Monday, December 7, 2015

Living Rent Free - LRF

Enjoy the new opening for the first episode of the Kal Korff Show:

There is proof that Korff attended this event. There is also proof that the company that put this event on would rather not make this public. Currently, they haven't released a single image with Korff in it. Maybe Korff's "Jabba the Hut" look isn't what... they're looking for....

Enjoy the new opening for the first episode of the Kal Korff Show:

WAG FaceBook Update

You know what we love about this post; Korff monitors this site and we are way under his skin and living rent free in that empty head. Korff can't post something on FaceBook without a focus on us. Did he attend this event? Who knows, it sure looks that way from the award with his name on it... are we living rent free in that little brain, absolutely.

Hey Kalvin, if this really happened, embrace it buddy, don’t worry about your kritics, just embrace your wonderful life, post some photos of you and those lovely lady’s. Kalvin, did your lovely Punjab wife (you know, the one you didn't thank in your first radio show) ... did she go with you... one wonders...?  BTW, Korff isn't in the 6 photos he posted.

There, see Kalvin's name is right there... but where's Kalvin?

And just to set the record straight, we did uncover at least one time that Korff claimed to judge a contest and one of the people involved with the event said the opposite of this claim. We judge that Korff Klaim to be a Korff lie.


  1. "Isn't what they're looking for..."

    These aren't the Droids you're looking for...

    I get it, I get it!!!!

    Ha, ha, ha!!!!

  2. WAG FaceBook Update

    I'm wondering why this guy isn't looking into Korff's background? They must be very hard up for judges to invite the slovenly Kal K. Korff .

    Way to go Prashant B'waj

    And Kalvin, you continue to miss the big picture. Your status on the internet is ruined for the rest of time. The Korffing Syndicate wanted to shut you down for many reasons and they have succeeded. No more videos, no more web site, etc. I assume they will release some very interesting audio based on your new "radio" show. The bottom line is this Kalvin; it doesn't matter if some of your activities are real, the Syndicate OWNES you.

    You used the internet to spread your lies and hate, your favorite tool will never look the same. There's no turning it back. You fucked up.


    Prashant B'waj Creativator: Hey Kal Korff I noticed last year someone commented
    I wish to clear that it's true fact that you are part of our Jury members from last 4 consistent years 2012 #Megamodels n manhunt and since 2013 you are doing judgement in #NorthIndiasNextTopModels

    We appreciate your kind presence n support for our events.

    Lots to more coming and hope to meet you today for exclusive press conference with our winners for #MaxFashion winter collection launch.

    Kal Korff: Thank you Prashant, your kind words are appreciated. There will always be nut jobs out there, that's life. I look forward to seeing you l;atet today and doing the feature article on the new winners.

  3. Korff complained about the new kal Korff Show #1 Opening, so soundcloud pulled it. We expected this. You can now watch and listen to it here:

  4. Looking over the Blog archive I see a bit over 400 threads posted since 2008.

    Wow, that's got to be a record of some sort.

    Some visitors to this blog probably wonder what's all the fuss?

    This thread provides one of the best collections of proof why Kal K. Korff decerves all of this and more:

  5. WAG FaceBook Update

    Do you really Kalvin. You know people who abuse religious "types"... Are you a religious type Kalvin?


    Kal Korff: It's not just religious intolerance. It is intolerance, period.

    I know several "humanists' who abuse religious types because they feel that anyone who believes in "God" is backwards and stupid.

    I try to remind these types that they cannot possibly know if "God" exists or not, nor prove how life began in the universe, etc.

    Usually scorn is heaped on me until I remind these equally intolerants that I am the author of expose books exposing the paranormal and have had lead articles published in the Skeptical Inquirer.

  6. Over 10,000 views! Thank you Korffing Syndicate!!!!

    Kal Korff radio Show #1 Opening

  7. WAG FaceBook Update

    Over a 9 hour period, 5 people Liked this posting. Worldwind response right there.

    Nobody cares Korff.

    Upgrading "their" computers... From a guy who couldn't keep a single web site up and running, while lying, saying that he had many web sites, with different data on each, running at the same time. And that my Korffer friends, the lie about many web sites at the same time, never happened and was a Korff lie we had nothing to do with.

    Kal Korff: Hi everyone. Just a short notice to let you know that I will be delaying the next broadcast off the Kal Korff Radio Show by 1-2 days because of a scheduling conflict (I have to attend an awards ceremony where we will be recording, which takes place Indian Standard Time in the morning in conflict with the planned broadcast time), and I am upgrading our computers on a less than reliable 4G connection which is scheduled to be fixed. The show will air either the next day, or at latest, day after. THANKS!

  8. The Unknown KorfferDecember 13, 2015

    So the Beauty Contest obsession continues. Kal Korff as either judge or prize of a beauty contest or beauty auction or some other function involving evaluation of physical attractiveness, the results always favoring Kalvin over every other male in the room. Not just improbable, it's a fantasy and Kalvin Korff is one pathetic object of disgust. Being a fatbody slob isn't the issue, its the ugliness of who he is: Bigoted, homophobic, lying sack of shit who has never done anything meaningful with his life. A failure.

    I had to stop looking in for a while. It's annoying to know that Korff will never change. As long as his family is willing to support his gluttony it will never stop. I wrote a blog post to share but don't want to provide Korff with attention. He is mentally ill and there's better things for me to do with my time than pay any more attention to his worthless existence, unless it is to be entertained. But even that factor is now diluted by being keenly aware that Korff wont be getting any help or treatment for his mental illness if he has any say in the matter. The only difference between Korff and some homeless nutcase living behind a dumpster is that Korff can write rent checks for whatever hovel he and his blow-up doll "wife" have been festering in.

