Monday, July 3, 2017

I'm Smart! I'm somebody!

This just in... Comedy Gold!!!!


  1. AnonymousJuly 04, 2017

    It was 20 years ago that Art Bell made Kal K. Korff grovel and apology in front of a worldwide radio audience of millions of listeners. Maybe Kal K. Korff will tell us some day how Art Bell's ass tasted after he kissed it right on the brown eye. Kal was caught outright LYING about Art Bell and he's lucky Art didn't sue his pathetic ass.

  2. AnonymousJuly 04, 2017

    korff is actually right about one thing. if the best he can do is "writing" for a free web portal with a you tube account then he really IS humbled. and it probably is an "honor" for the pathetic moron to find any entity willing to let him attach his name & its legacy of FAILURE to its interests.

    would be tempted to feel sorry if kal wasn't such a sad, loathsome little know it all troll

  3. AnonymousJuly 05, 2017

    Mystery Science Theater 3000! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Haven't checked in for a while.

    Still the same old same old.

    You're pathetic, Korff. I loathe you.

  5. AnonymousJuly 05, 2017

    It looks like Kal is getting ready to come unhinged again with his spy and flying saucer bullshit. This is starting to be a repeat of Martina Tychova or whatever the fuck her name is. Kal is destined to repeat past failures and he'll probably have to flee India just like he did Prague. Kal will get owned again by this blog and those he tried to attack. Kal will again make himself the laughing stock. Let the freak show begin!

  6. AnonymousJuly 05, 2017

    Facebook gold straight from the fat ass mouth of LIAR Kal K. Korff

    "Yet another insincere "apology" from a Holier-than-thou U.S. politician, who by the way, takes money from Russian mafia connected figures and has enjoyed their hospitality at parties and other events." Kal talking about Schumer. Wait! Didn't Kal claim to he took $25MILLION from a Saudi prince? That must have been a hell of a blow job Kal gave him.

    "Please don't tell the DumboCrats this, folks, if you believe their BS, the Apocalypse is now upon us just because Queen Hillary isn't in the White House." Kal repeating what others have been saying all along. Kal's just a political parrot who hasn't had an original though about the subject ever.

    "I were this person, I would never have cowered to CNN and invited them to my online press conference saying how they tried to intimidate and silence and blackmail me." Just like Kal tried to blackmail and bully people who exposed him as FRAUD?? Remember Kal said he was going to sue a bunch of people and send the police to arrest them and have secret agents tailing people? Kal shouldn't worry about being on CNN again any time soon because that network made it clear he'd never be back on again. Kal's media glory days are gone just like his sanity.

    "Today even more relevant. Thanks to Ben Radford for originally posting this." Kal on about a commnet Ben Franklin made about printing presses. Kal shouldn't have to worry about printing presses considering his books will never see one.

    "Hi everyone. Here's another variation of the first promo images for the new movie The Zeta Reticuli CONspiracy. There will be many of them released over the next couple of months. Thanks!" Poor dumb desperate Kal trying to get back into the flying saucer spotlight with his iMovie edited piece of trash.

    "DISGRACEFUL! Shame on CNN for stalking this guy, hunting him down, shaming him. It's Cyberbullying. Oh, butt wait! CNN "CONdemns" such behaviour. Except when it concerns them and they lose all rational sense. I should open a hotel chain in the USA called "Safe Space Hotels."" Note that Kal is now using a British dictionary to spell things? Kal is GUILTY of Cyber Bullying himself and the evidence is all over You Tube.

    Funny but Kal commented on a post about his ridiculous and sad little film saying it would be like other big movies and it would be 2 hours long. The posts have been removed. Kal K. Korff is an idiot! This "movie" like everything else Kal touches will be 100% shit.

  7. AnonymousJuly 05, 2017

    A bit more from that excellent post above this one:

    Saira: Sood Is it a short film?

    Kal Korff: Hi, no, it is a full TWO HOURS and covers lots of material, with a great plot people have told me, and the Director's Cut will have as much as 30 extra minutes added and behind the scenes and Making Of stuff included.

    Saira Sood: Ok where it would b released

    Kal Korff: Saira Sood Hi it will be available just like every other major movie, when that time comes we'll let everyone know of course. Until then more info will come out, lots going on now. Thanks for your questions.

