When you tell Kal off or challenge Kal or you tell Kal how full of shit he is the only way he knows how to react is throw about empty threats of lawsuits and criminal charges.
The latest victim of this propaganda and meaningless threats from Kal is a person employed at a company in Prague called Cables and Simms. An employee of that company has accused Kal K. Korff of committing fraud claiming that Kal picked up electronic goods and had the bill sent to someone else who knew nothing about it. Cables and Simms claims Kal owes them something around three-thousand American dollars. No word on what has become of that situation though someone did say the lawsuit from Cables and Simms was either never filed or withdrawn though that hasn't been one-hundred percent confirmed by anyone.
In retaliation for Cables and Simms employee Milos Bartu publicizing this information Kal decided to threaten Milos by claiming that an official complaint was filed against him with the FBI and Department of Justice in America. Here is a picture I took of Kal's website makng this claim and Kal has conveniently erased it.

As I thought would happen Kal didn't have the COPURAGE to publish this case number he claims he gave to Rob McConnel and I can tell you why it never happened and never will. It is because Kal K. Korff is FULL OF HORSESHIT as usual and is just tossing more meaningless threats out there. Cowards talk and those with courage and ethics follow through. You can always count on Conniving Kal K. Korff for a lot of talk and no action.
I'm still waiting to hear about these supposed nanotechnology parts Kal says he sent Rob McConnel and Rob says he is having them analyzed at a university. So far there has been no word but I do want to know what Rob intends to do when he finds out this is just MORE BULLSHIT from Conniving Kal.
And someone sent me email saying they contacted Royce Meyers about the complaint and court order Kal said Royce Meyer would be getting. Don't be too shocked but I am told that Royce has not received a subpoena or complaint or anything else. More empty threats from Kal and no one is surprised to see Kal stoop this low.
Other than this latest bombardment of empty bullshit threats from Kal there seems to not be much else going on and Kal has not put anything really new on his Internet website but sure did make sure to remove many of those threats he made that are threats that never came true. Perhaps Kal has actually had to find a real job to earn some money. I didn't know Switzerland had a McDonalds!
I MAY be onto something. I will let everyone know in due time, but I MAY have the proverbial "silver bullet" with Kal. MAYBE.
F1 Racer
Francis Underwood
Dare I to dream that Francis may fell Kal once and for all??
Looking forward to hearing more on this....
Brad Hudson
Dallas, Texas
Francis-we're waiting with baited breath man. :)
OH PLEEZE ! ! ! Is anyone REALLY SURPRISED that korff is FULL OF HORSESHIT ? ? ? And the fact of the matter is ... Rob McConnell is FULL OF HORSESHIT because he does not have the COJONES to call korff the flaming and raging HORSESHIT ARTIST he is ... and now McConnell has proven himself to be ....
Don Ecker
Thx for joining the thread Don.
Always good to see Don checking in.
Brad Hudson
General of the Combined Armies
Mars Defense Forces
"The Defense Forces of Mars: Protecting the Red Planet, one rover at a time"
McDonalds? Are you kidding? I'd *never* eat a burger made by this creep! ;-)
Oh, Kal claimed a while back that I was being "investigated" (whatever the hell that means) by nonexistent "Missouri based lawyers." I knew it for the drivel it was but thought I'd pass it along.
Other than that, there's nothing I can say about Kal that hasn't already been said. I'm of the opinion that his antics deserve nothing but laughter -- which is easier said than done, given that his online slander can be quite ugly.
"Colonel" - you have claimed that you did a "lot more" than simply teach English to Vojtek's employees, but you never eleborated on this. Could you please explain - on your website or on YouTube - precisely what your duties entailed?
Many thanks, "Colonel".
It's mighty quiet on the Korff front. He probably slept under a bridge for a few days telling other hobo's tall tales about fighting terrorism and those nasty ufologists who questioned the great kernel. Maybe he's reaching out to a new audience, you never know with douchebag Kal.
Well, I hope the "Colonel" has done what any decent military man with a tad of honour would do:
slid open the drawer of his writing desk, taken out the mother-of-pearl handled revolver contained therein, retired to the shrubbery, and blown his brains out.
Some hope.
Interesting. Look at the date of publication? From a google search:
Based on never-before-released government documents, a compelling account of the courageous men and women who fight against terrorism daily in secret operations undertaken to keep the world safe.
More details
Secret Wars: Defending Against Terrorist Plots
By Kal K. Korff
Published by Prometheus Books, Publishers, 2004
ISBN 1591021499, 9781591021490
300 pages
Don't rush down to your nearest bookstore to get a copy. Don't even try www.amazon.com. It's a total fake, including the ISBN number. It was never published.
Just another one of Kal's little demented fantasies.
I contacted the publisher on a couple of occasions. At first the contact person was helpful, told me the same as others heard, then when I got a bit more focused, but still nice, on why I was asking, all communication stopped.
LOL I can confirm that Switzerland and Germany both have MacDonald's franchises, when I spent a summer in Europe before going to college I would always eat at them whenever I encountered one on my travels. I was impressed that they sold beer, but whatever that crap is that the Germans call ketchup is anything but.
