Saturday, May 18, 2019

"I Hate Myself."


Anonymous said...

Kal on facebook talking about motivational speaker Tony Robins "I have always felt this guy was a phony." Funny because everyone knows Kal is a phony.

Anonymous said...

Yet another pdf book delay. lmfao Still waiting for the other 500 books Kal says he has a deal for. lmfao pathetic

Anonymous said...

Kal Korff is with Rob McConnell and 12 others.
15 hrs ·
BREAKING NEWS! Hi everyone. I am honored and truly humbled to once again have a full page Special published in Daily World newspaper today. As a longtime investigative journalist, it is a genuine honor whenever one is asked to write such lengthy pieces for such a prestigious publication. Daily World is not only an international English language newspaper, its Founder and Editor-In-Chief Mr. Manish Tiwari, is one of India's TOP INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISTS. His exposes have put criminals and corrupt officials in PRISON! As usual your comments are always welcome. The JPEG is below, the LINK has a better copy.

Anonymous said...

So if this Manish fellow is such a top investigative journalist, how is it that he hasn't figured out what a phony Kal is?

Anonymous said...

So just how many other martial arts has Kal mastered to proclaim krav is the best? I saw Kal on that video trying to teach one of the combatives in the krav system and it was crystal clear he had no idea what he was doing and saw it in a video. Just like watching Kal holding a gun it is also crystal clear he has very little to no actual experience handling a gun.

Anonymous said...

Kal on facebook "I have to laugh at this. I am NOT a "Democrat" nor am I a "Republican." I am also not a DumboCrat nor a Rethuglican. I never left the Democratic Party, INSTEAD the Democratic Party left me." Kal is a closet republican who has said in the past he does not like homosexuals.

Anonymous said...

Hey look,l more lies.

Kal Korff: Karthik Kumar speaking of grammar bro, all kidding aside, in the USA they stopped teaching it when I was in seventh grade. New policy became just learn how to say it properly who gives a shit if it’s past imperfect or future conditional, ad nauseum.

When I taught English for years in Europe as a side job we always focused on how to say it right and understand it correctly, it was the BRITISH who obsess over grammar, not Americans.

Having seen how English is taught in India still thanks to the British legacy when they were occupiers it’s SCARY!
Then there’s Hinglish! 😊

Anonymous said...

Did you see this shocking headline? 'Shocking number of Americans can't cover $400 surprise expense.' Good thing Kal lives with his mommy and she can just give him the money if that ever happens to him.

Anonymous said...

Kal on facebook "This “lawyer” is a moron. He said that there was no reason to think that this kid spitting on police was a health hazard. Maybe he thinks vaccines “cause” Autism as well." Does Kal's scum bucket brother trying to run over a cop with a car count as a health hazard?

Anonymous said...

Kal Korff: I will always believe that doing both one’s job and the right job done the right ways are NEVER barking up the wrong tree.

Anonymous said...

Kalvin refers to Reno here... Welcome home Turd Boy...

Kal Korff: Texas is Purple now, Nevada is blue and even Reno is Purple.

Anonymous said...

If I were to guess what Kal is doing in Reno he is likely working at a casino during the night shift. Mommy is paying for everything else.

Anonymous said...

I would agree.

He's still writing articles for a India based newspaper but not on any schedule anymore.

He does his "radio show" on a pretty regular basis although nobodies listening or downloading.

The failure continues.