  8. AnonymousJuly 05, 2017

    And a bit more from the music maker Kalvin....

    Ivan Trajkovic: Awesome! Can i contribute with my original electronic - ambient music?

    Kal Korff: Seriously, send me some samples. .MP3 or AAC lossless. I have been composing and arranging some pieces myself, it's been a challenge. Look forward to hearing from you as always.

    Ivan Trajkovic: Im doing electronic music for 15 years... I composed over 200 tracks for radio, TV and web...

    Kal Korff: Wow, I had no idea, please pardon my ignorance. I could tell you are a "deep" person, but I had no idea! Look forward to reviewing anything you wish to share. THANKS!

  9. AnonymousJuly 06, 2017

    Hi it will be available just like every other major movie

    Yeah, on YouTube. For free. ALL major studios release directly to YouTube and don't charge viewers. We sure are dumbasses. And there goes Kal being smarter than everyone else -- it will be available just like every other major movie -- Ohhh OK, sorry for stepping on your monstrously oversized ego for wanting to know how you & your producers plan to market this majestic work of art.

    And the answer is that it would be on YouTube for free. Only there is no movie.

  10. AnonymousJuly 06, 2017

    Not even Ballywood would touch Kal's pile of shit movie. If you can even really call it that. Kal obviously doesn't know much about major movies. Maybe someone should let chubby loser Kal know that major movies get released in thousands of movie theaterss and have large advertising budgets and usually cost hundreds of millions of dollars. They are also shot on expensive professional cameras and have large crews and name Hollywood actors. They also have sound production and a professional who does the musical score. Major movies are also not shot by fat dumb fucks who pretend to bea Colonel or steal Apple products like that twat Kal K. Korff. This low grade pile of rubbish "movie" will never see a single day in a theater short of Kal renting one out. What will Kal's pathetic excuse be on Facebook when his little movie never makes it out. Kal should stop pretending that he is Steven Spielberg and. We all know Kal wouldn't amount to a pimple on Steven Spielberg's ass

  11. AnonymousJuly 07, 2017

    "Please don't tell Trump haters this." this is Kal on Facebook boasting about the 220,000 jobs created in June with Kal probably drooling over the thought of sucking Trump off. Bad news for the ever inept and shallow minded Kal. In June 2016 there were over 287,000 jobs added under the Obama administration. I don't care about politics or political parties and this latest bit from fact checking challenged Kal K. Korff just goes to show that Kal is not rooted in facts or reality. Poor dumb desperate Kal K. Korff CAUGHT and EXPOSED again as nothing but a bottom feeding agenda pusher. Spock would call Kal illogical.

  12. AnonymousJuly 09, 2017

    i'd suggest that the women became convenient targets who have been manipulated by korff just like nearly every other female he has "featured" in his web-based fake life. anything we see in regards to them via korff will be a further manipulation by him. more likely they are hard working young women pursuing careers as moderate celebrities in India's media who were willing to engage korff based on the company he was keeping. then, learned quickly not to allow it to happen again. At least one even going so far as to apparently have her "interview" with korff deleted. you know, the one with the gal who kept squirming and finally reacted with visible disgust when asked an overtly sexist question. i believe that was episode #2 of the most recently failed itineration of "the Kal Korff Show". abandoned. given up on. kal does not have the vision of an Art Bell or Limbaugh. there's no reason to listen, watch, read, or pay any attention to him, other than feeling sorry for kal. because he's eventually failed at everything in life he ever tried.


    i'd also suggest there's a pretty good chance he's fallen out of favor with his former crew there in the lobby of the Daily World cafeteria which allowed him access to these individuals. he's not doing the video "news" anymore and we have not seen him with said females for a year or more. they ditched him just like every other woman has.


  13. AnonymousJuly 09, 2017

    Korff's latest "movie" preview video on his Secret Wars channel has 397 views in 3 weeks.

    At this rate it'll only take 13 years for this new video to reach the claimed 100,000 views Kalvin's original "movie" preview video... didn't get.

    I like this "movie" preview much better!

    By the way, why does this video open in the snow, in a green screen cabin? The Barney and Betty case took place on September 19–20, 1961, 56 years ago. I only state this fact because Kalvin's "actress" claims that the movie will be released to coincide with the anniversary of the case. And, Kalvin's "actress" also "takes no shit". Just so you know.
