Sunday, June 17, 2018

McCunttell & Korff - Colonel Colon hiding from his lies....


Jimmy_D said...

I'm still waiting, Kalvin:

Taken from dear old KultofKal's blog:

I wonder where KultofKal is now? And F1 Racer? Come back, boys.

Anonymous said...

Israel targets rights groups with bill to outlaw filming of soldiers. So if these soldiers from Israel are not doing anything wrong why would they make it illegal to be filmed? Kal is just another blind balls hugger of whatever suits his needs.

Nice to see Kal FINALLY published something about the North Korean summit DAYS AFTER all the real journalists. Kal is always late so he can read what everyone else has reported and make it his own.

Kal K. Korff = STOLEN VALOR. The only thing Kal ever served was himself in the buffet line. How about Kal stealing the identity of a lawyer? Kal is pure vermin of the lowest order. He's a lying weasel and a grease bag and a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that someone else identifies Kalvin as having been a "Colonel in the army" means the allegations of KAL KORFF stealing valor and benefitting from the misconception. Here he had a chance to correct the misconception and did not, perpetuating the false belief that KAL KORFF served in anything other than a buffet line.


Anonymous said...

Rachel Maddow has a few things Kal wil never have - a heart, an education, integrity, fame and money. Enjoy being a "journalist" in India Kal you miserable coward.

Anonymous said...

LMFAo Kal's mighty iphone gets hacked!!!

niedermeyer said...

have said it before will say it again: at least while he is hiding from his past like the coward he is we can tune in to relaxingly stupid paranormal interest shows confident we will not have to endure kalvin korff making it all about himself. nobody is sourcing him as an expert on anything because he isn't an expert in anything. even fuckface crotch mccuntle knows that and just plays korff for his own needs. the marginalized loser being used by another marginalized loser so desperate they cannot pick and choose based on character or merit. just those equally desperate.