What's great about this exchange, Toby calls out Kalvin, "Who the hell is this guy?" Toby tells Kalvin that he didn't want to get into a "duel of wits" because "it wouldn't be fair". In response, Kalvin starts posting again and again trying to bait the guy, Toby never came back, just like he said he wouldn't. Ha, ha. ha. Kalvin, you fuck wit.
Sweet Moses, here we go again.
I read the comments section and see that spineless twit Rob McConnel is kissing Kal's ass!!! WTF?
Rob: Congrats Kal!
Kal: Thank you, Sir.
How do we know Kal is actually in Dubai? He could have easily switched his location in Facebook. If he is actually in Dubai with his mommy I wonder if the newspaper he works for is paying for all of this and they don't know it. It wouldn't surprise me if Kal charging a ton of shit to the newspaper under the pretense that it is work related. No pictures of mommy and her little cracked son? Then again maybe mommy paid for the trip like she pays for everything for Kal. Oedipus complex much? Ewwww. Book series my ass. Just saw that the Dubai Torch Tower caught fire. Wonder if Kal plays with matches too?
Not this book publishing crap again. Why is anyone surprised? Kal couldn't come up with anything original if his KFC was on the line. So if there is video and Kal gets other people in frame will he make them stand on the street while he uses the curb to make his tubby frame look taller? No college, no real profession, no country, no future. way to go Kal!
He uses an iPhone to post on Facebook, he could change that location I guess. His Mother is still with him and I'm sure she wanted to get the hell out of India. They went to Dubai a couple months ago as well.
Hey, fuck all you haters... ! :-)
Books, books, books, books, books, books, books, books... Wonderful books, wonderful books....
Ebooks, ebooks, ebooks, ebooks, ebooks, ebooks, ebooks, ebooks, Wonderful ebooks, wonderful ebooks....
The Truth
.PDF documents are not books, and they are not ebooks.
If Flubby Tubby Shit Stain releases an ePub, now that's a book that can be read on any device. .PDF documents can not. I doubt kalvin even knows this.
Lets see what old Lactating Kalvin releases, if he releases anything at all.
The Korffing Syndicate is very hopeful Kalvin does release material, we've been waiting a long time for new material to edit and generally fuck with. And there's nothing Kalvin can do about it. We are reporters just as much as you Kalvin. Fair use mother fucker.
With that excuse about not publishing because he wants the book to be up to date is Kal's lamest fucking excuse. Can you imagine if authors actually did this? Nothing would get fucking published! Just stop it Kal, just stop the attention seeking and the bullshit you know will never happen like you publishing a bunch of books ever again. No legit publisher with half a brain would touch any of your nutty shit Kal. You'd be lucky Kal if you could get a book printed on custom toilet paper at this point. So when do we see the return of Kernal Korff and his special needs forces? Good for that guy posting that tidbit. LMFAO Kal sure got bent the fuck out of shape quick over it. Kal it is pretty obvious to people that you have not been some pioneer in the tech field since 1983. I've seen your websites in the past and there children out there with more skill building website on a PC than you will ever possess on a Mac of any kind. Kal you only dabble in computers at best. Any true IT expert wouldn't go to such levels to basically suck the dick of a particular tech company like you do with Apple. This cheerleader mentality you have Kal is baffling. I'd tell you to grow up Kal but that likely won;t happen any time soon? How fucking old are you now Kal? Into 50s or 60s at least. How sad to see someone who is supposed to be a grown man act the way you do Kal.
Remember Kal K. Korff's dirtbag brother? This is from November 2015. Seems like a family full of losers. Why did we not hear about Kal railing to get his brother justice? LOL
Judge Sentences GP Man to 35 Months in Prison for Drug Trafficking Operation
A Josephine County Judge has sentenced a Grants Pass man to nearly three years in prison for his role in a local drug trafficking ring.
According to Court records, Circuit Judge Pat Wolke ordered 50-year-old Kurtis Kern Korff last week to spend the next 35 months with the Oregon Department of Corrections.
Korff was arrested in November 2015 during a Rogue Area Drug Enforcement team raid on a residence in the 1700-block of Fruitdale Drive. RADE recovered large quantities of methamphetamine and heroin, scales, packaging materials, US currency, prescription medications and stolen property in the enforcement sting.
Kurtis Korff pleaded guilty to a single crime of Manufacture of Heroin in January. Several other drug-related charges were dismissed as a part of a plea agreement with the District Attorney's Office.
Judge Wolke also sentenced Korff to serve three years of post-prison supervision, suspended his driver's license for six months and ordered him to pay $655 in fines, fees and assessments.
Forgot to put this in the last post https://www.rapsheets.org/oregon/doc-prisoner/Korff_Kurtis/8616218
SID# 8616218 Offender Name: Korff, Kurtis Kern Age: 50 Gender: Male Height: 6' 00'' Weight: 210 lbs DOB: 09/1966 Race: White Or European Origin Hair: Blond Eyes: Blue Caseload: 01507 Wright, Lori Location: Shutter Creek Correctional Institution Status: Inmate Institution Admission Date 03/07/2017 Earliest Release Date: 06/29/2019
Docket Number County Crime Sentence Type Begin Date Termination Date 15CR50369/01 JOSE MANUF HEROIN Inmate Sentence 03/07/2017 - -
Looks like this winner is going to be doing time until 2019. Wonder if Kal can get his super duper secret agent team together and bust him out. LOL
The web is littered with little gems about Kal! LOL http://www.expats.cz/prague/p-611495.html
"Laughable. DumboCrat Wassermann Schultz." Kal on facebook about this lady standing up for her IT worker. Guess this makes Kal just as dumb and laughable for defending his shit ball convicted felon brother who is currently in prison.
