Friday, March 1, 2013

Hello fellow Korffer's,

This is first Korffing Syndicate post on this invaluable blog. We will continue to update this blog and the Korffie Leak web site as often as necessary. Please send in your ideas for future postings and research.

We've done a minor update to the site:

Check the 2012 section for a few updates which close out the 2012 Korffing year.

We're working hard on the 2013 Update Page. We are concentrating on Korff contradictions and confirming lies based on Korff’s own words.

We have saved and our collating dozens of examples of Korff holding others to a standard he cannot hold himself up to. No surprise there, and yes Korff, this would mean that you continue to be a liar of the highest order.

We will not stop,

Korffing Syndicate 


  1. I wanna thank this blog, it's users, the Korffing Syndicate and the web site

    I know it can't be easy to keep up on all this material and activity but your efforts are needed and I thank you for the time and effort to keep this Village Idiot on notice.

    We will not stop indeed.


  2. All you had to do was stop, Kalvin.

    But you wouldn't.

    You couldn't.

    And now you are going to pay.

  3. Brit_in_PragueMarch 04, 2013

    Here's a klue, Kalvin: If you delete your Facebook account, you will have deleted the last thing for us to write about.

  4. Old school Kal Korff lying. Enjoy listening to one of the great liars of our time.

  5. A real-life teen prodigy - from the Smithsonian magazine:

    Were your youthful efforts ever features in the Smithy, Karlton?

    Lying Liar. Evil, lying bastard.

  6. FN lad! A brilliant way to come onto the blog directly. So sorry chaps for my lack of updates. I'm not very computer savvy and have a lot going about now. I' sure our hero FN will treat you all well. I will stop byu and write from time to time though. Korffing on!

  7. Thanks very much for this opportunity KIAI.

    I, and the other Korffers will not let you down.


  8. Your life has been one big lie, Korff. How does it feel to have it analysed and deconstructed, bit by bit by bit?

  9. Looking back a few years ago and seeing how Korff tried to "bully and intimidate" people, it does my heart good to see how this little bitch was slapped down. Hit brother situation for example was klassic. This junior grade punk trying to intimidate the Oregon DA and Sheriff was really choice. Going after Biedny, Ecker and Randle as if they would fold was funny as hell. After the Dark Matters radio show was broadcast, watching little Kal melt down was priceless! I guess little Kal never did take up the offer to go on the radio show to respond. That proved what a pussy he really is. As if we didn't know already. LOL!! Korff on gang, Korff on!

  10. I wish there were some way to convey to you the depths of my loathing for you, Korff. I wonder who you're ripping off now? I wonder who you're betraying now?

    You are scum, Korff.

  11. As current as the day they posted this information:

  12. Korff you're pure evil infused with antichrist juices. How I despise your body odor. I will not rest until you have felt the full power of the darkside on your genitals!

  13. Klassic blast from the past, right up Korff's fat ass! Ha, ha, ha!

    You can't run away from the internet Korff. This type of material will follow you until the end of your days Korff.


  14. One big WACKO letter from Kalvin Korff!

    Let's go back to August of 2008 and see what was happening with Kolonel Fat Ass Kal and revisit a letter he wrote to Royce Meyers. OMG, almost forgot this "klassic kal" back in this lunatic's HEYDAY! Oh kalvin, you looney tuned moron ... the net is forever asswipe.

  15. One can not question God's period..or something like that...
    Kal facebook page is even boring now...seems like he's sitting in his underpants somewhere just clicking on things and saying things like..that's sick....republicans are good...democrats are crap...I think he's lost the will to live. Hopefully.

  16. "I think he's lost the will to live. Hopefully."

    One can only hope... and keep on Korffing!


  17. "Kal facebook page is even boring now...seems like he's sitting in his underpants somewhere just clicking on things and saying things like..that's sick....republicans are good...democrats are crap..."

    Oh God Almighty ... thanks for that mental photo! And I can imagine that the underwear are probably soiled, greasy and kal is unwashed. Shit, I gotta go take a bath now. Second one today ..

  18. Korff
    I will never forgive you for jacking around your cock and nuts with Volchech Sledgeleck. I will follow you to the gates of hell...

  19. I will never forgive you for jacking around your cock and nuts with Volchech Sledgeleck. I will follow you to the gates of hell...

    ---Looks like I have a stalker. A pretty funny one, though ...
