Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Kal K. Korff
Shitter in the Street

Facebook, April, 2014 - Kal Korff: I am reposting this again, only to remind some of the fine people I interact with that I am absolutely the THIRD person here, per se, in this graphic, this is my view and how I approach things. I detest "spin" -- and I especially detest "politically correct" English and avoidance of saying what is really going on.

Shit in One Hand… Piss in the Other… The Life of Kal K. Korff

More than half of India's population defecate in the open, according to the latest statistics from the World Health Organization and the United Nations.

Facebook Update - Posted by our favorite Village Idiot - If by helping you mean; stealing from, lying to, threatening and berating someones young daughter (or worse). Then, you'd be right. We will continue to help the world, for the remainder of your life, by exposing you as the lying, thieving, ignorant prick that you are.


  1. Superb artwork again, FN.

  2. I would really *love* to have a contact to wherever it is Karlton is really working. In the age of Google and the Internet, this info is bound to slip out eventually.

    Then it will be game over.

    Game over, "Colonel". You hear me?

  3. Kal K. Korff; and example of how not to behave and communicate.

  4. That phone number on the "pissing the street" image is the number for the PR department at the media giant he "works" for.

    Remember, Korff said he "was" the head of their PR department for a time.

    In the end, one could write and call the Daily Post India if they'd like to. They never answered any of my letters, and many had nothing to do with Korff.

  5. I'll Take Grassy Knoll for $100, Alex.April 26, 2014

    Hi everyone. Today I am honored to report that Kal Korff is still a dick head...

    HAHA YES!!!! awesome post. "Family relative", this week's new Korffism.

  6. "Family relative", this week's new Korffism.

  7. Please like me.... show me some interest... I'm so lonesome.... Somebody shit on my foot....

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone, here's my latest international news piece, in case it is of interest. Thanks for your continued support and many kind emails. I really appreciate them.

  8. Fat slob.

  9. He has to say "many kind emails" because nobody uses the Like button. It's just another lie.

  10. ".... because nobody uses the Like button."

    very, very few indeed.

  11. Korffing Facebook and eBook or series of eBooks Update

    Kal Korff: Having studied Hitler a lot, one of my upcoming books is focused on how the Nazis united with radical Islam before and during WW II (including Arafat's uncle) to create Islamofascism (epitomized in groups today such as al-Qaeda), I see nothing to "admire" about Hitler, if he did anything positive, his crimes against humanity far overshadow them.

  12. One wonders, why Korff never, ever posts any photos of these wonderful and grand activities he's involved with....

    Kal Korff: I care about people, too, Alan. it is why I am right now near the Nepal border helping build a school for the severely underdeveloped, way poorer than many of the poor in the USA.

  13. So this Alan person asks that question, and as always, here's Korff's response. It seems that everything Korff does is so important and so meaningful, that the proof must be dribbled out, like so much French Fry grease from the corner of his mouth lying...

    Alan Dickerson: You're helping build the school, it would be cool to see some pictures!!

    Kal Korff: When the time is right, they will be published.

  14. Jesus, this guy Korff just loves to talk about himself...

    Greasy mother fucker.

    Kal Korff: When I worked at Boeing, American Airlines was lobbying VERY hard to actually REDUCE the amount of fresh oxygen provided on each flight, just to save a couple of bucks per plane. They had already saved tens of thousands reducing the number of olives served with each meal.

    I was against cutting back on the oxygen. I voted against their proposal and lobbied others to do so, and this was for the 777 plane Mulally was in charge of, since I was assigned to this project.

    He could not override our decision, thankfully, because Boeing does follow its processes, it is an admirable aspect of the company. And being on the standards board, well, we had power over upper management to a degree in what was a nice system of checks and balances.

    After our votes, it never went back up to his level as far as I know.

    Another change I tried to make was to IMPROVE the filtering system for recycled oxygen on each plane. I noticed in analyzing flight data versus the number of passengers versus who got colds and sick, that airplanes were essentially a flying germ incubator, and that if one or two passengers had very serious colds, they WOULD infect other passengers, even sitting on the other side of the plane.

    This was due in part to inadequate filtering of recycled oxygen. So the plane was HELPING spread diseases and colds.

    Unfortunately my proposal went nowhere, the "excuse" was "it would be too expensive."

