Friday, April 5, 2024

I'm protected by CAP... tian America!

Kal Korff   · BREAKING NEWS!

Hi everyone. I am honored to report that my package to my girlfriend Katherine Begay, should be arriving to her today according to the company delivering it, it was sent by registered mail, it has these items in it. The world's FIRST My Kalendar from my company,, literally.

I loved creating these images of Katherine using pics of her honoring her Japanese heritage. The other image shows the package I have sent this in, it contains our FIRST official T-shirt, and my book The ROSWELL UFO Crash, What They Don't Want You To Know, which exposes 100 other pro-UFO Roswell titles and dozens of UFO fraud researchers like FAKE "Dr." Kevin Scandal Randle.

NOTICE I sent this from my ONE AND ONLY ADDRESS, which is my official legally protected Confidential Address Program address given to me by officials. I am in the protected CAP because of my undercover investigations and being a longtime intel analyst, cyberstalkers and haters and expose targets on Twitter, social media, etc., I have been doing much undercover work over the decades since the 1980s as many articles and books prove. My book Spaceship of the Pleiades' The Billy Meier Story is about my undercover trip inside the Meier UFO Cult in Switzerland. WE JUST FINISHED ANOTHER UNDERCOVER OP IN HINTERSCHMIDRUTTI, where Meier and his Cult are. Let Meier and his imaginary Pleiadians tell you what we did, they never tip him off ahead of time, because THEY DO NOT EXIST!

One time, a BLACK WOMAN impersonated me and she was QUIETLY CONVICTED and SENTENCED TO PRISON with my blessings of course. Officials took care of ALL of this for me while I was busy turning over HAMAS fund raising data in the USA to intel types, helping nail Robert Groden in the OJ Simpson civil trial, etc.,.  In fact I am THE ONLY UFO WHISTLEBLOWER who is LEGALLY PROTECTED who is BUSY EXPOSING and WORKING WITH INVESTIGATORS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, IRS and others to expose and hold these criminals FRAUD UFO "whistleblowers" and politicians accountable.

UFOlitics, one of my companies, is the ONLY COMPANY that exists to EXPOSE and prosecute these frauds, it is legally licensed and all mail goes through this CAP address, CHECKED by officials before being sent and received and forwarded both directions.

After this next round of official complaints being filed NEXT WEEK, first notices went out YESTERDAY and were sent to key reporters, I WILL BE ANNOUNCING THAT STARTING IN MAY, I AM TAKING LEGAL ACTIONS AGAINST FAKE "DR." KEVIN SCANDAL RANDLE for libel, slander, defamation with deliberate malicious intent, all of which are crimes in all 50 states; RANDLE will have WEEKS to retract and issue a formal statement, or I sue him over his LIES about myself and the ROSWELL UFO crash bullshit he has ALWAYS known about and other UFO lies he has always spread going back to the 1970s re UFOs. I have the ORIGINAL files from the 1970s from Randle himself nailing him, he doesn't know it YET. I plan to seek CLASS ACTION status and RECOVER DAMAGES on behalf of MILLIONS OF READERS HIS books HE WROTE, have MADE A POINT to deceive.

According to FTC and many other laws this is all doable, legal and legit. Like filing SEC Whistleblower complaints against these con artists, ONE JUST HAS TO BOTHER!

For MORE INFO ABOUT IMMINENT LAWSUITS, PROSECUTIONS being filed, contact or myself at or



Anonymous said...

Kalvin Korff: "...then I would have had to reveal my face..."

Says the guy who's been bragging about his " super secret exploits" on the internet since 2008...

Kalvin Korff: "I was almost killed several times..."

High cholesterol?

Kalvin Korff: "My cyberstalkers and haters especially after this week and the upcoming one where a top figure has already been nailed yesterday, I am working with officials to nail them and prosecute and I was MAXIMUM SENTENCES AS PER LAWS."

Anybody hear the knocking at the door? The dark sedan parked across the street? I didn't think so...

Facebook April 5, 2024

Peter Huston: Bizarrely enough, I, too, was once impersonated by an African American woman. 😕

Kal Korff: honestly I do NOT care what race nor gender anyone is, that’s just genetics, and there is only ONE RACE, HUMAN!

Turns out the officer knew me and knew SHE was NOT me and he couldn’t believe this shock, so all this was done automatigically and because I was almost killed several times in a short span, she was tried and convicted and I was only informed and involved AFTER and ONLY as a courtesy as in if I did NOT agree to what had been done by them being professionals who handled this, then I would have had to reveal my face and all that and go public and I thought the sentence was long enough and it straightened out several problems because there were sightings of me and ACTIVITIES, but it was NOT me and this is NOT the first time. Impersonating even online is ID THEFT and a FELONY around the world. I PROMISE YOU past incidents ARE being held to account. My cyberstalkers and haters especially after this week and the upcoming one where a top figure has already been nailed yesterday, I am working with officials to nail them and prosecute and I was MAXIMUM SENTENCES AS PER LAWS.

