21 days later and The Bulbous One did release an e-book. Way to go Kalvin, you only lied for three weeks, that's progress. Keep it up buddy!
Here you go boys and girls, Kalvin's first "book" LINK As we expected, it's an "e-book" meaning no publisher would get involved with this cocksucker.
$9.99 Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac.
Category: World
Published: Aug 24, 2017Publisher: Kal Korff
Seller: Kal Korff
Print Length: 149 Pages
Language: English
Version: 1.1
How long before we get the lies about how many copies he sold. Thousands and thousands of copies! BTW, we already have a copy (amazing how fast things get bootlegged on the internet), this copy will be posted at the time of our choosing, for free, of course.
Until the new "book" is posted, feel free to download this "book", the length of which is nearly identical to Kalvin's new "book". Expect any "book" by Kalvin to look very much like this "book".
Until the new "book" is posted, feel free to download this "book", the length of which is nearly identical to Kalvin's new "book". Expect any "book" by Kalvin to look very much like this "book".
>>>> LINK <<<<