Tuesday, September 5, 2017

McCunttell and Korff - Headmaster and the Truth

This e-mail and video material came into our Korffing Syndicate e-mail address: kiaiblogspot@gmail.com

From: ABC
Message: The truth about Kal Korff's school.

Back in 2013 Korff made the claim that he was going to open some kind of school in India. I did some research of schooling and schools in India after reading the material on this blog and what I found was very interesting. It turns out, there are many private schools in India, hundreds in fact. Most are very small and most are associated with or tied into some kind of company; media, internet, clothing, church or charity.

While Korff was working at the Daily Post, I made contact with a person inside the organization. This person would feed me information about Korff. Nothing really earth shattering but I have posted to this blog a number of times. 

My contact sent me two video’s Korff made to promote his school. Each video is about 6 minutes long; Korff took a rock video and he inserted photos of himself, the owner of the Daily Post, the location, little kids, etc.

I lost these videos a short time after they were sent to me. Fast forward to 2017 and I found them. I’m sending you the originals and edited versions with just the Korff material you’d probably like to share to the other Korffers. Whatever you'd like to share, be my guest.

Keep Korffing,


It seems that Kalvin was associated with some kind of school. In the video we see Korff's bulbous mug on a poster mounted to the side of a van and we also see him with Media Giant, Manish Tiwari, etc.

So what happened? The school's website, FaceBook and Twitter were never actively used. No iPads were handed out to the kiddies. We've asked ABC to fill us in, while we wait for that material, our guess would be that Korff climbed aboard the Manish train and he volunteered to be the Headmaster. Something went south, Korff left that Media Giant for another Media Giant and the school closed down before it even got going.

As always, Korff confabulates a bit of reality into a chain of links of lies. A fake son is never good enough, he has to be a genius son, a fake wife isn't good enough, she has to be a Princess, a job at a newspaper isn't good enough, they have to be Media Giants, etc.

A big shout out to ABC (whomever you are) for passing along this entertaining Korffing information.

Edit #1

Edit #2


  1. Ha, ha, ha!!!!!!!!!!!!! Early kal Korff video editing and a thief to boot! I can't wait to see Korff's new UFO movie. It'll be epic!!!!!!

  2. Kal appears as a homophobe yet I suspect the root of all of Kal's problems to be that he himself is gay and conflicted. I suspect he likes the way dick tastes. Hey, that's his business and it doesn't surprise me but Kal for all his high and mighty talk might not have the balls to admit he's gay. Who knows? Maybe he moved to India for the young boys hence his involvement with a school? . Kal has been a liar his entire life. This school business was hilarious! Those videos are comical at worst lame at best. I've seen better and more professional editing from kids. I thought Kal was some sort of tech expert but his skill set is clearly and barely elementary. Kal likely burned the rich guy funding it all like he usually does. A clear sign Kal is up to his old Prague tricks in India. Give it time and watch Kal implode again.

  3. Just wanted to post this to prove that Kalvin checks into this blog often. Tick tock fatty...

    It's Friday Kalvin's time, still, no book. Saturday his time, there will be a book posted. Tick tock butt plunger.

    September 2 at 9:41pm ·

    Kal Korff is with Rob McConttell

    Hi everyone. Just wanted to share the good news. THANKS again for your amazing support and interest! Another expose book will be launched this TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2017!


  4. "BREAKING NEWS! Hi everyone. In about 3.5 hours I will be recording the next episode of Kal's Korner radio show, then it will be available for listening worldwide a few hours later. The TOPICS will be EXPOSING AL GORE'S MOST RECENT "Global warming" false claims made in his new movie and book; Communist North Korea's nuclear weapons test, Exposing Illuminati "Satanists," and the launch of my newest book exposing Deepak Chopra. As soon as the links are available, I will post them, THANKS again for your support, hope you enjoy the show." This kind of low level shit is "breaking news" only in Kal's delusional world. Nobody gives a shit that Kal does some regional radio show with crap ratings and a crap host. Breaking news my ass! LMFAO Here we go again with more books and bullshit. Looks like e-books are the only venue Kal will ever have in hopes of getting something published because no legit publisher would ever come within a thousand miles of Kal Kunty Korff's nonsensical scribblings.

  5. Yes, I saw that bullshit explanation as well. 400 words to tell a person who just wants a sample of the book, the same sample Apple offers up in iTunes. The guys asks for a .PDF of that sample, on ScribD, and what does Korff do.... nothing. Blabs on and on and on....

  6. Sue Happy Kal KorffSeptember 08, 2017

    Check this out Korffer's. What a bag of dicks....

    What Korff means here is that any material sent to Apple has to be looked over; apps, books, music, etc. Instead, Korff confabulates this to mean that his material is being peer reviewed - vetted by some kind of overseer of all things Korff. Korff continues to live in his fantasy world.

    And, catch that he says he's timing it to launch with a radio show... Sounds like you have control as to WHEN to send out your BREAKING NEWS post of FB... after you get the Apple confirmation. Apple sends you the link and infor so you can then invite the world to enjoy your content.

    Fucking Korff.

    Mark Center: Have you posted the Deepak book?

    Kal Korff: Should be showing up anytime now. Am timing it for the radio show broadcast. As soon as I get the link I'll post it since I don't generate it. Problem now is to try to keep these titles from crashing into each other because my expose on Gore comes out right after Hillary and there's a two hour Meier special on the 18th and it's just so busy but I'm happy. I'll keep you and everyone posted.

    Mark Center: Maybe you shouldn't release dates to the public until you know when the real date is. Crying wolf if you understand.

    Kal Korff: I don't control how long it takes before things appear wherever. There's a general time window, and the Deepak Chopra expose will be any moment now and next is this book, due by 15 September.

  7. What does he mean it is due by a certain date? We all know Kal has no legitimate publisher and the only deadline he has is the one created in his delusional little brain. Kal is the one setting the release dates for these pathetic e books he's had to stoop to publishing since no legitimate publisher would come near him. Tubby little loser, national joke.
