Friday, January 23, 2015

The Lies and the Failures Kontinue

On February 15th, Kal Korff added a new photo to his Facebook Wall.
Kal Korff, publicly accept the responsibility for the decisions
that you've made or 
we will hold you accountable, forever.

Korffing Syndicate -


  1. Mr. Korner (aka Wide Load) said;

    August 13, 2014

    Kal Korff: BREAKING NEWS!
    This is for people who have an interest in my next two books coming out as early as next month and by the end of this year: I have just viewed the final cover for one of these upcoming titles and have signed off on it, it has also been reviewed legally and passed

    As soon as I have release dates I'll let everyone know. There is so much to do on so many fronts, I'll also be starting the smart classes shortly we are launching at Noble World School where I am also the Principal, this school exists in a very underdeveloped area of India and is the FIRST school in this region to have iPad centric classes and agreements with dozens of schools so that Indian children can learn with their "study buddies" online together. I am genuinely honored and humbled to have been asked to help manage this project and advise on it, more such schools will be opened up across India after this first project is complete. We're closer to being done than not, it's been a lot of work and everyone involved works hard. We have some really great staff and talent."

    Well Mr. "Tons of Fun" we are all still waiting, you lying POS. When will it become clear that in the eyes of the world (at least the people that had the misfortune of learning about you) ... you are an absolute ZERO with ZERO credibility.


  2. Stop_LYING_Korff!!!January 25, 2015

    Another. Kompletely. POINTLESS. Lie.

    Why do you have to lie all the time, "Kolonel"?

  3. WAG FaceBook Update

    Hi everyone. I'm honored to report that I recently traveled to the city of Agra to tour the Taj Mahal. Here's my travel article on it, I'll post more images a bit later, since hundreds of photos were taken of this and the nearby fort, which I'll cover in another article. Was lucky to get there on a clear day and good weather, because the next day there was not much visibility. Hope you enjoy the piece.

  4. "They Weren't Green"January 28, 2015

    How humbling it must be, to be so honored.

    Try to be patient and just let Kal be Kal. The updates will write themselves when called for. WAG has your back. No need to push for a zinger every week unless the behavior warrants it. Keep the clocks running, they say it all. Stopping Kal from ruining people's lives is a long term observance and doubtless this blog & its related site have saved many from getting involved with his pestillent existence.

  5. Perhaps we could have another round of photoshopped Kalvin images?

    I would be happy to critique Karlton's literary efforts once in a while.

    And it'd be useful to keep tabs on the dirtbag brother's doings ... I'm sure he'll pop his head up over the parapet sooner or later.

  6. neidermeyerJanuary 28, 2015

    a travel writer? now there is something korff might actually have a thing for. especially a how-to guide for those looking to hide from their pasts

  7. Kal Korff, laughing at someone promoting themselves as something they might not be...


    Look in the mirror Korff.

    You want to debate me, lets go Korff. I'll come out of the shadows and take you head on.

    You pick the radio show, the date and the time. I wont pussy out... sound familiar.

    You fucking meat head.

    Kal Korff, "I'll debate any one, any time..."

    Another proven lie.

    What shall we debate? Your claims, of course, plain and simple.


    Kal Korff: Desperate. So sayeth this CONspiracy nut who spreads and promotes false claims and lies by other COnspiracy nutters all the time. Not that he will respond, but I CHALLENGE Ventura to a debate on JFK's assassination, since he stupidly believes Oswald didn't kill Kennedy in part because Ventura can't shoot straight with a Mannlicher-Carcano. I can and did years ago, so have others. It's called PRACTICE Jesse. There's also forensics and ballistics and other realities he ignores.

    I had to laugh when Ventura was promoting himself as a "fighter," -- I didn't know that FAKE "wrestling" was suddenly "real"

    smile emoticon

  8. kettle, meet black, and stupid;

    Kal Korff: I cannot vote for ANY politician who says, as Newt did, that he cheated on his wife because he loves America. Newton is not worthy of lecturing Americans on morals, in my view. Not when he violates the same ones he attacks others over.

  9. And why do you even care about money, and social security and retirement Korff?

    Because you lie.

    September, 2006: PLEASE don't HATE ME for this, but ever since 1991 the US govt has basically "left me alone" and I DON'T EVEN NEED TO FILE ANY INCOME TAXES! I HAVE NOT SINCE 1991 AND THEY ARE "OK" WITH THIS!!

    Question: How is Total Research able to finance this expensive long term research?

