Sunday, May 28, 2017

This High School Graduate Is Better Than All Of You... just saying.


  1. AnonymousMay 28, 2017

    Regarding the radio show Kalvin is referring to. It was a British based radio show from over a decade ago. He brought Martina Tycova along to show her off.

    This was the last in-person radio show Korff was ever on.

    Blow jobs indeed.

  2. AnonymousMay 28, 2017

    Actually Korff, you are known for being a poser and a liar who is on the run from his past.

    You are not known for being a "blunt journalist" at all because you are not one. Just an infantile braggart disgraced flying saucer expert who conned their way into a position of access with a nothing website with a free YouTube channel in a 3rd world country boasting open sewers lining the streets. A nobody living a nothing life in the middle of nowhere, which is what you deserve.

  3. AnonymousMay 28, 2017

    Title of the next thread:

    A nobody, living a nothing life, in the middle of nowhere.

  4. AnonymousMay 29, 2017

    This reads as an ineptly arranged into a manifesto rather than a sober appraisal of actual accomplishments. Anyone who has ever done personnel management can see the bullshit stacking up quickly and would realize they are wasting their time evaluating a poseur with no verifiable work history. If evaluating the record I would discard the document after the 4th sentence for obvious exaggeration to the point of dishonesty. Would not recommend the hire.

    An accredited nothing whom nobody of importance cares about at all. And its the best Korff can do. He must have looked long and hard for a bunch of stooges even dumber that himself who would swallow such a bucket of BS or were themselves corrupt enough to play along. Either way I doubt Korff is getting health insurance benefits or has a retirement savings plan associated with his "job" as a mouthpiece for whatever Daily World is supposed to be.

  5. AnonymousMay 30, 2017

    For fuck sakes... I read that "bio".... It's been updated quite a bit. So many false claims and outright lies.

    These references do not exist, Korff made them up: BookBrowser, Korff Kiosks. We did some research on these claims, these were ideas (like the movie, the book or series of books, the radio show, the TV show....) that Korff floated many, many years ago. Nothing ever came of them.

    Damn, there's so many lies in the bio it's a return to those Klassic Krazy Korffing daze of old.

    And, as we've already proven, Kalvin Karlton Korff is not married. More proof; he took any reference to his Indian Wife out of this ever changing "bio."

    Hey Kalvin, keep changing your past and dodging the facts of your life, we're here to set the record straight.

    It's the least we can do.

    Korffing Syndicate

  6. AnonymousMay 30, 2017

    Kal, we know you read this blog multiple times a day. We know you're helplessly obsessed with what happens here and what new secrets of yours will be exposed. You said it yourself, Kal, that you're a public figure and we'll keep exposing your lies and shenanigans to the public to hold you accountable. Your lies, misdeeds, delusions, false claims, bogus biography, and fake past, all of it. You took pleasure for years in supposedly exposing others and putting a spotlight of shame on them. How does your own medicine taste, Kal?

  7. AnonymousJune 01, 2017

    Blunt is one way to describe Kal's jumbled writin style. His writing is shallow, basic, and below mediocre. How he ever got anything published is a miracle.

  8. AnonymousJune 01, 2017

    999 days overdue....

  9. AnonymousJune 01, 2017

    Kal tries hard to get people to believe he's some sort of tech genius but the stupid slob still calls his pathetic You Tube videos a TV show. The moron doesn't know you call it a channel. Even kids know this. Kal,is so out of touch. I read some piece of shit PDF "book" Kal wrote. There are 6th graders who put out more advanced and complex writing. Kal,is a naracisst

  10. AnonymousJune 01, 2017

    So Kal what ever happened to that confirmed dirt you had on Art Bell? That's right! It never existed like most of your claims. Tell us Kal, how did Art Bell's dick taste when you were forced to suck it on air in front of millions of listeners?

  11. AnonymousJune 01, 2017


    Nostalgia for the good old days of monitoring this prick made me look upon his most recent works on Youtube (Daily World). And, I'm sorry, but the guy now resembles a pink sweaty human / pig hybrid. That's the only fitting description of him that I can think of. Jesus, man!

  12. AnonymousJune 01, 2017

    Here's a list of all of Kal's old shit from the rag he scribbled for in Prague. not a single story about Venezuela. Kal only wrote about Venezuela for the Daily World starting in the summer when he decided to hop on the trend train AFTER actual media outlets started reporting the stories. It appears Kal doesn't know about the Internet and searching. Kal needs to vet his own delusions before letting the voices in his head make decisions for him. Kal wants so badly to be a trend setter in the news media and is just praying to get lucky and land a big story. Kal lives,in foreign countries on the hope that a big story will break and he'll be right there. Sadly, even if that happens, nobody will take Kal seriously and real news organization will give him the time of day. Kal can't fool people any more hence why he has not appeared on any major television shows for many years.

  13. AnonymousJune 02, 2017

    Shunned. Kal Korff has been shunned. All the way to a 3rd world country with rotting sewage in open gutters along the road. That is about as shunned as it gets.
