Thursday, July 11, 2024

Kalvin's July 4th Failure

Kalvin, didn't go to Roswell.
Kalvin, nothing released.
Kalvin, no broadcast.

Posted on July 6, 2024

Kal Korff   · BREAKING NEWS!

Happy July 4th, hope you're staying safe and having a great time.


Jimmy_D said...

We will never stop, Karlton.

Anonymous said...

all kall ever had to do was to not tell lies

Anonymous said...

Kalvin's posting on Facebook again. No mention of his Roswell claim... as expected.


My new expose book on the New York Post's Steven Greenstreet and how he did a GREAT JOB exposing FAKE DOD "UFO Director" Lue Elizondo, who is a fraud I personally filed real UFO whistleblower complaints against YEARS AGO with the US Government for investor fraud and other crimes; yet my book ALSO EXPOSES Greenstreet's CO-HOST, Nick POPE, who is the UK version of fraud Lue Elizondo. Exactly like Elizondo, Pope LIES and says he was the "UFO Director" over at the MOD in the UK. No, Pope NEVER was. Pope has DEFRAUDED MILLIONS since the late 1990s with his scam. I tried to warn Steven Greenstreet and never received a reply as far as I know.
Since Nick Pope is also guilty of cyberstalking me and is being sent a real settlement offer or I file every charge against Pope that the laws entitle me to as one of his victims, especially since I am in the Confidential Address Program because I do get cyberstalked and harassed being the world's only REAL UFO whistleblower who is busy exposing FRAUD UFO whistleblowers and scammers.

This automagically means NICK POPE. Pope was first exposed by top Scottish researcher James Easton. Later, Philip Mantle did it, Art Levine has exposed Pope in Spaceship of Fools in the Washington Spectator, I have done so in my new book exposing Elizondo, Pope and Greenstreet because Greenstreet is playing UFOlitics.

My legally owned and licensed company UFOlitics hunts down, exposes and helps prosecute UFO frauds and scammers where possible, engage in settlements, try to recover damages, protect and inform the public.

Pope has ALWAYS been on this list as my Facebook page proves at top, Greenstreet is also VISBLE as one of these rogue avatars, and the sting op to nail Pope went down in ROSWELL MONTHS before Pope blew into town on the 75th anniversary of that myth and pulled off yet more scams. We even alerted law enforcement about Pope AHEAD of time, details will come out when the time is right.

Let Steven Greenstreet tell you what Pope did.

Now LuReviews, which has done a GREAT JOB EXPOSING ELIZONDO, NOW ALSO EXPOSES NICK POPE. This FACT PROVES that LuReviews has REAL UFOlogy interests in mind, LuReviews is NOT playing UFOlitics, which must never be allowed and must always be exposed.

In my new book and iPone App, you see BOTH Elizondo and Pope exposed, buttons exist to FILE COMPLAINTS against Pope if you bought tickets or products from or to see this scammer and want your money refunded.

A dedicated Settlement Enforcement Officer is now being appointed, Nick Pope is free to SHARE the IMMINENT settlement offer he's going to be served with shortly.

And this will all be broadcast on UFOlitics Saucer City, and elsewhere....


Anonymous said...


Nick Pope will be receiving a formal settlement offer letter next week, the choice is his.
Steven Greenstreet is added to the list of witnesses in the complaints filed under oath.
Next week will proves interesting with the scheduled release of the new iPhone App on all this.


Anonymous said...


This is how EASY it is to map UFO fraud and scammers claims to the bullshit lies you are told on TV by History and Discovery Channels,. FOX, etc., This is an excerpt from my new IMMINENT expose book on Lue Elizondo and Nick Pope. Notice many ENFORCEABLE LAWS laws to have them prosecuted, held accountable. After much work, things CAN be broken down this easily for the public and filings. But people and officials HAVE TO BOTHER. Pope's been scamming since late 1990s, was exposed in 1999 by James Easton, Elizondo since 2017 thanks to the New York Times, which also broke many laws when they LIED to you about those "Navy UFO videos." So the FILINGS in the COMPLAINTS are exactly along these lines and for many other crimes against dozens of people. In the case of Pope and Elizondo, the Attorney Generals of ALL 50 STATES will EACH be making individual determinations. Yes, this will take some time, let Nick Pope and Greenstreet update you on this effort, since NEW YORK is obviously one of them. Once this legal stuff gets going we are done with Pope and Elizondo, the last complaints against them are before the CIG which will review decades of data against UFOlitics scammers such as Hal Puthoff.

Anonymous said...

Breaking News!

Kalvin hasn't tagged or mentioned Katherine Begay for weeks. He's now in a "relationship" and her name isn't mentioned.

