Thursday, May 18, 2017

Good choice, you bulbous fuck.



  1. Kal Korff is a liar.May 19, 2017

    Kal Korf claimed to have had Thanksgiving dinner with US troops in 2010 for attention on Facebook. Kal Korff is a liar.

  2. AnonymousMay 19, 2017

    Kalvin Karlton Korff is a liar!?! Say it ain't so. bwaahahahhaaahahahahahaha!!

  3. We have a new URL:

    You might ask, why didn't we go for Kal Korff? We have found that when you try to use a persons real name, or even a URL with the persons real name in it (sue crazy kal korff, comes to mind) it will not last. Better that we have URL's that last the test of time than just as long as a good belly laugh.

    Korffing Syndicate

  4. AnonymousMay 23, 2017

    No pictures of him and his mum on holiday. I'm sure mum paid for it all. Or perhaps Kal laid the bill on Daily World trying to impress mum? If that be the case then I wonder what Kal's employer would do to him? Hopefully it turns out mum paid for because if Kal did steal from a business in India then surely even his fat twat knows he'd be locked up in a prison there. 1,000 days late? So much for deadlines. That cunt Kal isn't very good at anything at all. Brilliant.

  5. korffed it upMay 24, 2017

    Has Korff begun exhibiting evidence of an obsession with Ariana Grande yet? She is a cutie in those kitten ears, and I bet she read the Annie Leibowitz book. AND considers Colonel Kevin Randle (US Army, Retired) a more credible source of information on Roswell than any other writer save Stanton Friedman.

    He could lecture Arianna and her fans about the REAL truth about Roswell, his insider access to terror intel and the successful nano projects which made Kal a trend-setter in the IT community. Nothing like a flying saucer expert to relay hard hitting facts about global terrorism. Why the two subjects are pretty much the same. An expert in one is an expert in the other. No need for any specialized training, education or service required.

  6. I Luv KalMay 24, 2017

    Books? Books??? Okay, I'll play. Hmm, let me think ... some huge fat assed Troll recently said something about his writing a new book on and about Obummer spying on Trump and ETC. ... Any word on that new book? Hmm??

    For years and years, when bored, I have witnessed this sad little fat excuse for a human being making all kinds of promises his huge fat mouth made that his (although EXTREMELY FAT ASS) his "humming bird" ass could NEVER cash ... Kalvin Karlton Korff ... the mental moron that will never learn, never truly go away, and lives in a Third World Shit-hole because if he lived anywhere else ... his fat ass would be getting drilled in some shit-hole prison, because they would lock him up ... you know ... kind of like his Dirt Bag Brother ... Yup, the apple does not fall very far from the tree ...

  7. AnonymousMay 24, 2017

    he could send ariana email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email,email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email after email, each in an increasingly hysterical tone ...

    until that Cease & Desist order. the meanies


  8. AnonymousMay 24, 2017

    Ha, ha, ha!

  9. I Luv KalMay 25, 2017

    Kalvin K Korff, truly a "Sad Sack, overflowing, "Bucket of Shit". Reading some of the additions to this thread from the front page, my head hurts. This fat little man-child really is a very special kind of stupid. Right, Mr. Accredited Journalist?

  10. AnonymousMay 26, 2017

    I Love I Luv Kal!

  11. AnonymousMay 27, 2017

    Kai is getting desperate again. He has nothing. The story about the flecks of manure in the ice is the kind of thing that will drive normal people to Unfollow.
