Sunday, December 1, 2024

The Extreme Folly of Kalvin Karlton Korff

What is Kalvin's "Wife" Gonna Think About This?!?

Kalvin's Doppelganger

Santa in a Floppy Hat

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Kalvin dreaming of what was... and pudding.

Kalvin using Luis Elizondo's book cover to "sell" his paste up .pdf efforts.

Kalvin spamming people to "sell" his paste up .pdf efforts.

Kalvin calling somebody... anybody who cares.

Kalvin dreaming of what was... and pudding.

Friday, November 8, 2024

"I'm shocked! SHOCKED I TELL You!"

Facebook - November 8, 2024

Kal Korff  · Oh GROW A PAIR!

I’m so glad I’m not part of the elitist mutual admiration society media. I can’t stand corporate media. The fact the Democrats and media are SHOCKED over Trump’s win PROVES what Testosticlese has always said: “It takes a long time to understand nothing.”

Monday, November 4, 2024

Another book that nobody asked for...

Kalvin's new "book", is listed under this:

Eternum, Kyasarin Paperback – November 1, 2024

by Mr. Kal K Korff

Funny thing, his other "books" are listed under this:

by Kal K. Korff

One might wonder, why would an "author" list books under different names, but almost the same name... see what I mean. Very amateur. Very confused.

Anyway, if you'd like to buy Kalvin's new "book" here's the link:

Sounds important Kalvin... This book's message and theme is encapsulated in the phrase: "Awaken WITHIN, Elevate, Transform." This reminds readers that the power to change their lives is within YOU, just waiting to be realized, unleashed and for you to "be one with."

Sadly, these are no longer in "print"...

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Friday, August 16, 2024

Nothing To See - Nobody Cares

Kalvin tried to get a podcaster to respond to his plea that Kalvin will help him out.
No response... ha, ha, ha.

Pretending to be a military officer! Ha, ha, ha!
That's rich coming from you, secret paintball agent.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Kalvin's July 4th Failure

Kalvin, didn't go to Roswell.
Kalvin, nothing released.
Kalvin, no broadcast.

Posted on July 6, 2024

Kal Korff   · BREAKING NEWS!

Happy July 4th, hope you're staying safe and having a great time.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Kalvin Karlton Korff, I'll Cry If I Want To...

Facebook - June 27, 2024


I will be PRESENT AT THIS EVENT, but I won’t DISCLOSE exactly how YET. On July 4th it will be obvious.


Kalvin hasn't been invited to this event. You know who has been invited...?

Dr. Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt... this has gotta hurt! :-)

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

I'm Gooing Too SUE YOOU!!!!

Recently, Kalvin Karlton Korff, the 60 plus fantasist, lunatic, Mommy Please Love Me moron threatened Big Don Ecker again. Of course, nothing came of it but... well... there you go.

While appearing on a podcast, Kalvin sent in a couple of messages. The show host didn't read them on the air because even he knew this person was / is a lunatic.

While we're at it, here's a bit more lunacy from Kalvin Karlton Korff...

Kalvin's cousin chimes in again.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Kalvin Karlton Korff: A fantasist with delusions of grandeur.

Facebook 05/04/2024

Kal Korff

I have been a UFOlogist since October 19, 1973 and started lecturing and teaching age 13. Specifically I am a Polymorphic Polymath with vertical careers in many countries in very different professions.

My imminent PhD thesis on CONspiracy nuts and extremists has benefitted incalculably because I am the last original Roswell researcher and am the worlds only legally protected UFO whistleblower filing criminal and other complaints against these fraud UFO whistleblowers. My PhD thesis proves there is no difference between a Bigfoot nut who wants to kill you versus a member of Al-Qaeda who also wants to kill you just because you don’t believe in their delusional version of Islam, what unites haters and extremists is there will to believe becomes so strong that it drives a will to deceive as well as harm people, such types are a danger to any sane society their causes is just a detail their methods are often the same and they’re thinking and psychosis is the problem. The subject is just a detail as well as the cause since there has to be at least one involved.

I created the company UFOlitics and online world UFOlitics Saucer City to expose and stop this insanity and I have a 12,500 slide briefing coming up in Washington DC, details will be put into the InfinityBook where all of this stuff is being put over time.

Kalvin Karlton Korff self identifies as a Polymorphic - Polymorphic means having more than one form or type, especially in biology, computers, or crystallography.

Kalvin Karlton Korff self identifies as a Polymath - A polymath is an individual whose knowledge spans a substantial number of subjects, known to draw on complex bodies of knowledge to solve specific problems.

Kalvin's Reality

Kalvin Karlton Korff is a Fantasist - A person who imagines or dreams about something desired: "a serial liar and fantasist who had boasted of many affairs" • "a fantasist with delusions of grandeur"

Kalvin Karlton Korff has a high school education. Kalvin dropped out of a junior college after a year.

To apply for a Ph.D. program, you need to:

·        Have a bachelor's degree in a related field. Kalvin Does Not Have

·        Have reasonable grades. Kalvin was a C Student

·        Submit transcripts. Kalvin's imminent PhD thesis

·        Submit letters of recommendation. Kalvin Does Not Have

·        Submit satisfactory graduate-level exam scores. Kalvin Does Not Have

Kalvin Karlton Korff's upcoming 12,500 slide briefing. If each slide is shown for three seconds, this briefing will be over six hours long. Imagine if you will, Kalvin Karlton Korff and only Kalvin Karlton Korff, sitting there for 6 hours as he clicks through his six hour long Power Point Presentation... "And this is me, as another avatar, taking down Nazi's with my Mother."

Sad but true...?

Friday, April 5, 2024

I'm protected by CAP... tian America!

Kal Korff   · BREAKING NEWS!