    Korff’s answer: (looks down at the floor, lets out a long breath of air and starts pacing around the stage) Well, I’m a computer nerd, I’m not married, I have no life, I’ve spent a hundred thousand dollars of my own money doing it so, I am, my hobbies are my relaxation, I pay for it myself.

    2006: Kal Korff." Sheik Khalid Mohammad, the gulf millionaire playboy is one of the financial backers behind the new reality-based TV series “Secret Wars” which chronicles my activities as a Captain in the Israeli-founded Special Secret Services (S3), and he is also financing my research with a budget of $25 million dollars.

    January 31, 2015: Kal Korff: Well, I am 75 YEARS OLD according to this scientifically worthless quiz. I wish someone had told me this eight years ago so I could have been drawing Social Security all this time. American dollars go very far in India and before i moved here, the Czech Republic.

  10. Ha, ha, ha!!!

  11. Fuck OFF, KorffFebruary 01, 2015

    "I wish someone had told me this eight years ago so I could have been drawing Social Security all this time."

    Unfortunately Social Security is intended to help support citizens of the USA who have paid into the system while EMPLOYED. If you don't have a job which pays money you aren't part of the Social Security system. You are usually regarded as a LEECH or a PARASITE living off HANDOUTS, and therefore not entitled to Social Security payments upon reaching retirement age. You cannot retire from a career you never had, especially if it is made up SAPSTOE super duper services intrigue or "writing" for a website in a foreign country. Kal's imaginary "earnings" while befouling India would not be paying into a Social Security fund as India is not part of the motherfucking United States of America.

    What is for sure is that Kal Korff's "friends" on Facebooks are aware that he is not gainfully employed and that the whole self-accredited journalist scam is a LIE, that he earns no significant wage off whatever it is he purports to do for Daily Post, and that he exists a largely subsistence lifestyle based on money he gets from his family.

    Which isn't illegal or that unusual, with Kalvin's use of LIES to exaggerate his status being what sets him apart from your run of the mill garden patch variety layabout still living in mom's basement in the secret SAPSTOE headquarters at age 52. It's been said before and deserves being noted again: Just because Kal's followers do not take him to task for being such a loser it doesn't mean they aren't aware of it. Just feel sorry for someone who obviously needs extensive psychological treatment including having his teeth knocked out by one or more of his victims. THEY deserve whatever restitution Kalvin's meager earnings may provide, and Kal deserves to be publicly and thoroughly humiliated for his behavior.

    THE END.

  12. No, this is the Korffing kwote of the week:

    Just feel sorry for someone who obviously needs extensive psychological treatment including having his teeth knocked out by one or more of his victims. THEY deserve whatever restitution Kalvin's meager earnings may provide, and Kal deserves to be publicly and thoroughly humiliated for his behavior.

  13. Kal Korff: I am Jewish, yes, but I am not a "my country right or wrong" type of person, never have been. I am American, born and raised in California, Bay Area, and I am a Jew.

  14. Kal Korff: I am all for science, which is WHY I object to bozos on the far right and far left. Extremism in all forms is wrong.

  15. I could hook you up with Dignitas, turd worm ...

  16. "... Dignitas"

    Ouch! :-)

  17. You want the truth?

    Kal Korff: Yes, Pelosi and the Democrats are "too busy" to attend Netanyahu's speech. ANYTHING butt tell the TRUTH, right Nancy? Please, RETIRE!

  18. Comments are ALWAYS Welcome!! Right Karlton?? LOL!!!!

  19. At least Jesse Ventura was actually in the military unlike that fat slob Kal K. Korff. Jesse Ventura also has had a radio show, a published book, been involved in politics, has had a tv show, and was also an operator in the Navy SEALs. What has Kal done with his worthless, valor stealing dumb ass? Exactly.

  20. For the sake of truth, Kalvin did have 2 books and published, and one slim pamphlet as well.

    Not the 20, 30 or 40 that he claimed...

    2... and one slim pamphlet.

  21. Well, well, well Wide Load...

    5 months past due and WAG tells the syndicate that you've been silent on this fact since, well, 5 months ago.

    Why the lies?

  22. happy red mogul balloon!February 06, 2015

    jesse ventura: served his country honorably in an elite branch of service, has enjoyed an extensive career in the public eye since

    kal korff:

    (crickets chirping)


  23. WAG FaceBook Update


    Kal Korff: I love history :-)

    So do we...

