Friday, March 13, 2020

Happy Birthday Lunatic

Friday, March 13, 2020
Kalvin's 58 birthday.

Nobody cares but the Korffing Syndicate and his Mother.


  1. Coronavirus alert! I imagine Dirtbag Kurtis' immune system isn't too strong after all the crack he's smoked and all the glue he's sniffed in jail. And I'd say that fat slob Kalvin may well have come down with Type 2 diabetes by now. Just sayin' ...

  2. 58 wasted years. Is dirtbag Kurtis your older or younger brother? Thank goodness that your sister could get married and erase her family name from her existence.

  3. Haven't seen Kal on FB for a while. The Quick Mart manager must have given him more hours.

  4. Kal must be on his 15 minute break at Quick Mart because he just posted something on Facebook.

  5. Kal Korff
    1 hr ·
    Hi everyone.

    Facebook at first BANNED my full page expose in Daily World newspaper on the Coronavirus called the Satan Bug, they said it "violated" their guidelines. Then they actually READ the article and sent me a message saying it does NOT violate their guidelines and apologized and let it be posted. Nothing like shooting FIRST, THEN AIMING, right?

  6. Nobody from Facebook apologized to Kal. LMFAO Remember when Kal claimed Microsoft sent officials to meet with him? The LIES never stop with him. Kal is willing to LIE about his sources and evidence that the virus came from a lab. Kal should leave the science to the real experts. Keyboard warriors like Kal need to sit this one out.


    Former Senator Rand Paul HAS THE CORONAVIRUS!

    Let's now see how his right wing rhetoric and dogma gets spewed publicly as he faces this new reality.

    He is in quarantine in Kentucky now.


    Yes this is Kal on Facebook. Don't worry, tubby, your turn is coming next when you catch it. What happens if Kal's mommmy gets it? How will he pay the bills?

  8. Report it as false news to Facebook. Kal has ZERO proof to support his wild conspiracy theory.

  9. Kal said on FB, "Hi everyone. On my web site, I have a section called Kal Korff Positions, this lists my views on different subjects arranged alphabetically. I will always update this. You can COMPARE my views VERSUS bullshit claimed by other people about my views. If people refuse to accept my beliefs, which is their right, at least they're on record and YOU will know who is telling the truth, versus misrepresenting things, for whatever reason(s)."

    LMFAO Nobody gives a shit about any opinion Kal has ever had, except Kal. How about a list on Kal's claims be posted and we'll how many are just so wrong or simply outright lies. Kal is the great fat pretender.

  10. Sweet Baby Jesus! Reading those positions is like reading what a grade schooler thinks about Santa Claus. What a moron.

  11. FaceBook thread, Korff's longtime "friend" takes him down:

    Dayton McNeil Hatred has consumed you Kal.

  12. Kal Korff: No, bro.And I am not "Young Skywalker" either :-) I hope you find this even more disturbing than I do. This is from a briefing I gave last Oct 19, 2019.

  13. Humble brag a little during bad time Fuck-Tard.

    Kal Korff: As a longtime journalist who has EXPOSED some of THE TOP CONspiracies as being BULLSHIT, like Roswell and JFK, JFK being the most widely believed CONspiracy, what USED to be FRINGE has now become MAINSTREAM which means LAMEstream.

  14. Korff, you just ain't funny.

    Lonnie D. Franks: Save 10% of everything you earn. You can learn to live in less.

    Kal Korff: Lonnie D. Franks That's completely Jewish! 10 percent to put away, 10 percent to give back to the community. Great advice, Buck!


  16. Kal on facebook "BREAKING NEWS!

    It's nice to have copies of internal Communist Chinese Party documents proving that the numbers being reported by China, even TODAY, are FALSE! In just one example, just days ago China reported "only four new cases" in a district in Wuhan, where internal docs indicate it was OVER 90 NEW CASES. China is now pushing the BS narrative that the worst is behind them and now they fear "contamination from the USA," as CNN dutifully reported today because they do not want to get kicked out like other journalists have. That's news to the rest of Asia as it overall gears up for Phase II and another spike in virus cases. I will need a few days to finish this expose, today I got bombarded with stuff from many sources, and I am grateful."