"thanks for the tip. I have contacts in the German government I think I'll nose around a bit.
I do know for a fact that Bill Clinton has gone on retreats with wealthy sickos who are into young girls. Not saying he is, but I don't believe for one minute he doesn't know. It will be interesting to see where this trail leads eventually and why it seems the kabosh was put on probing this." This is laughable! Kal thinks he can follow up on some Clinton story?? LMFAO Kal has no real contacts in the German government. His contacts with any government is just as real as his special secret services group and his claims of being a colonel in it. Kal is so full of shit his eyes used to be blue. didn't Kal try to bag some very young in Prague? anyone remember this?
Kal erased all the comments where that guy took him apart and left kal spinning in circles. LOL LOL LOL
Oh, I believe Korff is in Dubai. Probably has *plenty* of time for travel etc now that Daily World has "gone in a different direction" with their video content and doesn't seem to be hurting for writers who actually have a grasp on matters of interest to India, which is what their news is about now that Kernel Klown is out of the picture other than as a "contributing writer". Not "staff writer".
The "roll out press conference"? FaceTime stream from Kal's hotel room with printouts of his "graphics" instead of bound published books. He will either be alone or with a "Yes Kal" apologist who will be the person that is actually financing the trip. A choicely worded run-around about why he is going to "begin" by electronic e-Book or Scribd type distribution of the first unfinished "book". He will brag a second one before the first one is finished and gives up, realizing even that much of a put-on is actual effort that he cannot accomplish. Because Kal Korff is inept at everything he has ever tried to do in life. That's why he needs to have things given to him rather than working hard to earn them & fled to India rather than come home and face his own incompetence like a man.
One more bubble to burst for Kal Korff: I too got a notice from Flake Book "congratulating" me for 52,000 "Likes" on my posts. Difference being of course that I am NOT a public figure or wannabe media celebrity, am only "Friended" with genuine people whom I know, that each of those "Likes" was by a person who knows & loves me, and understands that in the long run none of it means a FUCKING CRAP. Because it's just Flake Book and the internet. We have each other in our real lives too, something that Kalvin K. Karlton Fucking Korff will never be able to brag about like the friendless loser he really is.
August 5, 2017, a great day in Korffing. This blog is rocking!
No wonder Kal erased the comments left by Toby Esterhase. Toby looks like he actually has worked in the technology sector for most of his life. He also worked at Boeing. I wonder if he can confirm what Kal actually did at Boeing if anything. If you call Boeing's human resource office all you need is the person's full name and date of birth and social security number to find out if they ever worked there and what they did. Kal won;t want to tangle with Toby and I'll bet Kal blocked him after deleting his stuff. Raj needs to get Toby to say hi to that fat fuck Kal more often. HAHAHAHHAHHAAH
i agree Kal is probably in Dubai as claimed but say we only see a still picture of just kal with whatever pathetic props he brought along to "prove" his fantasy to his own satisfaction. Probably either taken in the hotel lobby or a Wendy's and self proclaimed as a "press conference". Korff's exaggerated claim of "10 books" along with his "thanks to those who believed in me and fuck those who doubted" is pretty convincing evidence that someone somewhere got under his blubber-encasing pock marked and truly sickening looking skin by stating exactly what the truth was.
Just like Milos Bartu got for revealing the truth of Korffs attempted swindle. The overkill is a triggered reaction that he cannot control, failing also to miss the point that after apparently being with Daily World as long as he apparently has/was, if he had just been going to promote one (1) book it might be half believable. But forget that now with a 10 book claim, out of the blue. Too late, Kal! You always screw everything up.
Add in indication of sheer desperation for attention is how Korff apparently tagged Bruce Macabee and 93 other people to his post to guarantee they would see it and probably "LIKE" it without thinking too much. Or wish him congratulations right there in front of all his Fake Fakebook friends. I'd be interested in the total "LIKES" his announcement actually got before he deletes it due to embarrassingly poor response.
That Toby guy on Facebook who is friends with Raj got Kal to shut the fuck pretty quick.
Most people won't bother calling him out. Some because they don't want the drama, some because the love the lunatic making claims and lying and some just don't give a shit.
The Syndicate is loving the we have more people on FaceBook helping us monitor the panty waste.
Thanks You!
Pictures of Kal's big book announcement? No. Video of Kal's big book announcement? नहीं Cover preview anywhere? Nada. Publisher announcement? Nope. Pre sales? Ne. Just Kal posting stupid human trick videos one after another. This must be what happens when you finally lose all your marbles and your world comes crashing down when you realize you're near the end of your lonely and pathetic life. I guess you just throw everything out that plays into your delusion and hope for the best. There's always Kinkos for those authors who can't get published via legitimate means. No reputable publisher would ever come near Kal. It looks like not even his old flying saucer book publisher would give him the time of day. It just amazes me an adult could ever act like Kal. He should just get loser tattooed across his forehead and get it over with.
He'll .PDF it to Scribd.com. He used to post up to that site all the time. Like everything else in his life, he lost interest.
And we can start a new count down for days since Kal was supposed to announce his new books. Still NO video or pictures. Did Kal get these two Indian girls to pose as the audience or will it be more of Kal talking to an empty room pointing out imaginary people? LMAO
dream update would be to learn that korff's ride back to India ditched him after realizing korff is full of shit and he's been lying through his teeth to everybody in India since before he got there.
tick tick tick ... clock is running kal
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