Thursday, December 21, 2023

A Christmas For The Lunatic

Santa in a Floppy Hat Checks In.... sort of.

See Kalvin playing with Photoshop. See Kalvin's "girlfriend." 

See Kalvin's unusually long neck...

See Kalvin's no longer stubby fingers...


Anonymous said...

Kal Korff is with Katherine Begay

Hi everyone.

As my diaries start to go PUBLIC, they contain 50 YEARS of detailed entries and LOTS of EXPOSES, I'm sharing this copyrighted image real quickly which I own the rights to and took myself, this is from when I lived in India, just walking around a main road I lived off of. Cows are everywhere, my first day arriving I saw Monkeys, Elephants, Cows all on the road and Donkeys, scooters and cars and rickshaws. Sightings like this are quite common, I took thousands of photos and thousands of hours of video, both old school video tapes with my hi-8mm cameras, to later iPhones and iPads and other digital devices. This Archival material is being put into several online platforms for permanent storage and viewing, then I am DONATING lots of material and UFOComp software to what are some really GREAT Historic and Research Archives. I am honored that they are interested, and I'm able to help where I can. UFOComp is ON SCHEDULE to be MADE ONLINE to these researchers in JANUARY 2024, date will be known soon. Workflows and GUIs will be further customized based on the requirements of key users.


Anonymous said...


This is for my friends in the Czech Republic.

I RECEIVED a formal notice from the U.S. Embassy in PRAGUE, at around 8:10AM that THE ACTIVE SHOOTER IN PRAGUE WAS DEAD. Other news reports did NOT confirm this. I am sharing only what the U.S. Embassy told me, sending me a couple of notices on this, their notice arriving to me at 8:10AM this morning claims the ACTIVE SHOOTER IS DEAD.

Jimmy_D said...

"I RECEIVED a formal notice from the U.S. Embassy in PRAGUE, at around 8:10AM that THE ACTIVE SHOOTER IN PRAGUE WAS DEAD. Other news reports did NOT confirm this ..."

--- Now *this* makes me angry.

Anonymous said...

It made me laugh. The suggestion that busy hard working "staff" at the US Embassy in Prague would have exclusive access to Czech LEO channels, and share said exclusive access with private citizen green grocer flying saucer expert Kalvin Korff, is about as likely as greasebag shut-in couch potato computer nerd Kalvin Korff having bagged a keeper "girlfriend" just in time to brag about it at Christmas on Fakebook. The chances of such claims being likely diminish with each new exciting detail.

Keeper "girlfriend" also appears to have aged 30 years without Kalvin's AI makeover, emphasizing his shallowness. It's all a performance with the intended effect of lying to people, at Christmas. The gotcha is that Kal's "friends" know it and hence are silent or more likely not watching at all. Snooze for 30 Days and Unfollow are just as easy as Like and much simpler than commenting.

Jimmy_D said...

I am angry because he used a tragedy to big himself up. But otherwise - yes, of course you're right.

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, ha! This guys a 63 year old lunatic! Posting fake images of your girlfriend on the internet at 63 years old!?!

Anonymous said...

The fact 18 of his friends like the post and believe it is even more pathetic. It's clearly a fake photo.

Anonymous said...

one embellishment too far. unless the "girlfriend" commented approvingly and clicked the Like button to Love it's all a fraud. no woman would allow her image to be manipulated like that on social media without signing off on it in person. sad that kal feels a need to lie to his "friends" at Christmas

Jimmy_D said...

I recommend that Korffers take it upon themselves to notify (i) Facebook and (ii) the lady in question of Kal's behaviour.

Anonymous said...

He literally is hinting that he’s going to masterbate to the fake AI girlfriend pic.

Jimmy_D said...

Many thank, Santa, for finding the strength of mind to stay (relatively) sober long enough to deliver your seasonal message.

Karry on Korffing!

Anonymous said...

December 25, 2023

One positive...

Kalvin got no responses or interaction on this post since posting it 3 days ago. Zero. Nobody cares.


This is for my friends in the Czech Republic.

I RECEIVED a formal notice from the U.S. Embassy in PRAGUE, at around 8:10AM that THE ACTIVE SHOOTER IN PRAGUE WAS DEAD. Other news reports did NOT confirm this. I am sharing only what the U.S. Embassy told me, sending me a couple of notices on this, their notice arriving to me at 8:10AM this morning claims the ACTIVE SHOOTER IS DEAD.

Anonymous said...