Thursday, June 27, 2024

Kalvin Karlton Korff, I'll Cry If I Want To...

Facebook - June 27, 2024


I will be PRESENT AT THIS EVENT, but I won’t DISCLOSE exactly how YET. On July 4th it will be obvious.


Kalvin hasn't been invited to this event. You know who has been invited...?

Dr. Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt... this has gotta hurt! :-)


Anonymous said...

"Today I am downtown meeting with officials..."

Ha, ha, ha....

My goodness, Kalvin has big plans... sadly, none of this is true. What will Kalvin say when nothing happens... "All I can do is file the papers, if the courts choose to not do anything, at least, I tried."


Hi everyone. As Art Levine's seminal expose article Spaceship Of Fools first revealed, I am the world's only legally protected UFO whistleblower who is busy EXPOSING FRAUD "UFO Whistleblowers" which are busy committing crimes, ripping off investors, wasting taxpayer money, money laundering, etc., being championed by Rethuglican extremists such as Congressman Tim Burchett, who I have filed formal ethics complaints against. The Democrats are also GUILTY, just ask Chuck Schumer, even Jamie Raskin is NOT clean!

I mention all of this because FOR THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS I WILL BE SUBMITTING UNDER OATH AND PENALTY OF PERJURY, ALL OF MY MAJOR AFFIDAVITS TO VARIOUS AGENCIES NAILING various guilty parties IN SEVERAL OTHER CASES. Once these are finished, certified and notarized, they become official ULEs for PROSECUTION and the start of recovering and paying DAMAGES.

UFOlitics is the only company in the world which hunts down, exposes and tries to help prosecute UFO frauds, scammers criminals who play UFOlitics. After my Grand Unified CIG report consisting of some 12,500 slides, video, etc., is submitted, my job is COMPLETE and the 40 TARGETS turned over to law enforcement, IRS, Scotland Yard, etc., COMPLETES my Operation Pandora's Box and Trojan Snails obligations.

ON JULY 4TH FROM ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO, the first PUBLIC DELIVERABLES OF THIS WILL BE RELEASED. As Art Levine and others like Nick Pope will CONFIRM, since he is a target for prosecution, I started this op in Roswell almost THREE YEARS AGO against the Roswell Daily Record, Nick Pope and other guilty parties.

After my final CIG submission to either the new administration or a re-elected current one, I WALK AWAY and POINT to this when people ask.

Today I am downtown meeting with officials to move these pieces along.


The Unknown Korffer said...

Oh I hope he goes! give someone a chance to get Kal on camera being confronted about his YS3 super duper colonel claims, which forever gutted whatever credibility Kal may have once had. Shame on Art Levine for not digging deeper, notching in to his credibility as well. Nice chain of failure, best to leave Kal Korff to his AI fantasies.

Anonymous said...

Zero feedback, nobody cares.


Hi everyone. As my next book comes out on July 4, 2024 and launches via ROSWELL, New Mexico in a few days, here is an image from a paragraph I am freezing.

Any feedback, unless I'm convinced this is "wrong," it's right.

Anonymous said...

No responses. Nobody cares...

Kal Korff · YEs the RUMORS are TRUE

I did indeed to this Calendar for the Oakland Raiders and Blue Angels, I was the graphic artist when I had my company SpectraGraphics.

Today, we have My Kalendars, which do many more things and have QR codes people can scan to make things happen. Coming in July 2024

Anonymous said...

Kalvin was a security guard for Wells Fargo.

We will never let the world forget about your lies Kalvin.

Kal Korff is with Katherine Begay · Another page from the my official police training manual I was given to study and take exams for.

I remember cases being tossed out because Mr. Guilty As Fuck Criminal (poor baby!) was nailed after 10PM. I have never liked that rule, but laws are laws.

From my point of view, if you are GUILTY, you are GUILTY, meaning it's now 24/7 until you're not. As far as I am concerned nailing bad guys is easier when they're busy after 10pm getting their beauty rest

Anonymous said...

Edited with the truth:

Kal Korff · When I was studying to be a Security Guard (Police officer) and I was given their official Security Guard (Police) manual to study for my exams, here's a page on Patrol Patterns. My, how so much has changed since those days in the 1990s when I did this.

Anonymous said...

"donated to various places"

Ha, ha, ha!

Kal Korff is with Katherine Begay · BLAST FROM MY PAST...

As my archives going back decades are being sorted, scanned, donated to various places, etc., here's my ORIGINAL "Everything" binder where all the software I supported as part of my job or helped write was in one handy place, with still room to spare. Ah the memories...

Anonymous said...