Going to her Facebook... all Kalvin posts are gone.

Say it ain't so Kalvin?!? Another woman found you out and now you're without a partner?!?

I'm heart broken I tell you!

Here's Kalvin's first post regarding his soul mate and their endless love for each other.

Sadly, 8 months later and it's Bye, Bye Kalvin.


Hi everyone. OK, I’m smiling as I type this, but my girlfriend Katherine has spilled the beans and posted this pic of her so YES this is her and she’s a really incredible person.

I am genuinely humbled and honored that she’s interested in me. What I love about her, more than one thing of course, is that she’s very real with people, straight up.

Switching subjects, the new Diary series launches in a few hours later tonight.

Anonymous said...

Oh my... Kalvin is no longer listed as a friend of Ms. Begay...

So sad.. so expect.

Anonymous said...

have all of the humiliating fake AI blow-up doll pictures of her been removed? every one was an act of identity theft

Anonymous said...

No, most of those AI blow-up doll pictures seem to be on Kalvin's page...

Begay's page has been "set back" to what it was before. A couple images and 14 "friends" not including Kalvin.

Trouble in paradise once again.

Anonymous said...

Journalist, Kalvin Karlton Korff... saying nothing about the Trump shooting.

Gee kKlvin, aren't you a journalist?

LOL WHAT said...

mr assassination professor obsessive idiot loserface expert witness whistleblowing legally protected failwagon crackpot community college drop-out and computer nerd

working on something referred to as a "phd thesis"

Anonymous said...

Kal Korff Exposed on Twitter/x is tearing Kal a new ass. LMAO That account is dragging Kal hard LOL

Jimmy_D said...

Hmm. The last post on that X/Twitter account is dated 12 April

Anonymous said...

KKExposed is supposed to put up a website at some point... Regardless, he's doing a great job on X!

Anonymous said...

Interesting, Kalvin really has a stick up his ass regarding Christians, believers, etc. Kalvin is quite the Jew... isn't he.

BTW Kalvin, you say you went to Roswell this year to launch another PDF book... and you can't prove it.

How's the girlfriend doing Kalvin... you know, the blow-up one.

Kalvin's first responses to the Trump event... This was a response to another's thread...

Kal Korff: Bad shots are usually CLOSE, this guy couldn’t even make the shooting team and notice seven shots and hit others after he PANICKED which is why the other shots went further astray. This is classic stuff, it’s unfortunate a Christian extremists say God intervened but can’t prove it, they’re not interested in evidence, then you have people saying Biden did it, Trump did it, ANYTHING but the TRUTH!

Let’s blame the Pleiadian Lizard People.

As posted on Kalvin's FB wall of shame:


Here is a bigly LIE Trump supporters, “Christian” extremists and Communist China and Russia and Iran and North Korea are busy spreading, courtesy of 4Chan of course, who did QAnon, remember??

Kal Korff · Does anyone know if the SS agent was REALLY FIRED, or if this person is blindly repeating a lie?

Lawrence Liverwurst said...

I will be PRESENT AT THIS EVENT, but I won’t DISCLOSE exactly how YET. On July 4th it will be obvious.

only thing "obvious" is that kal was not present or he would ifone pixed everyone to death with it. that would have been many hours on a bus all alone there and back, especially since he had not bothered to include his attractive "girlfriend" in his announced 4th of July plans. legitimate couples make plans together and it's not always just what the one or other wants to do. ask any now married buddy you used to go get a beer with whenever there was a chance. can't just go do that anymore, unless it's her idea.

Anonymous said...

Possibly he blocked you because he did a little research and identified you as a lunatic...


Hi everyone, PREDICTABLY, Steven Greenstreet of the New York Post, has BLOCKED me AFTER HE LEARNED about my IMMINENT expose book EXPOSING him, Lue Elizondo and Nick Pope (these latter two men are UFO frauds and con artists promoted by a lying media, scammers who commit multiple crimes), they're also now the subject of multiple complaints with police and other officials. I will be down at various offices turning over evidence and files to them, including the IRS and FBI. More details next week AFTER the officer accompanying me and myself make our rounds.
The title of this new expose book is called A Tale Of Two Frauds.


Anonymous said...

i sincerely hope kal k korff doesn't actually waste the (paid) time of public officials with his flying saucer twatwaddery, and instead just repeatedly lies about doing so to try and sound impressive

all for Likes on Facebook, never makes a dime. some business

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

More claims, more promises, more deadlines.

Kal Korff · Hi everyone. In a few more days this book comes out, I just put the iPad version on my iPad and am testing it today.