Thursday, July 25, 2024

Kalvin Karlton Korff - Hater of the Christians and Himself


Anonymous said...

Kalvin Update:

Posting nothing but Youtube links on his Facebook wall.

Anonymous said...

was polluting fakebook with a bogus hijacked account part of that "phd thesis" to see how much pathetic bullshit people will put up with

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes it was.

Anonymous said...

You've blocked...? Ha, ha, ha!

Kal Korff · I’ve blocked Joel Osteen, what a scammer and fraud, I hope no one I know believes in the stupid “prosperity gospel.”

Anonymous said...

Kal Korff is not with his ex fake girlfriend · BREAKING NEWS!

Hi everyone. I am honored and humbled again, genuinely grateful, to have another analytical piece published in today's issue of Daily World newspaper. As a longtime analyst covering the terrorist group HAMAS, the PNA, etc., going back to the 1990s, here is a breakdown of the recent termination of Hamas terrorist Haniyeh. The plan had been underway for months.

loud farting sound said...

kal k korff has no specialized training or work history in anything, especially terrorism. his activities as an "analyst" appears to be confined to copy/pasting from news stories linked at drudge report, which is also where he stole the


thing from. just more make believe pretend time in a dress-up costume

Anonymous said...

The "analyst" has spent zero time sharing his thoughts about the issues around the world.

Nope, he's just posting ape videos and bashing on Christians.