Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Biggest Loser

Comments are always welcome.
Ha, ha, ha! That's rich. 

"Dear Mr. Korner, when I do a search on your name I see hundreds of hateful images, articles, a blog, a website and a youtube channel which say that you are a liar and a thief and much worse. Can you please comment of this."


  1. "They Weren't Green"January 11, 2015

    What a humbling honor!

  2. I got to wonder how often the Wide Load Fat Ass pants and wacks off looking at the picture of Bieber? 2 or 3 times an hour? Hmm??

  3. Bozo the Clown lost his seat as "Least Credible Human Being" to Kal Korff long ago. To think that bizarre UFO happy pinheads like Linda Moulton Howe and the creepy Dr. Steven Greer come off as reliable sources in comparison took prolonged effort. And he just had to work a paranormal topic in somehow to try and equate his insane obsessions with everyday pop culture which normal humans consume. Congratulations Kal, you're a tool.

  4. yes, India is, and what are you doing to help fix the problem Korff. In a word; nothing but hatred.

    Kal Korff: It doesn't matter what the temperatures are or arguing over a thermometer. What DOES matter is that we are polluting and destroying the Earth too much.

  5. I like how the blog master inserts that Head Master photo in Korff's profile picture.

    Hey Korff, why not just use that photo? Stop hiding from yourself.

    Of wait, that's why you moved to India in the first place isn't it.

  6. This new development only further demonstrates the nerds who run Daily Post are inept fuckwits for not having found out the storied history of "Kal's Korner" before allowing this mentally ill unemployed flying saucer fanatic resurrect it on their bandwidth. So now we know. People in India are just as stupid as everywhere else on the planet, or just as eager to believe whatever they hear from a manipulator.

  7. Does this really need a comment?

    Kal Korff: I'm NOT going to "apologize" for the fact that I'm NOT into "butt sex," -- I'm not a liberal and "progressive" it seems.

  8. Another Kal's Korner:

    Blowback: Now Kerry Goes To Paris

    Just wait for it Korffer's. At some point Korff will (if he hasn't already tried to), make the "article" all about him and his amazing life's deeds and the locals will start to speak out against him.

    Hint, hint...

  9. Korff, commenting on this:

    Edward Snowden: Living in Russia Is 'Great'

    Kal Korff : Then please stay there forever, Mr. Snowden.

    Fleeing... Feeling similar Korff?

  10. Living in India is great.

    Fill in the blanks, Karlton.

  11. Well, hahahahaha!!! So, Kalvin isn't into "butt sex" huh? Well, isn't that special? Tell you what though ... I bet his "dirt bag, jail house" brother is! hahahahahahahahaha!!!

  12. Stop_LYING_Korff!!!January 16, 2015

    Lie after lie after lie after lie.

    When will you STOP LYING, Korff?

  13. Bless the Beasts and ChildrenJanuary 17, 2015

    Lots of people like to dress up and pretend to be things they're not. Like say, a ranking counter-terrorism volunteer analyst from an elite paramilitary group, hanging around embassy grounds in foreign capitols wearing rank insignia? The guy in the link targeted doctors, hung around hospitals and everyone knew he was full of shit too. Just because they don't say anything that doesn't mean people don't know anybody better. And ANYONE who knows who Kalvin Korff is knew all along he wasn't anything more than a former flying saucer expert on the run from his past.

    Nobody ever believed a word of it, just like they don't believe the "newspaper reporter", "private school headmaster" or "social program advocate" personas. All made up, complete with costumes, false credentials, misleading job titles, fictional published articles, hollow promises of shared supporting evidence like pictures or video. Just because they haven't said anything that doesn't mean they believe a single word of it, and keep quiet out of pity for someone who obviously needs extensive help & seems to be holding on to the ruse out of a desperate need for attention.

  14. Nice post Bless.


  15. It is amazing but after all these years quite a few people still visit this site to describe their loathing of Kal Korff. And what is even more amazing is the fact that Korff has been silent now for about 4 years. At least 4 years since his constant braying was finally closed down.

    Normally I would have long since moved on, forgetting about this very insignificant fool. I imagine the reason I still drop by here (and sometimes post) is that I can not forgive this buffoon for his attempts to harm a number of people for no other reason than they refused to bow down to this raging lunatic. People who Korff tried to cause major problems with their jobs, their families and their life. People who treated Korff kindly but this insignificant scum then took advantage of them. People who Korff stole from, stole property, stole valor and anything else that lunatic thought he could get away with. Well, I think we all know that sniveling fat ass coward will not be coming back to the USA anytime soon. He will continue to hide out in his Third World Shithole now pursuing his fantasy of being a "citizen journalist" leaving notes on his "locked down" FB page and growing increasingly fatter. Well Kal, you brought it all on yourself you lunatic, all on yourself. And NO, we won't go anywhere and we WILL NOT QUIT documenting your lunacy. You wanted some internet fame and Fat Boy --- you got it.

  16. niedermeyerJanuary 17, 2015

    lmao nobody EVER emailed kal korff asking for "dear mr. korner". not one, just another lie meant to be funny at the further expense of the czech people who were foolish enough to welcome him. but they learned, didn't they kal.

  17. The posts on this blog are killing it.

    Well done chaps.

  18. Brit_in_PragueJanuary 18, 2015

    I'll be seeing V*jt*ch S*dl*c*k shortly, Kalvin. I'm helping him with some English-language publicity materials. He's hoping for a bit of sponsorship.

    Should I give him your regards, you thieving scumbag?

  19. Brit,

    Maybe you could get some photocopies of the evidence that proves Korff is a thief so we can post it here and everywhere?

    Or not if that goes down a road V*jt*ch S*dl*c*k would rather not travel.


  20. Brit_in_PragueJanuary 19, 2015

    Don't think so. The poor man was devastated by Kalvin's betrayal. This is a guy who likes to assume the best of the people around him. I don't think he will want to rake over old coals.

  21. Understood. We move on to other Korffing duties.


  22. What you did to that kindly old gentleman was a disgrace, Kalvin. I wish there were some emoticon to convey the sheer, molten loathing that I feel for you. I wish I could get my hands on you ...

  23. Pls can we have a pic of your Punjabi princess wife, "Colonel"?

  24. Why isn't the great Kernal Korff using his nanobots and Special Secret Services to rescue hostages from ISIS? He must be too busy taking it in the ass. Come on Kal no one believes you when you say you're not into butt sex. Hell you probably adore taking it so far up your ass it tickles your tonsils.

  25. The lies of Kal K. Korff