    Here we go again with the big claims. Remember when Kal tried to claim he had evidence that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and published a bit about it in that Czech newspaper? If that happened then Kal would have gotten all the fame and attention only a narcissist like him can crave. To the person sharing the link for reporting those bullshit posts to facebook I will report them all when that happens. In the meantime Kal tell Dotty to start wearing a robe when you two are watching tv together

  17. "Dotty to start wearing a robe when you two are watching tv together."


  18. Kal on facebook "As I prove in my new book series, the US Dept of State secretly trained some 5,000 activists to topple the Mubarak regime in Egypt. They also worked hand in glove with top US companies, this graphic shows which ones. The left wing nut liberal claims that the Arab "Spring" was a spontaneous uprising by the Egyptian people is patently false. It was a US backed coup, organized by Obama who claimed when he was running for president that he was "against" meddling in the affairs of other countries like this. His statement was never true, it was designed just to get votes, period. MOST Egyptians today say things are not better under the military junta we put in charge there. This image shows the companies who helped the US govt topple Mubarak."

    Here we go again with another book series Kal is promising. Kal should be a politician as he can make up things and lie with the best of them. The delusions of Kal continue. Oh Kal, can you please wash your hands after rubbing Dotty's feet?

  19. SOmeone needs to tell Ka; that you can't call something "breaking news" when it was out the day before and you just now find out about it.

  20. Kal on facebook "Sorry to see this. We were on CNN’s Larry King Live together for a special 30th anniversary show in memory of the assassination of JFK. I will miss him. Wonderful guy." Rihcard Reeves who is an actual scholar and historian unlike Kal, would be embarrassed to know phony Colonel Korff is using his name to try to be a somebody by yet again trying to relive the past. What Kal would consider glory days we would consider a farce and Kal's so called glory days are well behind him. A 58 adult living with and off of his mommy. So Kal what is mommy making her little man for dinner tonight? More tv dinners?

  21. Hey do you know that article and picture that tub of grease Kal has posted as his Facebook banner? It says that after "graduation next year he (meaning Kal) says he hopes to attend Haravard." LMFAO So when was that article published because Kal said he graduated earlier than all of his other classmates.

  22. Kal on facebook "BREAKING NEWS!

    ‪Hi everyone. Here’s the full page Special in Daily World newspaper on the Coronavirus which just now hit the press. I hope you find it of interest, it is fully sourced. More exposes coming soon. Here’s a readable JPEG you can zoom. I’ll post a TEXT version in a few hours, when I get back to my office. As usual, your comments are welcome."

    So Kal is just rehashing everything that's been said with a mix of his own bullshit claims the virus came from a lab. Hack journalism as usual. You can't even read that picture he has posted.

  23. Kal is now backtracking his claim of having evidence to show the cirus was made in a Chinese lab. But what happened to all this evidence Kal said he was going to show? Yes this is the Art Bell circus all over again with Kal making false claims he cannot prove just to get some attention. This is is reckless and dangerous journalism. Kal's latest article he had to post about it on Facebook 6 times in less than 24 hours desperately seeking attention. Go to Kal's Facebook page and report any of his corona virus stories as false news. Only an attention seeking whore like Kal would be so stupid to make this claim then suddenly backtrack it.

  24. Kal on facebook "BREAKING NEWS!

    I'll be installing some software and security updates, then getting ready for the SHIPPING of the new Annie Jacobsen expose book. As soon as I have the online link I'll post it. Meanwhile, THIS link gives you a PREVIEW of what you can EXPECT. It's very blunt, minces no words. Also on this page is the cover of my NEXT book after this, which comes out in 30 DAYS! What a ride, and no, it's NOT in a spaceship...."

    I'm telling you all we are about to watch Kal go off the deep end again. The publishing books delusions continues. Anyone can put a slide show into a PDF and this does not make it a published work.