    Speaking of which I'm also learning here that he has dropped the "wife" claim from his public persona. Did someone whom his lies don't work on finally get through? and convince him that nobody in the world believes that such a pathetic slob has a woman in his life, and that the whole Indian princess routine was an insultingly obvious lie that hurt those whom he was telling it to?

    Merry fucking Christmas, Shithead. Please stay in India forever, where you are as far away as possible from myself and those whom I love.

  9. "I will be delaying the next broadcast off the Kal Korff Radio Show by 1-2 days because of a scheduling conflict"

    What the hell are you lying about now?!?

    A scheduling conflict! You record this train wreck anytime you choose. There's no schedule, there are no sponsors, what the fuck!

    Wait, wait a Korffing minute... Isn't this what you said after "show" #1....

    December 7, 2015:

    Kal Korff: BY the way, my radio show has already been picked up by a MAJOR NEWS ORGANIZATION NOW, a GLOBAL ONE, so in a couple of weeks it will be part of a major global media entity.

    Really... REALLY. Follow the lying ball Korffer's. Remember when Korff claimed that he inserted "code" into his "articles" so his haters couldn't locate his material he wrote for his "media giant"? You know, code that would ferret out "only" the haters...

    Now he's telling people that his new "radio" "show" has been picked up by a "major" "global" "media" "entity" and they are okay with Korff just "broadcasting" his "show" anytime he pleases.

    Ha, ha, ha!

    Fuck you Korff.

  10. WAG FaceBook Update

    Butt Korff, you're a hater of the gays, and the new Spock is gay.

    That, and your hatred of the gays, are a matter of the public record.

    Lin Roswell: The actor who plays Spock is the spitting image of the original Spock. Amazing.
    Kal Korff: Yes, he does a great job.

  11. We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!!

  12. Oh yea, I am on board for this ..

    We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat!!

    Where you at Santa in a Floppy hat?

  13. WAG FaceBook Update:

    This thread, with Korff's uber liberal High school teacher, speak for itself. Clearly, Korff is a political genius, just like his son....

    As his teacher's thinking goes, if you aren't a progressive, liberal Obama supporter, you're a know nothing redneck.

    We now understand where Korff got his "agenda free, clear headed thinking" from.

    I wonder what Jerry thinks about his name forever tied to the Korff internet stain, forever. Proud of the "work" he's done, I'm sure.

    Kal Korff: Oh "wonderful" at this rate soon he'll be passing 50%. Jerry Lapiroff, this is NOT good and things are NOT improving! This is ironic since in FRANCE Le Pen's party was just rejected. American voters don't have any common sense it seems.

    Jerry Lapiroff: You have to remember that's 41% of the 38% who are Republican plus some Independents - hard to tell how many given the lack of a statistic for Independents leaning Republican. It doesn't break 20% of the entire electorate. Still, the number of no-nothing's and bigots in this country is depressing. At least they are at highest concentrations in certain States rather than spread evenly across the country.

    Kal Korff: It's not only bigotry but fear based on not seeing the bigger picture. The ignorance is overwhelming. What I find sad about this is the more he opens his mouth and says more outrageous things, his popularity goes up. Just recently he bashed the British, said something like the only good thing to come out of GB was maybe Led Zeppelin.
    I guess he never heard of The Beatles

    Jerry Lapiroff: I can't believe that he cancelled Netanyahu- unless it was Netanyahu who cancelled him. Can you imagine President Trump getting pissed off at world leaders and refusing to see them?

    Kal Korff: Yep. Like Perot quitting the race, temperamental. I can also see him making very rash emotional decisions, which is scary. He doesn't have the cool temperament to be President and he doesn't listen to people.

    Jerry Lapiroff: Perot was way smarter than Trump but not nearly as shrewd.

    Kal Korff: Yes.

  14. BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!

    Re: Kal Korff Radio Show - Episode 1 - 5 Dec 2015

    9 days since the historic first episode of the Kal Korff Radio Show and the totals are in...

    70 page loads, 3 Likes.

    DEVELOPING NEWS!!!!!!!!!

    Re: Kal Korff radio Show #1 Opening

    6 days since the Syndicate edited Kal Korff Radio Show #1 Opening and the totals are in...

    3276 page loads and 3 Likes.

  15. Reading over what Korff has shared over the past few months it really does look like an immature unstable and somewhat delusional individual being humored by those who would seek to reassure him that everything is just fine, that they aren't going to judge. Its like Stuart Smally from SNL, with everyone dancing around the unmistakeable fact that he is a COMPLETE LOSER who is insisting on living in a fantasy world where he is an important person. Those who humor him on it are actually doing more harm to Kal than all of the Korffers put together, and thanks to them + his family he will never get the psychiatric help he obviously needs.

    Also if looks say anything about how people feel about having him around observe the facial expressions of those in the photograph with the beauty contest judge plaque or whatever the fuck that thing is. They don't look very happy, more startled or annoyed. Certainly not posing with smiles as they approvingly help Kal immortalize the moment. More like the look of people who have suddenly realized that they've been had.

  16. It pains me to say this, but here's video proof of Kal's attendance (at least) at the top model event. He does appear to be sitting with the judges.
