Thursday, April 9, 2020

I Love Your Ass Juice!!!


  1. Ok, Kal, name one actual scientist you're working on Mars with. I'll wait. Go ahead. Oh, you can't? Not surprised. Critical Thinkers is a one person group of Kal that exists in his head like so many other things. Scuk on that Kal you fraud.

  2. Yeah. Let's do some critical thinking here. How likely is it that Kal was ever a ranking member in any military organization? Zero. How much actual evidence has Kal put up to support his claim he was a colonel in an organization called the Special Secret Services? Zero. How many educational degrees does Kal hold outside of high school? Zero. On a scale of 0 to 10 how famous is Kal? Zero.

  3. I wonder what Kal and Dotty will be doing on Easter since the buffets and casinos are closed in Reno. Microwave burritos? Dotty yelling at Kal to stop farting when she's on her knees.

  4. Kalvin is a Zero.

  5. Kal on facebook "Radio show is on hiatus until the pandemic is more under control. I might record some special episodes until then, figuring out what's logical to do. THANKS EVERYONE for your continuing support keeping my show in the perennial Top 10."

    What top 10?? The only time Kal has ever been in the top 10 was when he was one of the first 10 people in line for lunch at school. Kal will always elude to something but never provided any details you can check for yourself.

  6. What do Kal and Sergeant Schulz from Hogan’s Heroes have in common? They both pretended to be in the military. Kal K. Korff posed as a colonel in an imaginary Israeli organization he called the special secret services. Now when confronted with it Kal will dance around it instead of being man enough to admit he lied about it all. Paintball warrior Kal lol If Kal was my kid I would've kicked his ass and told him to knock him off.

  7. Kal on facebook "He is very likely telling the TRUTH this time, instead of aping Communist China and lying and downplaying the Coronavirus as he did in the past. WHO waited too long to finally declare the obvious: that it was a global pandemic."

    Kal really thinks he is never wrong and has all the answers for everything. It really is easy to be right all the time when you wait to see what happens and play arm chair quarterback. This is all Kal does. Kal will call his news BREAKING NEWS when the information is old and Kal is just hoping nobody notices he basically repeats what everyone else has already said. Poor dumb Kal is always late the party but thinks he isn't.