Hi everyone. I am honored to report that my package to my girlfriend Katherine Begay, should be arriving to her today according to the company delivering it, it was sent by registered mail, it has these items in it. The world's FIRST My Kalendar from my company,, literally.

I loved creating these images of Katherine using pics of her honoring her Japanese heritage. The other image shows the package I have sent this in, it contains our FIRST official T-shirt, and my book The ROSWELL UFO Crash, What They Don't Want You To Know, which exposes 100 other pro-UFO Roswell titles and dozens of UFO fraud researchers like FAKE "Dr." Kevin Scandal Randle.

NOTICE I sent this from my ONE AND ONLY ADDRESS, which is my official legally protected Confidential Address Program address given to me by officials. I am in the protected CAP because of my undercover investigations and being a longtime intel analyst, cyberstalkers and haters and expose targets on Twitter, social media, etc., I have been doing much undercover work over the decades since the 1980s as many articles and books prove. My book Spaceship of the Pleiades' The Billy Meier Story is about my undercover trip inside the Meier UFO Cult in Switzerland. WE JUST FINISHED ANOTHER UNDERCOVER OP IN HINTERSCHMIDRUTTI, where Meier and his Cult are. Let Meier and his imaginary Pleiadians tell you what we did, they never tip him off ahead of time, because THEY DO NOT EXIST!

One time, a BLACK WOMAN impersonated me and she was QUIETLY CONVICTED and SENTENCED TO PRISON with my blessings of course. Officials took care of ALL of this for me while I was busy turning over HAMAS fund raising data in the USA to intel types, helping nail Robert Groden in the OJ Simpson civil trial, etc.,.  In fact I am THE ONLY UFO WHISTLEBLOWER who is LEGALLY PROTECTED who is BUSY EXPOSING and WORKING WITH INVESTIGATORS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, IRS and others to expose and hold these criminals FRAUD UFO "whistleblowers" and politicians accountable.

UFOlitics, one of my companies, is the ONLY COMPANY that exists to EXPOSE and prosecute these frauds, it is legally licensed and all mail goes through this CAP address, CHECKED by officials before being sent and received and forwarded both directions.

After this next round of official complaints being filed NEXT WEEK, first notices went out YESTERDAY and were sent to key reporters, I WILL BE ANNOUNCING THAT STARTING IN MAY, I AM TAKING LEGAL ACTIONS AGAINST FAKE "DR." KEVIN SCANDAL RANDLE for libel, slander, defamation with deliberate malicious intent, all of which are crimes in all 50 states; RANDLE will have WEEKS to retract and issue a formal statement, or I sue him over his LIES about myself and the ROSWELL UFO crash bullshit he has ALWAYS known about and other UFO lies he has always spread going back to the 1970s re UFOs. I have the ORIGINAL files from the 1970s from Randle himself nailing him, he doesn't know it YET. I plan to seek CLASS ACTION status and RECOVER DAMAGES on behalf of MILLIONS OF READERS HIS books HE WROTE, have MADE A POINT to deceive.

According to FTC and many other laws this is all doable, legal and legit. Like filing SEC Whistleblower complaints against these con artists, ONE JUST HAS TO BOTHER!

For MORE INFO ABOUT IMMINENT LAWSUITS, PROSECUTIONS being filed, contact or myself at or


Friday, March 22, 2024

Butterflies & Windmills

Facebook 3/22/2024

Kal Korff 

Hi everyone. Im off to the Post Office to finally mail off to my girlfriend, Katherine Begay, my love package for her. It has the FIRST My Kalendar made especially for her in honor of her Japanese-Scottish heritage which is literally 50/50, a copy of my Roswell UFO crash expose book which exposes the top 100 pro-UFO Roswell lying OTHER authored books by various frauds and UFOOLogists; then also our FIRST T-SHIRT made by our new supply chain partner whose owner I reached our business deal with just days ago, the new ONLINE STORE which has lots of FREE STUFF, GOES ONLINE TONIGHT. 

We ALREADY HAVE MANY ORDERS, and am EXCITED over our newly added PLEIADIOTS LINE OF PRODUCTS, these characters will make GREAT Bobbleheads and 3D Printed characters, shorts, all kinds of wares and products people can buy. I OWN the rights to ALL of these CHARACTERS, I CREATED OVER 1,100 OF THEM FOR THE NEW SERIES to expose over 400 targets, all of which are named and revealed and reasons WHY, Apps, Books, Videos and Merchandise, one of the reasons this has taken so long to finish; the first 25,000 PAGES of my new InfinityBook UFOlitics • Saucer City - Origins ARE FINISHED and each day NEW CONTENT is uploaded.

I am getting a patent on it, hold legal copyrights of course, can't wait to see products like our FAKEships Goblets of Truth mugs go on sale, you SEE how Meier FAKED his photos, you can even win bets with people who are stupid enough to believe in this nonsense. Meanwhile, the REST of the world will enjoy what we hope are cool products. Everyone LOVES PLEIADORA'S NEW SPACESHIP DESIGN, of course Pleiadora NAMED her/his/its new star ship The HMBS (His Mikey's BullShip) The Pleiadiot, Pleiadora after all, is certainly one of these sicko wackadoos who KNOWS everyone BUTT Billy Meier UFO Cult members are UNCLEAN. Just ASK Mikey Horn about the UNCLEAN stuff, maybe he'll send you some sanitizer. 🙂


Sunday, February 25, 2024

Monday, February 12, 2024

Kalvin, expert webmaster, trolls his "girlfriend."

Gee, Kalvin's girlfriend has a much longer face and a pointy nose and chin now!

Gee, I wonder what Kalvin's "girlfriend" thinks of the
barely dressed AI Asian females Kalvin is using here?

Oh wait... there is no girlfriend.

Kalvin, you might wanna use grammar check as well... Or not.