Please kontinue Kalvin.

We're loving this blast from the bast! Ha, ha, ha!


Hi everyone. As Art Levine's seminal expose article Spaceship Of Fools first revealed, I am the world's only legally protected UFO whistleblower who is busy EXPOSING FRAUD "UFO Whistleblowers" which are busy committing crimes, ripping off investors, wasting taxpayer money, money laundering, etc., being championed by Rethuglican extremists such as Congressman Tim Burchett, who I have filed formal ethics complaints against. The Democrats are also GUILTY, just ask Chuck Schumer, even Jamie Raskin is NOT clean!

I mention all of this because FOR THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS I WILL BE SUBMITTING UNDER OATH AND PENALTY OF PERJURY, ALL OF MY MAJOR AFFIDAVITS TO VARIOUS AGENCIES NAILING various guilty parties IN SEVERAL OTHER CASES. Once these are finished, certified and notarized, they become official ULEs for PROSECUTION and the start of recovering and paying DAMAGES.

UFOlitics is the only company in the world which hunts down, exposes and tries to help prosecute UFO frauds, scammers criminals who play UFOlitics. After my Grand Unified CIG report consisting of some 12,500 slides, video, etc., is submitted, my job is COMPLETE and the 40 TARGETS turned over to law enforcement, IRS, Scotland Yard, etc., COMPLETES my Operation Pandora's Box and Trojan Snails obligations.

ON JULY 4TH FROM ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO, the first PUBLIC DELIVERABLES OF THIS WILL BE RELEASED. As Art Levine and others like Nick Pope will CONFIRM, since he is a target for prosecution, I started this op in Roswell almost THREE YEARS AGO against the Roswell Daily Record, Nick Pope and other guilty parties.

After my final CIG submission to either the new administration or a re-elected current one, I WALK AWAY and POINT to this when people ask.

Today I am downtown meeting with officials to move these pieces along.


Anonymous said...

still meeting with these unnamed anonymous "officials", on Saturday morning! golly

sounds like everyone's going to have a good time at Roswell on the 4th! i like the activities for kids including art making - I guess Kal will have no choice but to sue their parents? heck why stop there SUE THE KIDS TOO! what a world-class fucktard and idiot

Jimmy_D said...

"I remember cases being tossed out because Mr. Guilty As Fuck Criminal (poor baby!) was nailed after 10PM."
--- what on earth are you babbling about, "Colonel"?

Anonymous said...

the "first deliverables" were promised to have been released several times and never have been. why bring them all the way to roswell on a bus

we predict kal stays at home on the fourth

Anonymous said...

We agree...

... as Kalvin endlessly posts monkey and chimpanzee Youtube links on his Facebook profile.

Please kontinue Kalvin.

Anonymous said...

Just posted on Facebook... BREAKING!!!

Kalvin Karlton Korff is not in Roswell!!!

Say it ain't so Kalvin? Another lie...


Hi everyone. I apologize for not posting this earlier, it was published June 30th it seems.
Happy July 4th, hope you're staying safe and having a great time.

Anonymous said...

meekly change the subject. never refer to it again. hope it doesn't come up and that nobody had been paying attention, which is kal's case is a winning bet.

didn't spend the day with his attractive lady friend either. so that relationship is a tissue of lies: women always have plans for the 4th of July. hers did not include kal korff

Anonymous said...

sorry, there is no "her" for kal to make plans with

Anonymous said...

My husband was a police officer for ten years. I guarantee you Kal was not in any training or police work.


Anonymous said...

Kal probaly went to the unemployment office.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kalvin, imagine my surprise when you went silent over the 4th of July weekend after claiming you were going to the Roswell Weekend to launch your new "book", etc.

Crickets, as expected. Moron.

It's an honor and privilege to enjoy the Kalvin cringe.

Kalvin's last post before partaking in the fetal position.


Hi everyone. I'm honored once again to have a piece published today in Daily World newspaper, this one is about the New Polarized World Order and why it is an existential threat.I hope you find this piece to be of interest, I sincerely thank Mr. Manish Tiwari once again and Mr. Ajit Chak at Daily World for this honor.

Anonymous said...

oooo existential, big word for the phd professor. does kal actually understand its meaning and use it appropriately. first year community college dropout!

Anonymous said...

Kalvin checked in... He posted another Youtube link on his Facebook page...

Roswell 4th of July news... nope.

Well done.

Anonymous said...

Damn it!! I was SO HOPING to get a report on Roswell from the Village Idiot. Just another broken promise from the KING OF BROKEN PROMISES.

Hey Fat Boy, how is that 500 Book Deal coming along?