Sunday, June 26, 2022

Kalvin Karlton Korff's brother FOUND!



  1. AnonymousJune 27, 2022

    It is time that Karlton raised an International Paintball Brigade.

  2. AnonymousJune 27, 2022

    Ha! Yes!

  3. AnonymousJuly 02, 2022

    July 2, 2022

    Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS! Yet ANOTHER series of undercover operations to nail frauds and scammers. I so look forward to retiring from this soon. I also look forward to exposing to the public the BACK STORY of how corrupt Roswell officials are hell bent on MAKING MONEY LYING TO THE PUBLIC ABOUT ALEINS, versus REAL History. Real history, matters! July 7th, it's coming....recordings, everything.

  4. AnonymousJuly 02, 2022

    July 2, 2022

    Kal Korff: I wonder if I will get blocked by Nick now? Don't know, don't care, but the city of Roswell was "tipped off" about him in late May.

  5. AnonymousJuly 02, 2022

    July 2, 2022

    Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS! Hi everyone. Happy World UFO Day, and no I didn’t make up this stuff. As one of the last three remaining ORIGINAL Roswell researchers, author of the bestselling expose of all time on Roswell, I will NOT stay silent while History Channel in partnership with Roswell Daily Record, City of Roswell, pull their con job and LIE to the PUBLIC about not only Roswell, but the brave men and women who served this country honorably and were NOT part of any “Cosmic Watergate.” On the 50th anniversary of Roswell I was the main star on an all day MSNBC TV Special and we showed how it was Project Mogul. Today, on the 75th, it’s only ALIENS! Bullshit! But when a corrupt paper partners with a corrupt city, the state tourist board declares Roswell to be a stregic asset, city gets a new trademarked logo with a flying saucer in it, TRUTH DOES NOT MATTER and with Disney behind this so people buy and believe in their shit, REAL History is lost and raped and discarded.

    Here is my response to this outright consumer fraud. Even the main guest at this years Roswell event IS A FRAUD! Let him tell you how he was reported by myself to both the police there and the Roswell Daily Record. Now that a computer study has been done of the Top 50 Roswell books, just like I did my JFK study, Roswell remains not only solved, but this UFOComp study easily proves MASSIVE FRAUD in addition to errors by the top Roswell authors. They deliberately lied and continue to lie. We are putting this all online so everyone can verify the data themselves. Real History, matters. I will be posting the links on July 7, 2022 on the anniversary of news reports of this event. I have let the Editor of the Roswell Daily Record he is being exposed, and that every sentence ever published has been analyzed and is now part of a series of academic papers on extremism, fraud, etc. Here’s one screen shot from the UFOComp event demo June 30th.

  6. AnonymousJuly 02, 2022

    July 1, 2022

    Kal Korff: I go into everything I think is relevant in my short life in my upcoming autobio, What I Think I Know, and I only learned about this stuff when my father told me as my parents divorced, many Jews pretended to be Christians so they would not be murdered, and when I heard this as a child and here and there growing up I was blessed in my view to run smack into it when I ran into Korffs and diplomatic officials who knew much.

    I have a thick book with photos and family crests from back there and the Korff family on my father’s side and cousins were very much involved with everything from saving countless Jews from the Nazis disguised as refugees, there’s much there and it has been reported by others over decades and I didn’t know this much detail when we worked together. But my Dad gave several people a thick collection of stuff at a family reunion and since there are kids and grand kids and so many nationalities now involved, I plan to put this all online because with people passing, it’s obvious the younger generation just doesn’t do ancestry stuff like prior ones are known to.

    That’s a shame because I’d love to see an eventual DNA MATCH from the oldest DNA “Lucy” Human to whomever is her descendants or map as many humans as possible to learn a more about our one and only race - Human.

    I have covered Ukraine as a journalist for many years and not happy to report that today’s problems were avoidable. Predictable also because they were avoided.

  7. AnonymousJuly 02, 2022

    July 2, 2022

    With due respect to the fine gentlemen on this panel, I offer three high level, Basic 101 Foundational comments.

    1. NONE of the people here are original Roswell researchers. This automagically means they are not capable of knowing certain facts that they could only know had they been personally present and directly worked these issues in the 1970s.

    This did not happen.

    I am the LAST of the surviving original Roswell researchers. Nothing anyone says can change this fact.

    When I returned to the USA after being gone nearly 20 years, as many of you reading this know, I found my archives.

    I will NOT stay silent on Roswell on the 75th, now when I am literally the only person alive who has definitive stuff that solves this.

    2. 25 years ago, I was the main star of an all day Roswell 50th anniversary special.

    Back then it was Mogul and the city had no problem with this.

    Then comes along liars and Disney and the city trademarks their name with a flying saucer in it and pushes aliens and Roswell was declared to be a cash cow to be protected by the state board of tourism.

    To say ANYTHING MYSTERIOUS crashed at Roswell is NOT true!

    I challenge anyone to debate any claims otherwise.

    One cannot undo nor take out of history my expose book, which I made a POINT to use openly available material to prove the case.

