Thursday, June 29, 2017

100,000 views bitches!


  1. AnonymousJune 30, 2017

    Kalvin kontinues to lie....

    Raj Reddi: What do you mean by 100,000 hits? I don't understand?

    Kal Korff: The video went viral a bit, got a larger audience via being posted on social media. Jasmine promoted it so we know some of the numbers but not all of them because we don't have access to the privacy settings of everyone's accounts.

    It's been months since I last checked, but back then it remained the most watched show I did when I relaunched my show and moved it to video from what was radio format two years ago.

    Raj Reddi: Hmmm. I gotta wonder about the 100,000 number you're batting around. You uploaded that video to YouTube on July 25. YouTube indicates 556 views since then. Even if you embedded a YouTube video in another webpage YouTube would add any views to the total. The only way to get around this would be to rip the video to a separate stand alone file, in which case you would be unable to track the number of views.

    Kal Korff: Video was ripped and reposted on social media. Also YouTube doesn't always keep accurate numbers not even close at times depending on how or what is embedded.

    We ran tests and that was a minimum we could quantify.

    Like our epaper, Google never sees it, but it gets read by tens of thousands around the world.

    There's no way to know exact numbers other than a minimum because we don't have access to people's unrestricted FB settings.

    FB also gave us feedback because money was paid to boost it.

  2. AnonymousJune 30, 2017

    Clearly Korff is an idiot. If you "rip" a video (save it) and then repost it, the original metadata is gone. There would be nothing left to "track it" it to the original post. No Youtube, no Kal Korff, nothing.

    Raj is right, embedding reflects the Youtube total, check our images.

    Damn Kalvin, every day you kontinue to prove to the world just how ignorant you are.

    And thanks to Raj for helping people on Facebook understand the lunatic depth Kalvin is willing to go to humble brag.

  3. AnonymousJune 30, 2017

    Sorry Kalvin, your claims and lies won't pass mustered with the Syndicate. We used a number of analyzers and the truth is known, your claim of 100,000 is pure bullshit.

    A check on the total views of the Media Giant that Kalvin posts his "work" on tells us that if his 100,000 was true, then that total single total would stand out like his bulbous belly in the stats, the Media Giants entire website total is almost 600,000. Your episode doesn't stand out in any analyzers we could find. You're lying.

    Daily World -
    2,192 Uploads Total
    585,642 Views Total

    4 Uploads Total
    3,359 Video Views Total

    wouldn't come up at all. But we did find this on that channel:

    Joined Jul 30, 2007

    Kal Israel - Korffing For A Korff-Free Internet
    78 Uploads Total
    45,533 Video Views Total

    Lastly, if you care to, read this information over. Kalvin doesn't do any of the things highlighted here to maximize a videos view total.

    Kalvin, you're lying.

  4. AnonymousJuly 01, 2017

    Kal K. Korff caught LYING AGAIN! We need to start doing some Facebook advertising so people know about this blog. Hold that lying sack of shit accountable and expose this phony journalist Kal K. Korff. That posting by Kal shows how litle he knows about the internet and computing. Kal gets EXPOSED AGAIN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAA!! Kal really is his own worst enemy.

  5. AnonymousJuly 01, 2017

  6. AnonymousJuly 02, 2017

    korffs greatest failing will always be the conceit that he is smarter than everyone else. when really he is a dullard college dropout who tried to make himself look more intellectual in a newspaper article by wearing fake eyeglasses. when everyone who knows korff knew he didn't wear glasses at all.

    he is forever tripped up by his continuing attempt to lie his way into obtaining the respect or admiration of others. like the hair dye, turtleneck and Commander Riker beard. all a lie. and korff of course being hilariously delusional in referring to his now discontinued you tube video feed a "tv show".

    everyone on his bud list knows and feels varying depths of sorry for korff. but he will never ever have their respect or admiration for anything. blew that chance when he was still in the 9th grade.