  15. He'll probably publish the pictures of the school when he's launching his new book on Hitlers love of Islam...

  16. Wait a minute, if I recall my Korffing history right, wasn't Korff already fighting the bad guys in the Middle East at the same time that he was fighting for changes at Boeing.

    My God, Kal Korff is one amazing person! He found a way to be on two continents at the same time!

    Way to go wide load.

  17. ... yeah, right, okay, we believe you Korff. The terrible grammar is not your fault.

    Your media giant is not the fastest growing English language newspaper in all of India... right? You fuck head.

    Kal Korff: By the way, I do apologize for some typos and missing articles like "the" (grammar wise) in this piece, it was not edited by a native speaker of English.

  18. I am so fucking humbled I can't stand myself.

    March 13

    Kal Korff: HI everyone.

    I'd like to sincerely thank everyone for your kind birthday wishes, wasn't expecting them from everyone from former colleagues at Apple/Claris, to my friends in Czech Republic, Germany and elsewhere in Europe; and India.

    As I reflect on this day, receiving them from three different continents is a humble reminder that I have so much to be and AM grateful for.

    Thanks to living abroad outside the USA for the past 14 years now, I have met so many incredible people around the world, and ironically reconnected with friends I once worked with back home.

    A very special cousin of mine is also here in India, he helped my wife and I get married, we haven't seen him since the wedding and I look forward to our time together of course. He's a great man, real humanitarian, and has traveled way more than I ever will. This time now is a very special one for me personally and professionally. Not because it is my birthday, (that is the least important) but because so much is happening on so many fronts. It's a reminder that life is always in motion, that complacency is for the foolish, and that we must make the most of what little time we have in this life, and that what makes life worth living, especially to the fullest, are its great people and friends.


  19. tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.tay in India shithead. Stay in India.

  20. "I care about people, too, Alan. it is why I am right now near the Nepal border helping build a school for the severely underdeveloped."

    ---You, Korff, are a disgrace. I'd like to tell you what I'd like to do for you for spouting this particular lie. But I know that would ("rightfully") be banned from this site.

  21. Today on a whim I inserted Kal K Korff into my search engine.

    This is what came up ... and Kalvin, it ain't good for you Fat Boy.

    You reap what you sowed Fat Boy....

  22. I did a little bit of "way back" from when ol' Wide Load really had his crazy on. This from a thread on Above Top Secret website.

    I don’t think Korff can be considered a debunker... he adds more bunk to the field than most UFO (blind) believers.

    His book, as it is shown in one of those videos you posted, is basically a cut & paste job from other people’s work on Roswell. So what exactly has he done to be considered a debunker? Nothing, in my opinion.

    I guess people call him a debunker because he’s against the ETH and other (conspiracy) theories. But he really hasn’t debunked anything.

    But the really sad reality is that there aren’t any people worthy of being called debunkers. There are things in the UFO field that do need to be debunked, because they really are bunk. All this bunk poisons the pool and taints the good cases, helping to keep on giving the UFO field a bad name.

    I would probably be called a UFO believer by most skeptics, but I recognize how important it is for the name of the field, it’s reputation and the quality of the research, if there were true skeptics scientifically debunking hoaxes and embellished stories, and analyzing the research being done by “UFO Researchers”.

    Most of the time, things end up being debunked by “UFO Researchers” themselves, while researching a particular case or story.

    There are plenty of pseudoskeptics like Michael Shermer, though, who act like they are skeptics, but haven’t really checked the evidence and do ‘research’ by proclamation, as Stanton Friedman puts it.

    And just like the doe-eyed believers, they are an embarrassment and useless to the field.

  23. Kal Korff is a guzzler....

    Kal Korff: When I worked at Boeing it was an open secret that Clinton was in Boeing's pocket, he was president at that time.

  24. Dinner with the troops, Kal. That was a lie.

  25. ... for obvious reasons....

    Pedo fuck

    Kal Korff: I just got an email from, informing me that my expose book on the Billy Meier UFO cult, Spaceships of the Pleiades: The Billy Meier Story, is on a special discount price 20% off at just $9.59 for the eBook edition.

    This book is the bestselling expose book of all time on the Meier UFO hoax.

    I have to smile at this, while I am not interested in buying it, (for obvious reasons, since I am the author).