  25. Kal on facebook "Just sharing a quick story: Almost got hit by a car whose driver didn't see me. Then this guy BLAMES ME, I told him that I have the right of way, being a pedestrian, then he accuses me of "Not paying attention," so I Spock-like told him, "If I had NOT been paying attention, YOU would have hit me!" He backed off.

    2. Then I was in line buying things and no one was respecting the new social distancing rules so I told this woman to "Please back up and keep your social distancing." She then looks at me and says, "It's OK, we're FAMILY!"
    Some people have no right to vote in my view. She should get exposed so she learns to "appreciate" science. I don't feel "sorry" for such ignorant types."

    So Kal doesn't drive? I don't think Colonel Tubby said a word to anyone. HE and his mommy live in an apartment and Kal is moving soon? Did Kal get fired from the local Quick Mart in Reno? Only an ignorant person would wish for someone to get the virus. That's not a very Jewish thing to do. So do people who fake being a colonel in an imaginary military organization have the right to vote? How about people who lie about having a 500 book deal?

  26. Kal will be installing some software and security updates to his WIX website? LMFAO Most other people would just say apps and Norton but not Kal who has to stretch the truth for whatever he can get out of it to make himself look intelligent. I thought Kal was some sort of computer genius so why does he have to use WIX to build a website? LMAO

  27. Kal on facebook "BREAKING NEWS!

    Just got readership stats for some of my articles. I am honored and humbled to report that ANOTHER 243,000 people have READ THIS EXPOSE THIS PAST WEEK that first exposed Brandon Fugal, Congressman Daniel Marriott of the famed Marriott hotel family, Joe Firmage, CIA's Ron Pandolfi. This means over 6 MILLION have read it now! Obviously the bullshit hype over Skinwalker Ranch (blame History Channel, who cares only about ratings, not TRUTH), is proving to be very good for this expose. Can't wait for the TRIAL to resume after this pandemic passes. These frauds NEED to be put under oath and penalty of perjury and held accountable under laws, for their technoscam. What Robert Kiviat is doing on this is right, more exposes going soon!"

    6 million? I seriously doubt it. And why is Kal always "honored" or "humbled" when his high school level articles are published by a small paper in another country? Kal could never land a job in the US as a journalist and he continues writing for this India newspaper because they'll publish his nonsense. Kal, do not forget when you are off shift at the Quick Mart to bring Dotty home some beef jerky and some air freshner. You fucking lunatic.

  28. Kalvin, carrying a gun in Nevada... Maybe somebody should tell somebody in Nevada...

    Kal Korff
    1 hr ·
    Well today I started wearing protection over my face. I also wear a cowboy hat at times (it’s actually from Indonesia) to protect me from the Sun. With also carrying a gun, I look like a masked robber from the Old West days in the USA, I just don’t use a six shooter. “THANKS” Communist China!

  29. Dammit!

    Nevada has no laws prohibiting open carry and without a law criminalizing something, it is legal to do that thing (NRS 193.120). ... No permit is required to openly carry a firearm. Anyone 18 and older who can legally possess a firearm may openly carry virtually anywhere in the state.

  30. Kal on facebbok "I have always been armed for most of the time I have traveled around the world and this has been true for decades, even in the USA.
    My first carry weapon was an old school .357 Magnum revolver. Honestly I got it from an FBI agent at the recommendation of a detective who was investigating back then attempts that (praise God) failed, to kill me.
    This included an outright home invasion by two guys.
    Please do NOT read more into this than exists. My haters and cyberstalkers, CONspiracy nutters and UFOOLogists will, screw them.
    Laws are uneven not only around the world but also in the USA. So I adapt to whatever they are and always stay legal and when I visit the USA for example, I absolutely detest California’s stupid gun laws but of course they must be obeyed when in that state.
    I am using California as one example, I am not in California.
    I started carrying last century ironically in California after I was almost killed a few times. I was back then helping track US based fundraisers for the terrorist group HAMAS. Also was investigating US connections to the then Hafez Assad regime.
    That’s a big part of why I have no patience for anyone who tries to apologize for what HAMAS does or Bashar Assad or falsely claims they are a “legitimate” government.
    Anyway, as I said, not used to wearing this combo, just feels weird.
    That is ALL I am saying.
    If anyone reads anything more into this, not my problem.
    This remark is not directed at anyone.
    I support everything from open carry to conceal carry.
    I do not like countries that do not allow its citizens to have guns for legitimate self defense. I support the Second Amendment but do NOT believe people have a right to have bazookas and military grade weaponry and one billion rounds of ammo.
    I believe in SANE gun ownership and responsibility. Not Rambos, if this makes sense."

