Monday, June 15, 2020

So much effort with so little results. Utter Failure.

Poor little Kalvin, he claims to be so busy doing God's work and saving humanity and yet, his social media posts receive virtually zero interactions. Hey Bubble Butt, where's that peer reviewed COVID-19 work...

May 30 at 10:18 PM · BREAKING NEWS!
If all goes as planned, over these next two days I will be recording the first new broadcasts for airing shortly, also finish my Coronavirus work, wind down my analyst recommendations report, then prepare some of this stuff for public release. It will be sent for peer review before final publications happen, unless things change I have nothing I think I can add about this topic reporting on it, I'll use software to help track it automatically. Gotta get busy now, I'll be back online in a few days...stay SAFE everyone. Where I'm reporting from, there's an enforced curfew tonight because of rioting. I hope wherever you are, things are as "normal" as they can be under today's circumstances.


Jimmy_D said...

Could someone maybe post a screenshot of Kal in his Burning Mat getup from that recently posted video? Then we could have a "1980: contemplating failure ... 2020: udder failure" pic.

You are lying vermin, Karlton.

Anonymous said...

Link please...

Anonymous said...

Kal is posting the news about Bolton's book on Trump coming out and how Trump was asking China for 2020 election help. How did the big bad busy little journalist Kal didn't get the scoop on this? Where is our intrepid globally accredited journalist? Oh yeah right. Kal will wait a while and then write an article claiming he had the answers all along. What is going on with the group of scientists Kal is supposed to be working on some Mars project with? The bullshit never stops flowing from his big mouth. I thought millions around the world knew who Kal was but Kal can only land 5 or 6 likes on his posts on a good day. A few more likes if Kal reposts political issues. What a bumbling sack of shit.

Jimmy_D said...

"Link please": - Scroll down to: New Kalvin Interview - "I know all and only I know all!"

Interview here:

Anonymous said...

Oh, that video, forgot about that video. Thanks for the reminder and the link.

Anonymous said...

Khurram Zaki would be ashamed to be associated with Kal K. Koff if Mr. Zaki knew what a phony Kal is.

Jimmy_D said...

"So much effort with so little results." Like much of modern art, Kalvin's lifetime ouevre is the equivalent of constipation.

Anonymous said...

Seeing the little prick Kal on Facebook posting about his past fame. LMAO Kal boasts that millions have seen his work and know who he is yet he has very followers online and when you ask people if they know Kal Korff the common answer is "who?"

Anonymous said...

What "publisher" would want the first page of a book? What good is the first page of a book?

Kal Korff
1 hr ·

Hi everyone. I’m pleased to report that last night I sent to my publisher the first page from my upcoming book, hopefully I’ll have it done in about 30 days. It has NOTHING to do with UFOs, thankfully, and it is a fully sourced hard hitting expose. Developing...

Anonymous said...

Scott Flippen: I was going to say Happy Father's Day but I don't know if you have kids. Happy Father's day anyway

Kal Korff: Scott Flippen thanks, bro.

Anonymous said...

Kalvin's Step-Father:

Anonymous said...

Kal on facebook "BREAKING NEWS!

Hi everyone. I’m pleased to report that last night I sent to my publisher the first page from my upcoming book, hopefully I’ll have it done in about 30 days. It has NOTHING to do with UFOs, thankfully, and it is a fully sourced hard hitting expose. Developing..." I think Kal means he had to walk his book one door down the hall to Dotty's room for her to edit it. Fully sourced? Does Kal mean like his claim of being a ranking officer in a foreign organization nobody has heard of? 30 days? More like never just like that 500 book deal Kal said he had. I can't stop laughing at how fucking absurd Kal is.

Jimmy_D said...

Scott Flippen: I was going to say Happy Father's Day but I don't know if you have kids. Happy Father's day anyway

Kal Korff: Scott Flippen thanks, bro.

--- "Thanks, bro." Is that all he said. Surely that was the time to casually volunteer the information that the son he fathered on an Indian princess has a genius-level IQ.

Anonymous said...

Kal on facebook "This writer is correct, Kamala Harris has an irritating and deliberate tactic of avoiding directly answering many questions in a yes or no manner." Just like Kal does! Hypocrite strikes again!! Nice to see all those names on that obituary we can research now.

Anonymous said...

So Kal is spending the money mommy got when her husband died. Can you fucking imagine being a member of THAT family??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jimmy_D said...

Black Lives Matter.

But not Kalvin's

Anonymous said...

Peer review? Also known in Kal's world as mommy checking for spelling errors.

Jimmy_D said...

"So Kal is spending the money mommy got when her husband died. Can you fucking imagine being a member of THAT family??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
--- I wonder if dirtbag Kurtis was remembered in the will?

Anonymous said...

Kal on facebook "Hi everyone. Here is a real example of what a basic intel assessment report looks like that is sent to Analysts and others. Of course they come in infinite varieties, but here is one that was classified previously about Antifa and the Berkeley riots." Showed this to a buddy of mine in police work. He said this sort ofinfo is so easy to obtain and looks like it is from what he called a fusion center the federal government runs. Kal Korff is not an intelligence analyst or terrorism analyst. Sounds like he got this from a friend. My buddy also told me that no real analyst would ever put this out on facebook.

Anonymous said...

Kal on facebook "BREAKING NEWS!This will be out in less than a month. Communist China is soooo BUSTED!" Ok Kal keep on digging a deeper hole. This is another book publishing claim that will never come. It will probably be another pdf file "book" by Kal that will amount to a nothing burger like the rest of his life.

Anonymous said...

Here is a find for you all. Kal K. Korff says he worked at Claris developing Hypercard. Hypercard came out in 1987. In an article from January 1994 about Kal he said he was working doing technical phone support for Apple. He NEVER mentions working on HyperCard. I guess it is because Kal would have been called out for it had it appeared in the local paper. Why the fuck is some big tech guru who was supposed be on that team now doing tech support???? Kal is NOT listed in ANY OF THE CREDITS for HyperCard. Not once. NO MENTION AT ALL. Why is that??? We all know the answer. So when did Kal first make his claim of working on HyperCard?

If you were a fan or especially a developer of HyperCard you would likely have been part of this mailing list Scroll down the page and you will see Kal K. Korff IS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND in the credits of ANY edition of HyperCard. Kal DID NOT EVER WORK ON HYPERCARD. Got to message 18 of 23 for more.""Paul Foraker
Sunday, 19-Aug-2007 22:15 GMT
Korff does not appear in the About Box of HyperCard because he was on
the team at Claris for a month or less, his expertise turning out to
be not quite as represented. Apparently, he subsequently survived the
"fatal brain tumor" and is now a UFO expert.

-- Paul"" This dude's name Paul Foraker IS ACTUALLY ON THE CREDITS for HyperCard!
Kal said something about selling some interest in BookBrowser posted on his Facebook page. This lady owned BookBrowser and I would be so very interested in hearing what exactly Kal Korff's role was so here is her website

Anonymous said...