Thursday, December 17, 2015

The monologue that no one is listening to...

Our First KKK Radio Show Edit:

Here's a link to KKK Radio Show #2
Listen if you dare... try stay awake if you can...

A little something extra from SIAFH....


  1. I see that Santa is promising something special. Please Santa, give me something nice for Christmas!!!

  2. Damn the Syndicate is really making a hard push for the New Year. Congrats on 8 years of doing the good work that must be done.

  3. They Weren't GreenDecember 17, 2015

    What a humbling honor!

  4. We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat !! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat !! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat !! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat !! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat !! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat !! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat !! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat !! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat !! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat !! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat !! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat !! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat !! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat !! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat !! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat !! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat !! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat !! We Want Santa in a Floppy Hat !!

    Hey Santa, please don't keep us waiting !!

  5. He's working on his next Korffing project. He sent us that very funny "The Real Kal Korff" video to hold us over until he can get all his Korff's in a row.

    Santa sent up a rough copy of his project and it looks to be amazing... if he can stay off the sauce I think it'll happen...

  6. RE: Korff's 2nd Radio Show

    7 page loads in 24 hours.

    Epic failure

  7. Slowly but surely the Syndicate has forced Korff to tell the truth, at least from time to time. Here's his blurb off Soundcould:

    - Kal Korff is an internationally accredited Investigative Journalist and Columnist for the Daily Post newspaper. He is also the author of several expose books and has appeared on such major TV networks as CNN, Discovery Channel, ABC, FOX, MSNBC, NBC, etc.

    Notice that Korff now states that he has written "several" (3) books. At least this is closer to the two books and one pamphlet that Korff actually wrote, or cribbed together.

    Of course, this is the same person telling his Facebook friends that he's still using his decades old photoshop image because he hasn't had time to take any new ones... really?

  8. Wasn't there supposed to be a movie, another one, and some books, more books, released by now?

  9. you mean uploaded by now

  10. Yes, that would be the word....

  11. WAG FaceBook Update

    Kal K. Korff is one proud Jew, isn't he.... isn't he....

    Kal Korff: Did you know that BOTH Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock were Jews?! Both Shatner and Nimoy were Jews, Shatner was raised in an Orthodox family.

  12. And both of them would find Kalvin K. Korff to be a stomach churning disgrace of a human being that one avoid any contact with. A pathological bigot homophobe liar with no useful purpose in life other than converting fried fatty foods into feces. Both would recommend immediate psychiatric care and possible law enforcement actions on past misdeeds.

    All of these wannabe idiots are running from something. What did Kal Korff do that was so sickening that he's now hiding out in a squalid 3rd world country. Disgusting object of ridicule & vial amature.


  13. What a spot on post. Thanks for that Korffer, well done.

  14. Korff's 3rd "show" has been released, go to his soundcloud page to listen, if you must. He took the download option off... Of course, that didn't stop us from downloading it. He didn't like our Show #1 Opening Edit, we're working on show 2 and 3 right now.

    We have plans with all the media Korff ever releases for the rest of his life.

    Karma Kalvin.

    Also, Korff mentions at the end of Show 3 that he's in talks with a global media giant to broadcast his show. In response to this claim, Korff has started to add "commercial breaks" into his time line. The glaring issue(s) are this; the commercial breaker marker (where he inserts the break(s) clearly assumes his platform will be via the internet; like McConnell's show, podcasts, etc. A proper radio broadcast platform (AM FM, Sirius, etc) would; have many more commercial breaks and, because Korff doesn't know this, they would insert there own breaks, all Korff would do is record the media to their audio standards and give it over to them for editing, etc.

    We hope Korff wakes up to the fact that Youtube would be his best bet for the most coverage... and responses... more eyes and more hears and more... Korffer's :-)

    Come on Kalvin, get with the program.


  15. Isn't it interesting that Korff longs for kritics, haters and enemies.


    A person with no family or friends will covet their enemies.

    Get after it, before you die a miserable, old, lonely, friendless, man-child.

  16. We remember with joy the man tittie photos from this event... Korff got to be part of a 45 minute appearance spread across 5 people. 8 minutes per person. That's enough time for Korff, maybe too much time.

    First P'kula Lit Fest tomorrow
    Tribune News Service

    Panchkula, December 13
    The first Panchkula Lit Fest will be held at Satluj Public School, Sector 4, here, on December 15. It will witness a lot of young authors from the region and other parts of the country who will come together for talks based on books, book launches and sharing their thoughts, ideas and nostalgia on writing.

    These authors include Rohit Gore, Reekrit Sarai, Sachin Garg, Sudeep Nagarkar, Rahul Saini, Radhika Panickar, Anshul Khadwalia, Faraaz Kazi, Ravitaj Sandhu, Preeti Singh, Hardik Dhamija, Nikhil Mukhija and a host of other personalities.

    Padam Bhushan Sardar Anjum, Bittu Sandhu and Vivek Atray will inaugurate the festival.

    The first session, from 11.15 am to 12 pm, will have panelists, including Rohit Gore, Sachin Garg, Reekrit Serai, Payal Dhar, Kal K Korff, sharing how stories have shaped their lives, and how they have groomed their own art of storytelling into a unique identity.

    The second session, from 12pm to 12.45pm, will have panelists, including Faraaz Kazi, Sudeep Nagarkar, Rahul Saini, Ravitaj Sandhu, Sharon S Gupta and Lalit Sharma, who will share how stories are specially woven for a young adult audience, and why this genre is turning into such a phenomenon.

    The third session of the day will have young authors, including Hardik Dhamija, Nikhil Mukhija, Nikhil Uprety, Shubham Arora and Abhinav Pandey, who will share their experiences on writing for the first time and why they decided to write.

    A couple of books will also be launched on the occasion. At 2pm, Reekrit Serai’s new book - ‘Impulse Short Stories’ will be unveiled. There will be a book talk on ‘It started with a friend request’ by Sudeep Nagarkar. There is another book talk on ‘The other Side’ by Faraaz Kazi.

  17. It's interesting and, predictable, that if you look over the vast majority of the "articles" which Korff has "written" for his media giant, they have ZERO comments.

    To give kredit where kredit is due, Korff stays busy and he does "write" many, many "articles"...

    For such and honored and humble... man... this outcome and response to his "work" has got to sting like a son-of-a-bitch.

    Even when he "writes" an "article" about the gay goings on in India (and remember, he is a man with telling issues regarding the gays):

    He still can't muster any love from his "readers"....

  18. 471 days... damn.