The way that Kal K. Korff has been post-editing his past seven months of online existence suggests to me that he's reached some sort of agreement with "authorities" and is removing information from public view that could possibly exacerbate the situation or cast doubt on the sincerity of his atonement. Seeing that Cables & Simms has also not followed up with any updates and in fact removed the original article from the MacZone news site suggests that an agreement was reached and the matter is being settled.
I'm serious when I say that's all I care about, and if Kal K. Korff has struck a deal to compensate for the goods identified as missing hey, I'm good with that and wish he'd actually let it be known. Either that or he's in some really deep shit and his access to the internet has been even further limited, by accident or design. I don't check his website so I have no idea what may be going down there but the whole YouTube party appears to be over (I got the banhammer last month so I can't even leave comments anymore, aww, but then again he has no way of contacting me directly now, which is sort of a relief: He's CREEPY!), he's had that same below amateur rank animation of Kurtis K. Korff getting plugged in the brainpan now as his lead video for long enough to make it tiresome to even check in. There's an 11 year old kid up the block doing 3 dimensional model animations for a computer game that look more convincing, I can't understand for the life of me what we are supposed to get out of it other than unintentional comedy at how poorly rendered it is.
Maybe they sent him some sort of warning or deleted the video because he had been naming Milos by name, and turned him off to using them with the same enthusiasm? It could even be as simple as his suitcase having gotten jacked and/or losing his "Mobile English" equipment. Usually it's irresponsible to speculate like that about a public figure, but then again this IS Kal K. Korff we're talking about.
Use this to search out ISBN numbers:
try a known book as well.
Are you "THIS" Don Ecker?
Looks like Colonel Crackpot is jumping on the election bandwagon now. This is old hat for Kal who will try to ride on any hot topic to make himself viable. But I think there is nothing Kal can do now to regain what he thinks are glory days.
Anyone see Kal posting a trailer for Tom Cruise's next movie? Why is Kal promoting a Scientollogist?
I think Kal taught somebody else how to do basic HTML. It seems that when he goes low, videos are posted from YouTube as a quick way to show progress....
Also, anyone else notice that after Kal has yet another web page face change that, before long his site slows down to a crawl?
My PC is a fresh install and his site takes awhile to load and unload?
Okay, somebody asked,
Are you "THIS" Don Ecker?
I just saw this and was not sure until I checked the link. Yes that is my novel "Past Sins" that I wrote. FWIW, I am working on the sequel but currently am writing a "novella" titled "Person of Interest." If you read Past Sins, drop me a note and let me know how you liked it. And btw, since it is almost Halloween, this is a perfect time to read Past Sins! :)
Don Ecker
"Colonel" - I have to thank you for posting the link to that Sarah Palin skit. How on earth I would ever have found it without you I cannot imagine. Indeed, I find your sage analysis of US politics in general to be utterly invaluable. I no longer bother with second-rate organs like the BBC, The New Republic, and the Washington Post - your brilliant, incisive commentary is all I need. Tell me - have you ever considered running for high office yourself?
Kal is now a political commentator? ROFLMAO! Guess kal has decided to move on from the world of UFOs and terrorists to politics. I guess the whole two or three people listening to the X zone when Kal is on can update the rest of on what Kal Coo-Coo Korff is up to.
Sorry, but I don't think you understand the purpose of this blog. It's sort of a one stop shop where we can all gather and chuckle at all Kal's failures while Kal goes on and on on his page (and You Tube) about what a success he is.
Sure, everyone who has been around a while knows Kal is a nit wit, but what about the 21 year old, just starting to study all things weird? He sees Korff's bullshit, and he may think Korff is legit. KKiaI provides a counter weight to Korff.
Plus, this blog is damn funny and keeps me entertained.
Brad Hudson
Dallas, Texas
Admiral, Legion of Doom
Fun, the most important word.
"Don't rush down to your nearest bookstore to get a copy. Don't even try www.amazon.com. It's a total fake, including the ISBN number. It was never published.
Just another one of Kal's little demented fantasies.
---How terribly, terribly sad. You're pathetic, "Colonel". Get help. Now. Please.
Oh no Kal is crying to the police again? LOL But wait! Isn't Kal a big time colonel? Why is he going to the police?
Kal: I want to report a crime against me!
Police: Mr. Korff, you've been told not to call here anymore and.......
Kal: But you don't understand! This is COLONEL Korff of the......
Police: Yes, sir, I know, S3. As I explained to you before Mr, Korff.....
Police: Sir, as I told you before we are based in Tumbleweed, Idaho and have no jurisdiction in Prague and......
Kal: You incompetent worm! I am Colonel Korff and I will expose you for not helping me and somehow tie you in to the shooting of my brother and I will file complaints with internal affairs against you and I will have your badge and I'll send nano bot assassins and then I'll....I'll...
Police: (click followed by dial tone)
Kal: Hello? Hello?
(dial tone followed by beeping digits)
Police: Reno, Nevada police can I help you?
Kal: This is Colonel Korff and.....
Police (click)
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