Sunday, April 6, 2014

Kal Korff: Hi everyone. I am genuinely honored and truly humbled to report that I have THREE articles published in today's newspaper, Daily Post. This is the first one, it is a full one page special on the recent "retirement" of the U.S. Ambassador Nancy Powell in India, and how the whole affair was incompetently mishandled by the Obama administration. The "spin" they have been misleading the public with is exposed in this article. SAs an investigative journalist and columnist, it is always an honor to get any article published. It is especially a huge honor when you are given the privilege of writing a full page special for the larger, more widely circulated Sunday Edition. I hope you enjoy the article.
UPDATE: Remember when we told you that Korff started posting his "articles" on Facebook with no text; no modest boasting or humbled bragging. Here's an example of Korff responding to this blog and more proof that Korff visits this blog. He does "get the message" at least to some extent. Thanks for stopping by Korff and modifying your lunatic behavior... for a little while. Asshole.
A recent Korff Facebook post you won't believe....


  1. Brit_in_PragueApril 06, 2014

    "Can you just imagine the horse-shit Korff is going to spread over this guy asking this question on Facebook....

    Kenneth Dudley: Kal Korff check out my last comment on the john alexander link...I would like to find out more about oct 19 1973 date.. your date"
    ---what is this a reference to? Anyone know?

  2. Lord above, that lard ass jus' makes it up and he "rolls" along. He has no more of an idea about oct. 19, 1973 than a "fly on the bloody moon."

  3. Regarding Kenneth Dudley; not sure. We look around a bit but we got bored trying to figure out what the hell he was talking about.

    And, of course, he never responded to this public post on his "public" wall, such as it is.

    We've been pushing this Humble Bragging, and Modest Boasting, because it seems the only thing Korff has left AND it continues to show him as the ignorant, little boy that he is will always be....

    No videos, no threats, hardly any promises other than to post photos which he almost never does...

    Korff might wonder, and others might wonder as well; why keep this up, there's nothing left to expose.

    We will not stop.


    Korffing Syndicate

  4. I think it is just a matter of time before Korff relapses into his old ways and starts riding around on his crazy horse again. Kal can;t help himself and his self adulation might be a sign that crazy Kal is creeping back out. Fuck the meds, Kal, be your batshit crazy self and let it all fly!!! LMFAO!!!

  5. I agree. Some of the greatest writers and artists in history were wired to the moon. Don't fight it, Karlton.

  6. I am really enjoying and appreciate the imaginative art work that accompanies recent posts, FN.

  7. How I despise you. How I loathe you.

  8. How I despise you. How I loathe you.

    It's a physical ache.

  9. I must admit that I also despise and loathe that roly poly lard ass also.

    "Once it has been smelled .. it can't be unsmelled!"

  10. But Korff, you lying fuck, we have you on recorded stating that you started to learn the violin again, just a few years ago.

    Lying Liar.

    Kal Korff: I LOVE violin music. I have always regretted when I stopped playing it after a year of doing so in the fifth grade. I hope to return to it someday. I hope you can make it to India sometime, please let me know if you do.

  11. Your Mother must be so proud....

    Kal Korff: My Mom told me this morning, true story, that her medical plan went UP $30 a MONTH under ObamaCare. I reminded her that Obama says this is "good for her," so according to DumboCrat Harry Reid, my Mom must be a "liar" right?

    ObamaCare, like so much the DumboCrats do, is dysfunctional.

    An Inconvenient Truth is that MOST of the UNINSURED ARE NOT SIGNING UP.

  12. I said this before but it is So Right On, I am going to say it again ..

    "Genius son, 500 book publishing deal, Secret Wars TV series, 219 IQ, celibrity batchlor that women "bought", terrorism expert and UFO expert in high school, designer of an A-bomb when he was what, 14, S-3 Colonel, Arab Sheik gifted him 25 million dollars, iPads for Peace, works for a MEDIA Giant, war games on the Afghan border ... Do you get the idea that this mouth breathing lard ass is like, maybe outta his mother-fucking mind? Hmmmm ....