    3. Here’s another fact ignored, Mogul was based on the work of famed scientist Serge Korff.

    I promise you I have the Mogul data.

    Roswell is a perfect exercise in Lying and denying.

    Last point: I am the ONLY person to have bothered to put into a database, specifically UFOComp, all Top 50 Roswell books plus 100 million docs.

    The study PROVES MASSIVE FRAUD, not just mistakes, but criminal fraud, by the top Roswell researchers.

    Brazel said he recovered the object in MID JUNE, the July 2nd date is PURELY MADE UP, because we have degenerated to a anniversary society.

    I won’t allow Roswell and it’s real history to be bastardized.

    I will retract anything that is wrong, and I want my words to be taken the right way, especially since several of us are all friends and longtime colleagues.

    But if anyone who matters pushes Roswell and does not come clean about it, I will expose them and so will others.

    I URGE everyone to tune into Steven Cambian’s 1.5 DAY Roswell Special on the 7th where all the top Roswell authors alive get exposed.

    I have no idea what Steven will show and was not involved in whatever edits he has done, my activities are my own while also working at times with others as relevant.

    TAKE THE DEBRIS SWITCH! I WAS PRESENT WHEN STANTON FRIEDMAN MADE IT UP and Bill Moore GAVE ME THE PICS Friedman was confronted with, because I was THE PERSON who confronted Stan. This is NOT “new news,” shame on everyone who claims there was a “debris” switch. Precisely because there was NOT one, is WHY Friedman was busted. These same pics were later analyzed by myself and then Brad Sparks, who spent days at my house and WE WERE THE FIRST TO FIND NOTHING SPECIAL about the Ramey memo.

    In Steve’s Roswell special you see everyone give their best evidence, and once they do, every single one of these researchers will be exposed and it will also be on a single web site so the public will know the truth and most importantly, can verify it.

    Once they verify it, I would not want to be anyone of the top pro UFO researchers. But they have earned this. We must STOP the frauds and UFOOLogy and focus on UFOlogy.


    I will post the first links proving all this and more later tonight.

  8. Kalvin:
    No one's watching.
    No one's listing.
    No one cares.

  9. AnonymousJuly 06, 2022

    July 6, 2022

    Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS! YES, the news IS TRUE, I officially reported FRAUD Nick Pope to Roswell law enforcement, Roswell Daily Record, District Attorney, and now many others. As I told them, the issue is Criminal Consumer Fraud. People are paying lots of money to see what they are LIED TO BELIEVE, is the former DIRECTOR of the British UK MOD's "UFO Program," which never existed. They are NOT paying to see a FRAUD. Now we get to see if officials will do their job taxpayers PAY them to do, or get exposed before the public as being complicit in a con artist who blew into town thanks to History Channel, took money, then left. He had NOTHING to do with Roswell, which had NOTHING to do with ALIENS "crashing" to Earth. I look forward to being in the 30 Hour Roswell Special exposing these Roswell frauds like FAKE "Dr." Kevin Randle.

  10. AnonymousJuly 07, 2022

    Kal Korff is sliding back into crazy with more claims of books and exposing everyone. LOL

  11. AnonymousJuly 08, 2022

    July 7, 2022

    Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS! I am one of only THREE a remaining original Roswell researchers. My book The Roswell UFO Crash: What They Don’t Want You to Know remains the bestselling expose on Roswell. Now I’m the only person who BOTHERED to digitize the Top 50 Roswell books and analyze them just like I did for my historic JFK study, solving it. I can prove not only errors, BUT MASSIVE FRAUD especially by FAKE “Dr.” Kevin Randle, FAKE “Medical Illustrator” Don Schmitt and Tom Carey. They even took stuff Stanton Friedman MADE UP and “found hard evidence” for it, as well as interviewing DEAD people. The result of this study are now a series of Academic and Scientific papers on extremists and CONspiracy nuts., and five books covering different aspects of this.

  12. AnonymousJuly 08, 2022

    Korff, nowhere to be found:

  13. AnonymousJuly 08, 2022

    Read this closely:

    Copyright © 1973 to PRESENT by Kal K. Korff – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

    Other copyrights, trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

    Note: This Web site is best viewed on a large monitor with a screen resolution of at least 980 pixels wide, or mobile device or tablet. All imagery is scaleable, you can enlarge or pinch and zoom it in or out. Regarding anything for sell or download shown or linked to from this Web site, Kal Korff either endorses these items or is their creator or co-creator. Kal Korff does not sell anything. Instead, products are invented, then made available to the public from publishers and other relevant entities. All links on this Web site portal to any items shown here take you to respective online sites such as Amazon, Apple, etc. You know, just like everyone else. Kal Korff is not involved.

  14. AnonymousJuly 08, 2022

    New Kal Korff Exposed website incoming.

  15. AnonymousJuly 09, 2022

    i'll just leave this here

  16. the unknown korfferJuly 11, 2022

    I’m the only one who BOTHERED to digitize the contents of all Top 50 Roswell books and 100 million pages of relevant data. Korff, Twatter July 7 2022

    Good fucking GOD, Kal ...

