Saturday, June 18, 2022

Lovelorn Kalvin Karlton Korff


  1. AnonymousJune 18, 2022

    Fake Dr. FAKE Dr. Ha, ha, ha!

    Kalvin, you've faked your entire life.

    Kal Korff · BREAKING NEWS!
    As the 75th Anniversary of the mythical Roswell UFO crash of 1947 approaches, fake “Dr” Kevin Randle has no idea how the title of this book of his comes back to haunt him on June 24th, on the anniversary of Kenneth Arnold’s historic UFO sighting. Developing…

  2. AnonymousJune 18, 2022

    Kal Korff: No, I really and sincerely wish Randle were legit instead of being a shapeshifting fraud.

    When I was a teenager and the “go to guy” for the top researchers like Hynek, the Lorenzens, etc., of the Top 45 I worked with, I AVOIDED Randle because even as a kid I could see what a farce he was.

    I still have original smoking gun docs on all this, and they ARE being published.

  3. the unknown korfferJune 19, 2022

    Randle's phd is legit. He did the work to be awarded it. He got some flak at first for having gone the correspondence school route. But has never utilized any bogus self appointed titles i.e. SAPSTOE Captain or Colonel, school headmaster, accredited journalist.

    Randle sells Roswell like boxes of corn flakes but has never been known to wear fake LEO badges or reproduction military insignia, stalk US Embassy personnel, defraud aid organizations or terrify female interviewees with creepy invasive questioning about their private lives. Forensics is also a practice or discipline, not an employer. You don't work "in" forensics, you specialize in forensics for an employer who can be easily named & verified. Since none has (or such info has not been copy pasted over) it's more of the same i.e. his Balkans forensics project from the Super Duper Services era.

    Korff's mantra about how all his "kritics" are pro UFO conspiracy nuts is also a myth. From dedicated skepitc Tim Printy's SUNLite September/October 2009

    Whatever happened to...1. Kal Korff? Kal wrote two books on UFOs that I have read (Roswell and Billy Meier). Both were reasonably written and informative. However, in the past few years, Kal seems to have had a rather interesting past-time. Supposedly, he is involved in some sort of secret anti-ter-rorism group. He also put up some odd videos about Roswell. To be honest, I am very skeptical about the anti-terrorism story and his videos tend to ramble all over the place. I also don’t understand how he rates wearing a US Colonel (or USN Captain’s) insignia. I guess I missed that episode. It is my opinion that Kal needs to move onto something else in life. Some of his appearances on “UFO watch cat” just don’t look or sound reasonable at all.

    Keep living in the past, Kal. You never answered its questions so it is only logical you'd be stuck there.

    1. AnonymousJuly 05, 2022

      Kal’s current claims of working in forensics is a lie. He works in a grocery store and on occasion he looks at security footage to see if a cashier gave out proper cash. Probably so he can fire them. That’s what he is calling forensics.

  4. AnonymousJune 24, 2022

    Send me your Kal Korff info, pictures, video etc. Completely confidential. Email posted in pinned Tweet or you can DM.

  5. AnonymousJune 24, 2022

  6. AnonymousJune 25, 2022


  7. AnonymousJune 26, 2022

    Kl Korff got his fatass DESTROYED on Twitter this morning!!!! LMFAO