  13. Brit_in_PragueApril 14, 2014

    Still waiting for that "fact-checking commentary" on Obama's speech on Prague ... when was it, Korff? 2009? 2010? 2009, I believe ...

    Lying, worthless scum.

  14. Lying Liar.

  15. Stop_LYING_Korff!!!April 15, 2014

    The lies!

    The endless, pointless, pathetic lies ...

  16. Notice: no example of what he saw, where he saw it, with whom he saw whatever he saw, with...

    Lying Liar

    Kal Korff: As I have always said since high school, when I witnessed voter fraud "which doesn't exist," -- I seek system which insures the INTEGRITY of the vote. There's nothing "wrong" in this, and those who genuinely love and respect our democratic process would also seek the same.

  17. Bad news this morning from Ukraine. The world stands on a precipice.

    Step forward, Kalvin - we need leadership. (Or at least, a few vials of nanodust ...)

  18. Ha, ha, ha!

  19. Brit_in_PragueApril 16, 2014

    I wonder what's up with Kurtis Kern Korff, Karlton's fellow philanthropist and all-round upright citizen.

  20. I'll take Grassy Knoll for $100, Alex.April 17, 2014

    Hey guys, glad to see the blog is still here. Dusted off the Roswell books last month for a laugh and just had to see what Kernal Kornflake is up to. Dinner with the troops, Kal! Remember that? Valor stealing cowflop.

    The image of you plinking along to Day Tripper on your Sears Roebuck guitar is even more stomach churning than the new flabby bearded washed-up fruitcake in camo pants getup. Looks like the Stupid Secret Services backed off those basic fitness requirements. Like, wow.

    All sorts of new Roswell programs and UFO Files episodes to enjoy, none of them featuring flying saucer fanatic Karlton K. Koff at all. The blog has served its purpose, please continue doing so. Will be around.

  21. Thank you, Grassy Knoll.

    Consider yourself owned, Kalvin.

    You nutjob.

  22. We will never stop.

    Korffing Syndicate

  23. Kal K Korff:

    He is an immature, confrontational man-child who causes disruption anytime he doesn’t get his own way and has a tendency to belittle people who have a difference of opinion even if they’re right. He is an obnoxious, infantile failure in a perpetual state of almost crying who is so unreasonable that he doesn’t care about the other people in his orbit, only in asserting his own feeble authority. Failure.

  24. Korff, you live in a wonderful place. Fits you perfectly....

    Haven't heard you mention this on Facebook, have we.

    Fuck head.

    "Apparently there’s a huge problem, or should I say POOblem in India. People are defecating in the streets, so often, that they need a PSA to remind people to use a bathroom."

    Watch the poo party video here:


  26. Lying worthless evil pedo turdApril 18, 2014

    Well, in a very real sense, Korff has just added one more turd to the mix.

  27. Hi Every.... one.

    You pedo piece of shit.

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. Tomorrow I should have an expose published in the newspaper over this letter that has gone "viral" on the Internet (no thanks in a large part to Facebook) from the Ukraine which has said that Jews must now "register" themselves, declare all of their property, ad nauseum.
    We saw this before under Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.

    The DIFFERENCE is that this letter IS A HOAX, whereas Hitler was real and went on to commit the Holocaust.
    The letter is being exposed because it is a HOAX and unless it is exposed as such, it will "grow legs" on its own and eventually become a false urban legend like so many other things, unfortunately, in today's society.
    Just wanted you to know.

  28. Kal Korff, master of the humble bragging. Please like me, please tell me I'm special.

    Korff, you just don't get it. Posting things like this on Facebook only conforms to the majority of your "friends" that you are an ignorant, petty little man.

    Imagine, a 52 year old man-child, forced to move away from the USA and live in a country where the people shit in the street, and so often that they felt the need to release articles and videos reminding people to use a toilet.

    Serves you right you fucking lunatic.

    Wired to the moon.

    Hi everyone. Today I am honored to report that I have two articles in the Daily Post, which is India's fastest growing English language newspaper. The articles are also on the Internet of course, and are also sent out as ePaper to tens of thousands of DP's readers.