  24. jesse ventura: served his country honorably in an elite branch of service, has enjoyed an extensive career in the public eye since including as an elected official.

    kal korff: disgraced flying saucer expert who has contributed nothing of merit to society while victimizing others, on the run & trying to hide from his past in a squalid 3rd world country.

    bold text = my additions

  25. Stolen Valor in their resume Stolen Valor in their resume Stolen Valor in their resume Stolen Valor in their resume Stolen Valor in their resume Stolen Valor in their resume.

  26. WAG FaceBook Update

    What to believe....

    Kal Korff: For my Mom and Aunt who were visiting recently in India, they'll appreciate this. Hope you do too.…/why-you-must-vis…/ss32012337.cms

  27. LMFAO! Where is the mighty Kernal Korff and his Super Duper Special Secret Services? Affirmed without opinion, bitch!
    I thought Kal was going to take this case on? Thats right he did and thats why his dirtbag brother lost the lawsuit! Nice job Kernal Tosser!

  28. So, if I read this right, all that material Kalvin sent to the court; the endless faxes and e-mails, didn't even make it into the case?

  29. I mock you, there, I said it....

    Kal Korff: I mock the Obama administration on this and always have because being a veteran FOIA type guy myself dating back to when I was a teenager re UFOs, JFK's assassination and other things our beloved govt has curious issues over, when I heard Obama and the Dems say this lie, I had to speak up.

    I NEVER believed for one minute Obama would keep his campaign "promises" on secrecy, they were obviously to me just cheap stunts to get votes, there usual pablum just enough voters will typically fall for.

    He's actually tightened things beyond what Bush did and has gone way beyond Bush re privacy, etc.,, he still lies about it and denies many things, or just won't address them and the fact remains that our rights are less now under Obama than they were under Bush.

  30. WAG FaceBook Update

    Kal Korff: Shame on anyone who doesn't do what's right.

  31. Please tell us what will happen and what to think.

    Kal Korff: Well, as PREDICTED yesterday, since I wrote this yesterday and it just appeared in the latest issue of today's Daily Post India, France and Germany have sold out Ukraine and Putin wins. Let's stop pretending. I'll write a follow up piece for tomorrow on this, providing specific details and explain why. This was so predictable, which means it's sad.

  32. Kal Korff: This is for my Mom, who loves horses and recently was in India.

    And yet, no photos of Korff and his Mother and Wife on Facebook. Not a single photo, ever.

  33. 5 months later and nary a mention on FaceBook regarding a book, or series of books.

    Way to go Lard Ass.

    The love your Mother must have for you continues.

  34. Brit_in_PragueFebruary 16, 2015

    Actually, that pearl of wisdom is a load of bollocks, isn't it? There are plenty of things that are out of our control, Korff, you self-righteous turd.

    Dear God, how I despise you.

    Scammed any Indian parents who only want the best for their kids, yet?

  35. How about when it is not born at all, liar.

    Kal Korff: Just think, folks, some people are so "progressive" in their beliefs, they actually argue that this is NOT "human" until it is physically born! Talk about being in "denial" of science!!

  36. Brit_in_PragueFebruary 18, 2015

    Hear ye! Hear ye! You have a brother-in-arms here, Kalvin:

  37. Wow, perfect.

  38. Daniela AbrahamovaFebruary 21, 2015

    I shall be holidaying with my big, strong husband in India this year, Mr Korff. If only I had your address. Once I get there I will make enquiries. It will be a pleasure to meet you again. You don't remember me, do you, Mr Korff? Oh, but I remember you, and what you did to a friend of mine.

  39. "My big, strong husband..."

    Kalvin will poo his pants.

  40. I'd like to see that. I'd like to see Kalvin Karlton Korff tracked down, brought to bay and taking the medicine that he deserves.

  41. "Kalvin will poo his pants"

    --- Actually, he'll probably just take a dump in the street. This is India we're talking about.

    How's your "clean up India" campaign going, Korff. Much like your "iPads for Peace" and "Noble World" scams, I imagine.

    You are vermin, Korff. You are scum.

  42. A doctor writes ...February 22, 2015

    Kalvin looks as though he's heading for (if he hasn't already developed) type two diabetes.

    Hope so. That should lower his life expectancy a bit.

  43. Sooner or later, someone will catch up with you, Kalvin.

    A full, public apology. And a public pledge to refrain from your past behaviour. That's what we want to see. Otherwise, you will spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder.

  44. Daddy, what's a SAPSTOE?

  45. Daddy, you told me that all the stuff I see on the internet is from your haters and UFO nuts... why is there so much, why has it gone on so long and why haven't you every stood up for yourself and proved that they are liars? I'm getting made fun of at school....

  46. Another Korff Like asshole:
