As we await the release of the book, or series of books, WAG took notice of Korff's FB wall and the images he's been posting. Korffer's know Wide Load has zero real friends, lists none of his family members, or his "wife" on his FB profile, and he lives a life that's all about Kalvin. I, I, Me, Me, Mine, Mine. Proof? Where's the Fecal Clean Up India photos and videos. Nowhere.
As Karlton pounds his keyboard; his love for Apple and his hate of America, he's also a sad sack and little man, hoping to get Likes from his "friends.
As Karlton pounds his keyboard; his love for Apple and his hate of America, he's also a sad sack and little man, hoping to get Likes from his "friends.
To this end, we present the images.
And ... those photos from Wide Load mean .... what? Like, WTF??
Now it is 53 days beyond the promise and no book. What do you have to say Kal? Come on, inquiring minds want to know! Where is YOUR BOOK? Is there a book or is this another empty Korff lie?
Hey Web Master, these text words to prove we are not robots are FUCKED!!!!
I've turned off the CAPTCHA, again and again and again and again. It won't turn off. Not sure what to do.
I'll do some more research, maybe the other admin knows the trick. But, using the directions and options on this site, does not work.
... maybe Korff will help....
Kalvin's dirtbag brother might be interested in this article (on the online mug shot industry, which posts mug shots of anyone arrested and charges $30 to $400 to have the photo removed):
There is no "book", never was and never will be. Just a pathetic attempt at garnering attention & praise on Flakebook which was noted 143 days ago. Colonel Korff has since moved on to other pathetic attempts at garnering attention & praise while masturbating to the "Like" counts. "Ohhhh yeah, six likes, one by Bruce Macabee .... ohhhhh wow .... soooo hot."
On a more positive note, the captcha is likely beyond KALVIN's ability to use and we may be able to proceed on here without his posting threats of physical harm against himself to paint the blog in a bad light. Go fuck yourself, Kal.
would be interested in knowing if korff has noted his background in aersospace industry in reference to the rocket explosion video making the rounds. after all he claims to have worked on the Viking lander project during summer recess during the 7th grade, been an employee of boeing and is a general bore about anything space related. great opportunity to lie about something he has scant enough knowledge of to lecture others on its significance
It does seem that he did work in some capacity at Boeing. I called their main office but you can't get any info from them; privacy, etc.
A few years back a Korffer sent a very funny image taken at Boeing. I wish I had that guys e-mail address to ask a few questions...
It was the "Kult of Kal" guy who set up the KultofKal website when this blog went on hiatus.
He tried to get us enthused about sending holiday "Kal-selfies", whereby people would hold up signs saying "Kal is an idiot" in front of world-famous landmarks. He also sent one from Red Square in Moscow, as I recall.
I don't think Kult of Kal had any personal connection with Boeing.
His email is - but I doubt he checks it these days.
By the way, that anti-robot "type the text" thing works perfectly well for me.
The robot thing is a hassle. But, so far, I can'r shut it down....
All you need to access Boeing employee info is Kal's birthday and his social number. Tell Boeing human resources you're checking a reference to see what job he performed. There should be an 800 number for HR.
55 days you failure.
WAG FaceBook Update
Korff commenting on the thought that Bin laden is really not dead....
Kal Korff: I have the secret Pakistani report that was leaked, he's dead, but much of the narrative put out by the White House like Biden lied and said there was a 40 odd minute "fire fiight" is just pure BS, and Biden and the White House knew it.
"I have the secret Pakistani report that was leaked..."
Mwa-ha-ha-ha. Read Urdu, do you, Karlton? You bloody liar. What about posting it to your FB page?
I loathe you, Korff. I wish you would come back to Prague.
Exactly. When Korff mentions some kind of document he has, etc., he'll never post it or release it unless, he made it himself. Like in this case...
From: "Anonymous Remailer (austria)"
Date: March 1, 2011 5:49:10 PM EST
Subject: Don Ecker's lies and slander
I represent Colonel Kal K Korff of the Israeli founded Special Secret Services. Recently Don Ecker, broadcasting his "show" on your website, SLANDERED AND LIBELED Colonel Korff on many different levels.
