Saturday, April 30, 2022

Oh Thank God I'm Still Relevant!!!!

Somebodies talking about me!!!!

Look at me!


Jimmy_D said...

Oh, Kalvin. Will you never learn?

the unknown korffer said...

Re-live them glory days.

UFO debunker Kal K. Korff (KKK) has written two books for Prometheus, the publishing arm of the dreaded CSICOP organization. The first of these was about the Billy Meier case, and the second one, about Roswell, is now in its fourth printing, according to Korff. (This is incredible if true!) Korff also plans to expose the Kenneth Arnold case, the Rex Heflin photographic case, and the Betty & Barney Hill case, in future tomes.

In the latter instance, Korff may klash with Karl Pflock, our Contributing Editor, who is favorably disposed toward the Hill case. These two gentlemen can't even agree in regard to Roswell, even though they both believe the Incident was caused by a Mogul balloon!

The only thing your editor has against Korff, other than his overwhelming ego and strong tendency toward exaggeration, is an incident from the distant past: In May of 1985, Korff was "local chairman" for the 22nd National UFO Conference (NUFOC), which he held in his then-home-town of Fremont, California. Korff did no advertising, held the event in a (free) high school auditorium, and would't allow any speakers except himself and William Moore. About twenty people showed up. It was by far the smallest annual event in our now 36 year history!

Korff tells us that he is now resigning, retiring, and/or withdrawing from the UFO field, for reasons that he has not explained. Will he be missed??? ...

Lying to Jim Moseley would never get anyone very far.

Source: Saucer Smear, September 1st, 1999

Jimmy_D said...

General Racer! God bless you, sir. Looking forwards to your posts.

Jimmy_D said...

It was in fact F1 who brought me to this blog all those years ago. The Fat One namechecked him in one of his hopeless language columns in the free newspaper (he was calling out his haters, instead of concentrating on matters grammatical); I Googled "F1 racer" and "Kal Korff" and this page was top of the Google rankings. And here I still am - what? 14/15 years later.

You are worthless scum, Korff.