    Kal has never been in intelligence and you can tell from that horrible alien movie trailer Kal was in that he does not know how to hold a gun let alone shoot one. The delusions continue.

  31. Kal on facebook "Here is my reply to Communist China’s official spokesman as the Communist Chinese Party tries to play the “victim” and cynically “mourns” the victims THEY HELPED KILL. This is as ruthless as Stalin attending the funerals of people he had murdered and pretending to mourn. We MUST NOT ALLOW the Communists to rewrite history and twist it." Nobody in China knows or gives a fuck who Kal is. Kal is a petulant flea to China and just one more guy on the internet trying to get likes and attention. Kal is stupid enough to believe his own bullshit. Welcome back to the US specifically Reno, Nevada. Tell Dot she's snoring too fucking loud.

  32. I read that discussion and Kal thinks you can't walk into a bank if you have a permit???? That jackhole doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about as usual. Kal may talk the talk but he cannot walk the walk as I suspect he had been this way his entire life. Yes I too saw Kal raising tht gun in that completely stupid video and you can tell he does not know how to properly handle a firearm. By the way when Kal talks abour a Sig and how it is supposed to be better than a Glock he has no fucking idea what he is talking about. Navy SEALs switched from the Sig to the Glock because a Sig does not perform as well as the Glock. Sig has too many moving parts. Do not take Kal's word for anything having to do with guns he does not have a fucking clue what he is talking about just like everything else that comes out of his big mouth

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  34. Can we get a new thread going about Kal's newest book about his life "Uranus blasted a gas bubble 22,000 times bigger than Earth" My Birth and Origin by Kal K. Korff.

  35. You bet, we'll set one up tomorrow.

    Korffing Syndicate

  36. Where's the new stuff???????????

  37. Everyone has had a good laugh at the expense of Kal.

  38. Kalis the king of getting 2 to 4 likes on his posts, often times zero. So if 6,000,000 reads of your article was so big why do he not have more followers? Gee, I wonder why that it is? Sarcasm intended.

  39. This is amazing because Korff does not say anything about having worked on the Hypercard Team in this article. Caught again!!

  40. where is the new thread??????????????

  41. Kal on facebook "BREAKING NEWS!

    I’m honored to report that I’ll be writing a very detailed, hard hitting full page Special for this weekend in Daily World newspaper re the Coronavirus, lockdown in USA and elsewhere, etc. Other articles on different subjects will also start appearing by tomorrow, I’ll post the links as soon as I have them."

    Another article where Kal has mopped up all the other news and strained it into his mop bucket. Kal will do anything for another shot at being in the spotlight except I do not think he will much enjoy the spotlight he will really get. Remember that lunatic Kal claimed he had evidence of weapons of mass destruction and he didn't prove a fucking thing other than how delusional and desperate he is for attention.

  42. Kal on facebook "BREAKING NEWS!

    I have joined a group of scientists who will be studying geological features in the polar regions of the planet MARS to hunt for evidence of either present ALIEN life, or PAST alien microbial life. I am truly honored and humbled by this, my decades long global entity umbrella group Think Tank,, will be increasingly now be coming into the public spotlight as these and other projects go public. It's going to be a real challenge to manage all of this. Developing..."

    Bullshit. Critical Thinkers is an army of one and that is all Kal. Global entity my ass. Show us one current business registry for this imaginary organization. Just like the special secret services Kal made up.

  43. Kal K. Korff is the Tiger King of ufos. Need to see some good photoshops here.
