account and we will have klosed down Karlton.

    That, gentlemen, is the challenge that faces us in this, the FN era.

    Let the final phase kommence.

  23. JD, I'm messing about with the software, etc. And I'm setting up my mental powers to deal with this just right.....

    Soon, we will have Phase 3: Clearing the internet of Kal K. Korff.

    Phase 1: This Blog
    Phase 2: The Korffie Leak site
    Phase 3: Face Book

  24. Kal Korff, reporter, paid to write by his India Media Giant.

    Kal Korff, poster of "some" of the material on his Scribd wall.

    Gee, I wonder when Korff posted his last "article" on his Scribd wall?

    Post: BenghaziGate
    Reads: 521 - Pages: 4
    Date Posted: Oct 24, 2012

    Almost 4 months ago.

    I'd like to check on Korff at his Media Giants web site however, the search function on that Media Giants web site has been broken for many, many months.

    A quick check in the Tech Section on this site present no Korff posts for a very long time. People named IANS and PTA have many posts, Korff, none.

    Even the Apple posts, the Korff + Jobs love affair, no Korff posts.

    How's that Service Desk job going Korff?

  25. That was my post JD, forgot to sign off on it. I came up with that this morning while looking over data.


  26. Hit too many keys with my fat fingers.


  27. Why are you such a liar, Korff? Why do you have to lie all the time? I'd really love to know.

  28. The lies continue...

    106 days later and still no "article".

    (Over 3 months since ANY new "articles" have been posted by the syndicated and so-called working reporter.)

    Lying lair.

    November 10 ~ Kal Korff: Hi everyone, my feature article about Obama should hit the newspapers in a day or two. It recaps his history and reviews his victory over Romney and covers how he won it.

  29. NEW THREAD PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. The new thread will come soon.

    If you think this is easy and a fun hobby, think again. It's a very time consuming process.

    Please check out the Korffie Leak web site and look into the massive data base of Korff material all ready posted.

    New threads are coming.

    Ideas for new threads are welcomed.

    Korffing Syndicate

  31. Brit_in_PragueFebruary 27, 2013

    Gearing up for the end game.

    You ready, Karlton?


    Daniela_Abrahamova said...
    Here's that KKK/Michele exchange in full. What is fascinating is that he made the whole episode up as a means of demonstrating that he loves children (what a swell guy) and loves women (what a man's man.

    You are seriously sick, Korff.

    June 02, 2010
    Daniela_Abramamova said...
    Kal Korff Yesterday, I saw a woman bend over to feed her dog. She had a min-skirt on, and well, I could see everything. No complaints, she was commando style on top of this! :-) Two kids came running by me, chasing each other, grabbing my legs. If I stayed there enjoying my view of God's creation, I'd be in their way. If I moved..., I'd lose my perfect view. I chose the kids. Now, ALL of my MEN friends say I was stupid. Bozos!

    June 02, 2010
    Daniela_Abrahamova said...
    Kelli Weiss Gentile
    i'm surprised that you COULD move..LOL

    Kal Korff
    Well, I admit I thought about it twice, looked both ways twice, and then thought, gotta go with the kids, the little boy and girl were so cute, just adorable having a blast.

    June 02, 2010
    Daniela_Abrahamova said...
    Michele Risso
    Kal I hope your mother doesn't read this I found it to be distasteful.This might be something I would expect from a 23 year old like my son, but even he has more class than to blab!Even if you got an eyeful there should be a filter in your head that notifies your mouth that discussing it is in poor taste,just being honest!

    June 02, 2010
    Daniela_Abrahamova said...
    Kal Korff
    Michele, I respectfully disagree.

    I think you MISSED the reason WHY I shared this story: I was simply sharing with everyone a REAL experience from life and the ONLY reason I did so is because the MEN around me said I was WRONG to decide what I did, and that I should have stayed there and enjoyed the other view instead.


    Geesh, Michele.

    Otherwise, obviously seeing something like this is "no big deal" (it's not like it was an extraterrestrial spacecraft, and I have seen women before) and if you wish to "judge" it and "dismiss" is as something a teenager would do, fine, you have that right but FACTS do NOT support you, and you were NOT present, nor were you involved.

    Doesn't put you in the best position to "judge" anything here, Michele, and I would submit that judging is wrong.

    Besides, you knew me even in high school, my reaction would have been the same, but a bit more embarrassed. Having lived outside the USA for over 10 years now, not much "phases" me anymore, but it sure DOES seem to "phase" some Americans.


    "Nanotechnology is being used now to help eliminate terrorists. It is truly one of the last, and final frontiers where this war can be fought and still won. It is currently being deployed in Pakistan right now and Afghanistan, under my initiatives and in operations that I command. It will be many years before terrorists will be able to obtain such technologies. The time to strike them is NOW, not later. I assure you that if this material helps eliminate terrorists, it will certainly 'smoke out' Geiger and his partner, Deputy Johnson, who is the officer who REALLY shot my brother, according to the forensic tests which are about to be released shortly," explained Colonel Korff.

  34. Korffing Update
    March 1, 2013

    Worked on cropping images and sorting through time-line information for a number of hours today.

    The next update to the Korffie Leak site will take some time....

    We will update a new thread to this blog at the same time we publish new material on the web site.

    Good info JimmyD!

    Korffing Syndicate

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