Don Ecker is a noted LIAR, FRAUDSTER, AND SUPPORTER OF TORTURE. His unhealthy obsession with Colonel Korff has made him commet several ILLEGAL acts on his radio show.
Ultimately, Cyber Station USA is responsible for the content of Don Ecker's program.
This is a notice for you to REMOVE Don Ecker and his show from your web service or YOU will be held accountable in several lawsuits that Colonel Korff will be filing against Don Ecker.
Law Office of Robert D. Coviello
Law Offices of Robert D. Coviello
31815 Camino Capistrano, Suite 19
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
T: 949-429-7500F: 949-429-7505
Just made a web page for Kal
Ha, ha, ha!
Send it to Korff people!
go to the site:
and paste in this e-mail:
You know what I want for Christmas, Korff?
Another video by Santa in a Floppy Hat.
Come on Santa, get pissed on a 6 pack and tell us what you're been working on.
Well, last Christmas Santa said he'd deliver, but I don't recall that he actually did. (He probably had other things to do - like spending time with family, eating Christmas fare, visiting relatives ... you know; the kind of thing Korff would love to do but can't).
Please, Santa!
He didn't. He had kids to attended to, etc.
He tells me he'll make no promises but... he says it's about time to make a very drunken and very informational return to service.
SIAFH loves to Korff. SIAFH lives to Korff... and eat cookies and drink... heavily.
"He tells me he'll make no promises but... he says it's about time to make a very drunken and very informational return to service."
---Tell SIAFH not to sweat it. Family comes first. From my point of view, if he could simply moon the camera, deliver himself of a moist and ringing fart and (only if he has the extra time) mutter "this one's for you, Kalvin" ... then this would more than suffice.
Ha, ha, ha!
Korffing quote of the week:
"... moist and ringing fart..."
You are a numbnuts Mr. Korff
Yes, a numbnut, although not a Mr.
WAg faceBook Update
New Flash!
Kalvin K.Korff is no longer a hater of the gays... when Steve Jobs is involved.
Slob the knob Korff.
Kal Korff: Yes, Steve Jobs was "responsible" for Apple's CEO making his recent announcement, so yes, tear down his monument, because Steve Jobs did it. Ok, Russia, I get it.
Is the Capcha turned off Korffer's?
No it's not... damn!
"Descent into delusion sealed your fate."
Korffing quote of the day!
Put all hot beverages down, no kidding. Here's your jaw-dropper Korffing link for the fall semester. Takes one to know one I guess, and that Kal isn't aware of this is an even bigger laugh than the content itself. Totally surreal turn of events, and my apologies if this had already been made known on the blog.
Then again even if he knew (or knows, now), what can Kal possibly make of it? Other than to risk exposure for his own con game by encouraging his followers to look into the WHOLE story, so entertainingly related on the exposure site. That's where their Google searches will lead first! So drop a bomb on yourself if you like, Kal. Seems you got had just the same as everyone.
WOW! Great Korffing! I'm loving this. While reading this a funny feeling came about... This guys very similar to Korff. A little bit of truth and a whole lot of horse shit to make himself look like more of a special man. So humble and honored indeed.
Suck on it Kalvin.
Excellent work.
Kalvin will now claim this exposé as his own work.
He might, but he'd just as liekly say...
He was so focused on getting his Dirt bag brother off, he didn't bother to look into this guys claims. Funny thing, if he would have done his due research, he could have put Gil in a very bad light, adding new pressure to the situation.
But... nooooo, Korff was having way too much fun humbly bragging and making threats and claims, none of which were true or helped in any way.
an expert witness counter terrorism analyst and consultant bamboolzed by a lowly county l.e.o.! no wonder the super special secret services canned his ass! can't do anything right. can ya kal??
"Takes one to know one ... not."
But seriously - terrific Korffing.
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