    Hope you enjoy these articles, as a journalist and columnist it is always an honor to be published, especially in a mainstream credible news entity, and an even rarer privilege when what you write is deemed "important enough" to warrant being published on the front page.

    THANKS again for all of your kind words and support, they mean a lot to me.

  29. And your book, or series of book... or e-book, or series of e-books....

    Fucking numb nuts.

    Kal Korff: For EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS, which is what Billary was paid for her upcoming book, one would think that they could at least pick an ORIGINAL title. But instead they're playing the same tired game.

  30. So humble, so crying out for attention....

    Private Investigator Recovered Over $2M for Psychic Fraud Victims

    Kal Korff: Thanks to Skeptical Inquirer, a magazine I have had the honor of having articles published in before, for printing this great story.

  31. Pedo...

    Kal Korff: This is amazing, great news, a real medical breakthrough. I am happy for these women who can successfully undergo such an amazing procedure.

  32. It's never good enough to just have a son (which he does not) no, it has to be a genius son. It's never good enough to just travel with family for the joy of traveling with family, no, you must travel and help with some bullshit archaeological preservation work and analysis... while you're "family" waits alongside their genius son... hoping to win yet another award of some made up sort for some made up discovery... So humble and very honored.

    Fuck you Korff.

    Please Mommy love me! Don't give any thought to those 15 years (all posted at of those lies about me, none of which are true.... I swear! It's all made up! I never threatened anyone! I never made claims that were all lies! I really did give away iPads for Peace! No really, I did have a son; I've just... misplaced him, that's all!!!!

    Kal Korff: In the fall later this year, I'll be traveling with family relatives to some of these places, will be doing a lot of exploring for six months, helping with some archaeological preservation work and analysis, and of course writing about many of these places. Can't wait to take my Mom and Aunt there, etc.

  33. "we LUV YA for it turd bird"

    Happy Easter Kalvin....

  34. Brit_in_PragueApril 20, 2014

    Just had a marvellous day playing cricket here in Prague. Do you watch a lot of cricket, Kalvin? Surely you must have noticed it around you...

  35. "Kal Korff: In the fall later this year, I'll be traveling with family relatives to some of these places..."
    ---Kalvin - what other kind of relative *is* there apart from a "family relative"?

  36. ... a relatively stupid friend, or genius son.

  37. Gee, I wonder if there's a single image on the web that shows Korff and Eric von Daniken together, you know, like friends... lets take a look...

    Nope. Just Korff referencing Eric von Daniken in his books.

    Fucking liar.

    Kal Korff: My friend Eric von Daniken (of Aniencit Astronauts and Chariots of the Gods fame) would be PLEASED with this UNCENSORED photo!Thanks to Lorinda Rainwater for originally posting this.

  38. Kalvin Karlton Korff is pure pondscum.

  39. Stop_LYING_Korff!!!April 22, 2014

    You know, Kalvin. All you have to do is close your Facebook account and we'd have nothing to write about. You could lie and lie and lie to your neighbors, (non-existent) "friends", "wife", and whatever little girls and other assorted unsuspecting dupes that you currently have in your sights, and we'd be none the wiser.

  40. That there Korffing post, is about as truth as you gonna get!

  41. Kal K Korff, no honor, no shame, how does this dirtbag even look at his fat body in a mirror? No friends, no real work, no way to justify his meager existence. How do you manage to even drag your corpulent fat bulging lead ass outta bed in the morning turd boy? How do you justify another day of your useless existence ... and continue to do that day after day? Some day your thieving and lying ways will ambush your useless self and then ... oh boy will it all come home. Hey Lard Ass, have you impersonated any Israei Generals or California Lawyers lately? Huh? Have you threatened anyone with a lawsuit today? You worthless Pedo waste of skin, water and lard. We are still watching you Tubby. Bet on it ...

  42. I can't help myself FN. Damn, I am on a roll ...

  43. You are fellow Korffer! And we're loving it!!!!

  44. Brit_in_PragueApril 23, 2014

    What about (with apologies to Monty Python's spam song -

    Evil scum, delusional scum
    Lying scum, honour-less scum


    Loser scum
    Theiving scum
    Smelly scum
    Pedo scum