I hope you didn’t suffer too much in your situation.

Peter Huston: Kal Korff it was years ago. A couple decades. Simply stole a check from my mailbox, endorsed with my name ( misspelled bizarrely enough), and while a hassle at the time, I needed the money, it's just weird and quirky at this point in time.

Peter Huston: please stay safe and sorry to hear of these problems

Anonymous said...


Here is another Panel from my new InfinityBook, UFOlitics • Saucer City, Origins. Again, a PANEL is one or more cells or pages. Most have four. Each panel is designed to convey a complete set of points, whatever they are.

I REALLY APPRECIATE the feedback and comments, I will post dozens more tomorrow on Sunday.


Anonymous said...

Kal Korff

Elizondo was hit today bigly. I sent the details to a mutual reporter we both know as I promised. More is coming, next week people get SERVED.

You can ask our friend for details if they interest you.


Today that notice to govt officials and others went out.

Wait until you see the stuff on Wendelle, Randle getting sued, etc.

Again, always promised this.

I’ll be posting QRA CODES links, it all in my new UFOlitics InfinityBook, nailed Kiviat, Pandolfi, everyone Steven as you have known now for years.

Jeff Knox is awesome, I’m giving him UFOComp for FREE on May 1st I have to contact him.

Thanks for featuring him.

Anonymous said...

That address is a post office an hour and half away from Kal.

Jimmy_D said...

I have written to Ms Begay at what I believe is her current postal address informing her of the fake FB page set up in her name and Kalvin's claim that she is her g.f. I hope that she will refer the matter to the police and, of course, FB.

Anonymous said...

Good job!

Anonymous said...

the printed calendars and t-shirts look like netcafe swag. upload your own images and the coffee mugs arrive in five to ten days. whatever you want on them, with free shipping on orders over $50. not surprising that korff has unsold copies of his roswell book handy either. some boyfriend: "here honey, have stalky pix of you as a fantasy blow-up doll girlie mag calendar for guys to whack off over and my unsold book from last century." she's so excited!

Anonymous said...


OJ Simpson is DEAD.

Couldn’t happen to a ‘nicer’ killer.

Ironically I FOUND my papers proving I was the guy who provided testimony on the phone AGAINST OJ SIMPSON’s FRAUD “photo analyst” JFK CONSpiracy nut Robert Groden. Groden claimed the images were faked, he measured it with his millimeter ruler. SINCE FILM GRAINS are in MICRONS, CANNOT BE MEASURED with a millimeter ruler, things went downhill from there. As i told everyone last century in this, the favt Simpson HIRED nut job Groden indicates he is guilty.I quit trying to help in the FIRST Simpson Trial when DA Clark refused to look at Satellite imagery proving his Bronco was NOT at that McDonald’s as claimed. I only jumped in because this was a huge injustice and in my view, the DA couldn’t argue her way out of a closet and spending over 100k of taxpayer money on her WARDROBE was always wrong, she was also sleeping with her assistant, they later admitted that.

I’m happy for the family of Simpson’s VICTIMS that he is no longer alive according to Simpson’s family. Details are in my upcoming autobio, the final title and status of which is now set.

From Kalvin's cousin...

Alex Sarmeinto: You are the one who almost put OJ away! Thank you for your efforts!!

Kalvin's response...

hi, I appreciate the sentiment, but honestly I only jumped in because she was IGNORANT! I mean here we have a NIGHT TIME issue and we CAN SEE LIGHTS AT THE DRIVE THROUGH IF HIS BRONCO IS THERE OR NOT. Blue Cube even told me that a FRENCH SATELLITE MIGHT have imaged the area. I borrow TRW SPACE LOGS FROM BRAD SPARKS TO TRY TO TRACK IT, he was my source for such logs.
I was told we have DNA and I said Big Fucking Deal, what else is new? This is going to be a race war. Then the judge, Ito, don’t get me started on that clown.

I lost all respect for Dershowitz, everyone except those few fighting for JUSTICE.

So in the civil case I only BOTHERED when I learned Groden was his hired expert at like 10K a day or some insane amount, Maybe 2K, I’d have to check my papers, but I destroyed Groden’s work in high school at JFK investigating Kennedy’s murder, GRODEN LEAKED HIS AUTOPSY PHOTOS SOLD THEM TO TABLOIDS FOR MONEY.