    I went to to get an idea of how long it would take someone to physically scan 100,000,000 document pages. Keep in mind the totals do not allow time for sleep, eating, whatever commuting or other activities (visiting the shooting range, doing podcast with Robert Schaeffer, etc), they are for scanning continuously, no breaks no time for girlfriends or anything. All you are doing is sitting in a chair scanning documents.

    If Kal were able to scan one document per second:

    100,000,000 Seconds =
    3.1688739 Years
    (rounded to 8 digits)

    If Kal were able to scan one document per minute:

    100,000,000 Minutes =
    190.13243 Years
    (rounded to 8 digits)

    I can scan two magazine pages per minute, though granted these are color scans and not document scans of text only. But at even that rate if Kal were able to scan one document every thirty seconds it would take him roughly 85 years to scan 100,000,000 pages. To pad out the time with human needs or basic secret super service agent activities like grocery shopping with mom, my estimation would be about 100 years.

    So I guess the question would be when did Kal begin this exercise in obsessive compulsive document scanning?

  17. RB-47 BOBJuly 11, 2022


  18. AnonymousJuly 11, 2022

    Ha, ha, ha!

  19. AnonymousJuly 11, 2022

    On confirmed authority, a new Korff Exposed website is coming soon.

    This site will present old material as well as new material.

    Kalvin started up again... So have we.

    Suck it Kalvin.

  20. the unknown korfferJuly 12, 2022

    Started thinking about what 100 million flying saucer documents would weigh …

    Size: 10 Ream | 5000 Sheets
    Style: Letter (8.5x11)
    Brand Hammermill
    Color White
    Item Weight 20 Pounds
    Paper Finish Matte
    Sheet Size 8.5-x-11-inch

    So unless Amazon is lying, 5000 sheets of paper documents weigh on the order of 20 pounds.

    100,000,000 sheets would weigh 20,000 times more, or 400,000 lbs (!!), which is exactly two hundred tons of Roswell related flying saucer documents. Stored where?

  21. AnonymousJuly 18, 2022

    Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS!

    Hi everyone. Please join me July 31, 2022 for this event, the public release of UFOComp. I started this project in 1976, have ADAPTED it for larger public use. Giving it away free. Now I’m contacting UFO and media Hosts and giving them the facts. The public will love these exposes, but they will NOT be happy when they learn how much they have been lied to, and whom is guilty. Once this is released, since it also runs in the cloud, the public will also know who is telling the truth versus not. I am adapting this SAME ENGINE for Democrats vs Republicans, Ukraine war, lots of other projects. Developing…

    1. AnonymousJuly 19, 2022

      This App… seen it… is actually a form of data mining. Korff wants everyone to upload their UFO research and content to his system so he has control of it all. Then he’s going to sell different features on the app. Universities frown on data mining.

  22. AnonymousJuly 18, 2022

    Marc Cheyne: Announcements such as these typically come with a preview alert to sign up for..
    Kal Korff: it’s coming in several different ways, I’ll post as I can.

  23. AnonymousJuly 22, 2022

    Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS!
    I wasn’t joking about the upcoming expose about Linda Moulton Howe. This book was originally published in INDIA where they take the subject of “cattle mutilations” a bit differently 🙂 it’s updated and includes my legal notice to LMH, in fact even included is the letter informing her of her free complimentary copies of her expose. This book ships in August.

  24. AnonymousJuly 22, 2022

    Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS!
    Linda Moulton Howe gets EXPOSED again by Steven Cambian. There’s also a new book exposing Howe coming out in August. Months ago, I, personally, sent Linda Moulton Howe a Cease and Desist. As far as I know she has backed down and has finally stopped lying about me. Regardless, the book exposing her comes out in August and she can’t do anything but try to avoid this fact.

  25. AnonymousJuly 27, 2022

    so now he's stalking linda noulton cowe? that boy just don't learn does he.

    second question, is this INDIA published book the same one referenced by the countdown on the main page? asking for a friend.

  26. AnonymousJuly 28, 2022

    Not the same. The countdown refers to the books or series of books - Secret Wars: Defending Against Terrorist Plots


  28. Please join me July 31, 2022 for this event... Ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!

    Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS!

    Hi everyone. Please join me July 31, 2022 for this event, the public release of UFOComp. I started this project in 1976, have ADAPTED it for larger public use. Giving it away free. Now I’m contacting UFO and media Hosts and giving them the facts. The public will love these exposes, but they will NOT be happy when they learn how much they have been lied to, and whom is guilty. Once this is released, since it also runs in the cloud, the public will also know who is telling the truth versus not. I am adapting this SAME ENGINE for Democrats vs Republicans, Ukraine war, lots of other projects. Developing…

  29. From today on Korff’s Twitter:

    Hi, it’s done. Video which is interactive, is being released, app is going online. The first coded app goes to Jan Aldrich for his Historic Docs project. Video shows modules, 50 UFOOLogists and officials exposed, etc. Online App, then mobile app. Will post QR Code by tomorrow.
