When Korff posts something "new" and of note on
his Facebook wall, WAG sends it to us. This "new" material will
always get posted before any threads we may be working on. "New" is
better than old in the life of this Korffer.
Here we have Korff humbling bragging about India and how
Korff is spearheading the cleaning up of its fecal covered streets while at the
same time bagging on the USA, a country he's still a citizen of (just in case
he has to run away from India, like he did the CZ) because of his lunatic
And of course, Korff already claimed he was "filmng video" (now, "doing videos"... thanks for stopping by Korff) and that material was going to be released a few weeks ago. A lie as always, confirmed by this new post. Clearly nobodies listening but we'll continue Korffing on in any case.
We will not stop.
WAG FaceBook Update - Oct 23, 2014
A snap of Korff's FB Wall... sick little asshole.
So let me get this straight... a country with massive poverty, so bad they sell off organs for cash... these people are getting behind this effort to clean up their piss and shit and garbage because this will bring them what.... pride in their country - government... the same country - government that put them in this mess.
Kalvin Kartlon Korff; A small minded, America hating, America loving (when needed), chubby little loser.
Well Korff, how is that "shit clean up" project going? I do have some experience cleaning up those love deposits from my dogs. Now, I have what is known as a "pooper scooper" that I use. My wife bought it for me years ago around the Christmas season. It works REALLY REALLY well! How bout' you? Do you need one? Do they have them in India? All those wandering cows must shit alot so I would think you would need something like that! Do you need one? If so, leave a note here and I will price one for ya and figure out how many rupies it would be. Then you just send me the correct amount of rupies and I will ship you one! Well, that is AFTER you release that book Turd Boy. Just checked the past due date and as of now looks like you are about 47 days or so past due. Get ur ass outta those fast fried food joints and lets get to work, okay? Geeze, shure wouldn't want to be waiting on you if I needed a blood transfusion.
What a humbling honor!
That counter really is a weapons, isn't it? Do we also have screenshot of the original lie ("my new book comes out in a month", or whatever it was)? That might be worth posting, too.
I'm sure we do, we will look for it...
WAG FaceBook Update
Kalvin Karlton Korff, asking others to to be exposed because of their behavior...
Kal Korff: I hope every time the Clintons try to do this, the media will expose them. Butt most of the media won't, because they lean left, left, left, left, left as the recent PEW study proves, which so far has drawn seeming silence from Democrats who claim that the media is "controlled" by the right.
THIS is yet another reason I stopped supporting the Democrats and Clinton.
On Jan. 21, 1998, Mr. Clinton told his aide Sidney Blumenthal that Ms. Lewinsky “came on to me and made a sexual demand on me,”....
June 8, 2014
Book Release Claim
139 days have passed since Karlton made this claim...
Failure Kontinues.
Kal Korff: Hi everyone.
I have a (I hope) "good news" announcement to make on a personal and professional note: My next book will be out in some THREE MONTHS, or 90 days roughly.
It's the first of several new titles, all of which are non-fiction. More info will be released in the near future.
For those of you who have written me over time and asked when my next works would be out, I thank you for your kind support, interest and patience, the answer is it will be soon.
For my "kritics" and cyberstalkers, who lied (since they were not involved) and said I had no books coming out and was just making this all up, I hope you enjoy reading them and will get the serious mental help that you obviously need.
Serious or just normal mental help....
I'll have to see if I'm covered for the serious type, sounds like fun.
For Korffer's who are paying attention, when we see FB posts like this we smile, we laugh, we shake our collective heads and we continue Korffing, forever.
per se... don't blame me.
Kal Korff: Butt of course. I predict (and I do hope I am wrong on this) that the DumboCrats will set a new record per se in lying and making up whom to "blame" and excuses for what seems like an impending and self-inflicted defeat. Remember, folks, it's NEVER their fault.
Remember Korff, it's never your fault...
Kal Korff stole valor for six to eight years, complete with a costume bearing rank insignia he was not entitled to wear to sell the con of being an "officer" in a clandestine paramilitary group.
Who needs that mental health care? None of us have impersonated an officer with Isreali tactics, posing with paint ball guns and claiming to have super secret nanobot dust used to threaten & intimidate law enforcement personnel.
Kal Korff stole valor. Doesn't matter which nationality or branch he stole it from, just that he stole it. He's a scumbag, a poser, a jerk and a loser.
Well, another broken Korff promise or should I say another Korff lie? A promised book, promised for years ... and NO Book! Should I say I am surprised? No, not surprised but expected. Korff was always GREAT at shooting his huge mouth off promising all kinds of things .. but when it was time to produce ... not a god damned thing. So, not surprised, not at all. But, do you know what would surprise me? This bull shitter actually carrying through! But, not to worry, NEVER EVER HAPPEN !!
Twinkie eating mouth breather.
Pedo P.O.S.
Why not use a current picture for your Flakebook profile, Kal? Or are you ashamed of having gotten fat.
He should. Or how about one of those shower photos! BTW, whatever happened to that reality "TV" show on the life of Kalvin Karlton Korff?
What, another lie.
Say it ain't so Wideload.
Coming up on 50 days, nearly Korff's age, in years, not maturity, and still, nothing but failure.
What do you know about wrong Korff? Oh yes, your entire life.
Kal Korff: I'm so glad Honey Boo Boo has been canceled. It was always a great example of what's wrong in America. It's too bad it took THIS to make is so.
Defending America? Oh fuck you Lard Ass. Threaten anyone lately Korff. Call anyone's place of business Korff.
Fuck you.
Kal Korff: Now, if only Keeping Up with the KarTrashians would be canceled, and a bunch of others. When some of these shows end up being broadcast and syndicated in other countries, I have a hard time "defending" the USA when Europeans and Indians ask me "WTF is this?" or words to this effect.
Korffing Phrase of the Week
"... good ol' Tubby go all bat shit crazy..."
50 days of failure.
Ok, so I actually knew nothing about this guy until fairly recently. Obviously he is a moron, but, in the facebook post he says "butt ass long as Hillary Clinton" instead of "but as long as Hillary Clinton"...is he making some kind of joke here that I am not aware of or is he so daft he could not spell the words "but" and "as"? Mother of Christ, so he does not know the difference between "butt" and "but" yet he wants people to believe he is some kind of terrorist hunting super spy?
Kalvin is making one of his ponderous puns. Butt you knew that, right?
No,I did not know that, which is why I asked. As I said I had never evenheard of this guy until recently.
So, what led you to this site, may I ask?
Yes, we'd all like to know how you found our blog? And, have you checked over the web site and youtube channel yet? We take our Korffing duties very seriously.
Some things simply NEVER CHANGE. Right Dough Boy?
Jimmy D,
I was doing some research on stolen valor, and he was of the people I decided to take a closer look at as be seemed to be particularily crazy.
If you ever want to send me some research or a thread, please do.
The Korffing Syndicate
WAG FaceBook Update
Kal Korff: If Adam and Eve really existed, isn't everyone ultimately "Jewish?"
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