So I POUNCED on this and had the cross examination of him gone into another day I would have flown down there and canceled my trip to see my friend Brad Sparks, who lived in Southern California at that time.

It was NO SECRET I WAS involved, only liars and denies and morons who never understood what I did nor were they present and they were NOT involved, repeat online BS that I was not involved in both cases on the periphery.

I found my papers and notes and they’re being published, SAME wit the criminal case files and my Work exposing and nailing and helping convict Wendelle Stevens.

Anonymous said...

Retire from what... sorting through the vegetables?


We're waiting Kalvin... we've been waiting since 2008...

Kalvin Karlton Korff's Lunatic Internet Universe

"ALL 500 OF MY BOOKS and PhD thesis and everything else I do of relevance are now ALL BEING MERGED INTO the new online Universe"


Hi everyone. Today and through the next 14 DAYS, I will be on and offline uploading many Gigabytes of data, new products, etc. The UFOlitics, and other online stores, entities and products will all start appearing. The Library of Kalexandria is also being opened, there's so much, been working on this for YEARS and now I can START TO WALK AWAY and RETIRE once this is deployed and it 'manages' itself! This is what KalmanderData and other entities I have coded since 1988, do.

As I upload and launch, then start appearing on shows, challenge people to debates to promote this and raise awareness of these original research works and projects which FINISH research left incomplete by others, or SOLVE existing problems and cases, I will also be filing my taxes for my companies UFOlitics,, etc. this is very different now with new products finally shipping. There has NEVER been this special mix of EduTainment and Exposes and Critical Thinking.

What is necessary, is always wise.

ALL 500 OF MY BOOKS and PhD thesis and everything else I do of relevance are now ALL BEING MERGED INTO the new online Universe of UFOlitics Saucer City • Secret Lives, Secret X Wars - Origins. This new platform interacts with my other publishers, since I have a mixture of private and commercial publishers and media partners. NOW the name of my AUTOBIOGRAPHY is frozen and official: Secret Lives, Secret X Wars. The formats for this are the new interactive InfinityBook with multimedia elements such as QR codes, PDFs, video, images, audio, AR, VR, forms, this entire project is POWERED BY A BRADS M5 WORKSTATION I built specifically for Operations Pandora's Box and Trojan Snails while I was in the Middle East and India from 2011-2017.

This title is self evident I think, my various "lives" as a Polymorphic Polymath are all in there, what I have done and especially did NOT do, and after this all comes out, my RETIREMENT is looking very good. I will be retiring from being an Intelligence Analyst by the end of 2025 for example, my thesis and papers being monetized on those fronts are also coming out in the new graphic and multimedia rich platforms.

Please REMEMBER that events which take place online in UFOlitics and Saucer City, IMPACT their REAL WORLD or ANALOG counterparts. Since new content is uploaded each day, everyone can track what happens, or not.


everyone knows you are lying, kal said...

katharine begay is truly humbled and honored! just like kal always says, gosh golly they really are soul-mates, they even type the exact same way. she's so excited!

Anonymous said...

Oh MY GOD! Holy Mother of GOD, you are witnessing the most astounding case of Mental Illness on line EVER. I come by here periodically to check for updates on this Years Long Lunatic On Display. Korffers, I go back to the year of 2008, and witnessed this total MORON playing out with his childish outbursts, his extreme tantrums, his lunatic claims (Israeli founded Special Secret Services, hunting for A-bombs and UFO Frauds, his Nanodust trips to Pakistan, etc.) and wonder how this klown has not had somebody stomp his ass. Well, we all remember his dirt-bag drug addicted convict brother .. so apples do not fall far from the tree. Now this "train wreak" moron discovered AI. Oh MY GOD! Sure .. lets see where all this goes from here. Kalvin Korff, mommy must be so proud! I wonder how this douche bag has effected Mommy's bank account??

Jimmy_D said...

Mommy is one of his principal enablers. She is an utter disgrace.

Anonymous said...

It is an interesting Kalvin quirk that he continually makes promises and then misses self imposed deadlines, i.e., lies over and over again. Nobody is asking him for launch dates, etc., but he can't help himself from pronouncing them. Breaking Lies indeed.

Example; His on-line store was supposed to launch two weeks ago. It was promised... :-)


Hi everyone. Been swamped beyondo more than usual, felt it physically yesterday, which is unusual for me, so I rested. Anyway, THIS is the simple guide to our new online stores, shopping couldn't be easier.

For rest of Sat, Sun and Monday, I am: 1. FINISHING my taxes for my companies I own and run like and UFOlitics, etc., 2. REPORTING to the U.S. Government IN WRITING ON MONDAY, that I am RETIRING AS AN INTELLIGENCE ANALYST and will NO LONGER BE TURNING IN UFO EXTREMISTS in their whistleblower programs now that ALL are nailed via Operations Pandora's Box and Trojan Snails and my InfinityBook, or were PREVENTED for achieving their financial goals and crimes. 3. FOLLOWING UP MY PREVIOUS COMMUNICATIONS WITH CIA LEGAL, CLOSING OUT THEIR RON PANDOLFI FILE and CLEARING UP MY OWN INTEL FILES WITH THEM, making SURE whatever facts they have are CORRECT and I will SEEK TO HAVE THEM MADE PUBLIC. Busy next few days. I have a CASE NUMBER FOR BOTH OF THESE FROM CIA, I have given that info to Art Levine earlier this year when this happened.

AFTER Monday, BY TUESDAY our Think Critically products are available ONLINE, they are exactly this, UNIQUE items that EduTain and Inform, provide great and wise quotes from history that are universally helpful - POSTIVE STUFF, just scan their QR codes. AFTER Monday and I have sent the FINAL COMPLAINT NUMBERS to Washington DC based journalist Art Levine so this CANNOT be undone, and gets exposed to the public in HIS REPORTING and reporting by OTHERS, I will then go ON TOUR in various ways to PROMOTE this stuff AFTER the RELEVANT InfinityBook story pages and QR codes are online, which starts AFTER the stores launch. The reactions to these new products have been overwhelmingly positive, I sincerely THANK my girlfriend Katherine Begay for her kindness and support in all this, and the many PARTNERS who message me and tell me FACTS they WANT TO SEE on these products like....well, stay tuned 🙂

Oh yeah, I have integrated UFOComp into the KORE of the new InfinityBook, I have a iPhone App build on my iPhone 15 Pro Max running right now in alpha mode. EVERYTHING is being integrated, because Life is One Big Relational Database. Everything is connected to everything else.


Jimmy_D said...

Where is the mother (Dot Joss)? Why isn't she doing her damndest to secure for her son the help that he so obviously needs?

Anonymous said...

She’s as nutty as he is.

Jimmy_D said...

Melissa? Are you there? Was Kal mommy's little boy? What was their relationship like? Did you meet her?

Anonymous said...

I met her. Two words: Emotional Incest. Very passive aggressive woman who played mind games and didn’t like me. I knew it was done after I saw how they were together. It made me sick.

Anonymous said...

Because she’s as dysfunctional as he is.

JImmy_D said...

So, so strange.

Anonymous said...


We have a circa 2008, outta of his freaking mind thread coming soon.

We have some research and editing to get done.

Korffers, as much as I'd like to say that you ain't gonna believe this...

You will... of course you will.

No Law Suits Filed
Korffing for a Korff Free Internet
Korffers Unite
God Bless Don Ecker

The Korffing Syndicate

Anonymous said...

Kalvin already revamped his wix website. The AI generated images are gone... nice ADHD Kalvin.

"If it exists, it has at least one purpose. Nothing exists, just for the fuck of it. The key words here are: at least one. If you're 'upset' that I used the 'F' word, your focus is wrong." • Kal Korff

Jimmy_D said...

"Nothing exists, just for the fuck of it."

He can't get the hang of them danged commas, can he?

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, ha!

Anonymous said...

His website looks like an unorganized psychotic pile of shit.

Jimmy_D said...

Why are you sticking your "official legally protected Confidential Address" on your public website, you fuckwit?

Anonymous said...

He just likes using those words to make himself feel special. I guess mom coddling him all his life wasn’t enough.

Anonymous said...

how's girlfriend? account suspended yet? if not, any meaningful activity unrelated to kalvin's fantasy world? any mention of her family, friends or work? you know, things regular people do?

asking for a friend

Anonymous said...

whats the story here? korff BANNED from Facebook for impersonation as he deserves to be? we had a whole wave of spam porno tagging last week that was disruptive, annoying and frightening for some. anyone who contributes to impersonation hacks on Facebook is a dirtbag who should be banned from the whole fucking internet. and there's girlfriend, phony as a 3 dollar bill, blow up doll fake person, contributing to the hacker culture on Fakebook

thanks a lot, asshole

Anonymous said...

500 books and 500 questions... You go Kalvin.


Hi everyone. As the new web sites get updated, I answered over 500 QUESTIONS and my answers to them are being uploaded, many are in these simple easy to share panels and cells now ported to the new InfinityBook UFOlitics Saucer City. These quotes are also part of ULEs, Universal Legal Exhibits, admissible worldwide. I think it's obvious what this means. If not now, it will be over time.
