Tuesday, November 15, 2011


So that cunt Kal K. Korff thinks he is some sort of expert on the assassination of JFK. The record never lies and Kal is AGAIN EXPOSED USING HIS OWN WORDS!!! ahahahahahahahahahaha Lads we all know Kal is a major fuck up but it always amazing to see just how big of a fuck up he is and how amateur his "research skills" really are. Read this bit posted here on the blog.

The first time I heard of Kal Korff was when I
saw a video he had done called “Final Verdict: JFK’s Murder Solved!” My having personally studied the JFK assassination for over a quarter of a century and having bought and read through a complete set of the 26 volumes of the Warren Commission and studied the findings of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, I wanted to know just how Kal Korff had managed to do what no one else had done, including two Government inquiries. Rather than to go into great depths of the fiasco pertaining to Korff’s video on the Kennedy case – I’ll just share a quick example of his inability or a lack of desire to learn the subject matter before making definitive
claims about something.

In the opening minutes of the ‘Final Verdict: JFK’s Murder Solved’ video … Korff mentions a little girl in “red pants” who is seen on the Zapruder film. Korff then gives her name as Linda Kay Willis and tells us what she said about the shooting. Linda Kay Willis had testified before the Warren Commission. I should tell everyone that the girl Kal Korff is talking about seeing on the Zapruder film was Rosemary Willis, not Linda Kay Willis. Rosemary is Linda Kay’s sister. Rosemary did not testify before the Commission, nor did either sister have on pants during the Kennedy assassination. Korff was in error because he did not know his subject matter well enough before trying to appear as an authority on it!

Kal Korff wrongly identifies the little girl in the Zapruder Film and mistook her for wearing pants

ahahahahahahahhhhaaa!!!!!!! There you have it lads! The work of "accredited investigative journalist" Kal K. Korff. hhhaaaahhaahaahahahahahahahahaa!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

The website that passage was quoted from can be found here


The JFK passage was being used as an example of how Kal Korff pronounces himself as an expert on various subjects while making fundamental errors on basic factual data readily available to any lay person. Let alone a "researcher" presuming a voice of authority on a subject, and the author's intent was to demonstrate that Kal Korff had made similar mistakes in his "expose" of the Patterson/Gimlin Bigfoot film. What Kal Korff apparently fails to comprehend is that getting basic factual information wrong undermines whatever argument he brings to a subject.

Anonymous said...

Keep denying it all Korff.

You are lying.

We know it, and nearly every single one of your Face Book "friends" know this as well.

Not a single link posted EVER, pointing to a single newspaper which published dummies SYNDICATED .PDF's.

Keep crowing Korff.

We will not stop until you do.

Lying lair.

Kal Korff: Hi everyone, sorry to be so busy and not be on FB for some days, I've just been swamped. Here's the first of seven more articles I am honored to have published. I continue to laugh at my clueless "kritics" who lie and say they're not in the papers, soon there will be a video showing the newspaper, I even include in these reprints the actual article as it appeared. So when they claim this is not tr...ue or not happening, they lie of course, but I don't expect truth and objectivity from haters and extremists and CONspiracy nuts. None of my "kritics" are officially accredited members of the media, I am. They do not work for a newspaper and they're not syndicated by a media group. Instead, they're bozos, and I'm being extremely polite. :-)

Anonymous said...

Kal, you should just wear a shirt that reads "please mock me. I beg you."

The Unknown Korffer said...

A video ... showing the newspaper. The newspaper too, definite article, used at the same time with papers in the multiple, contradicting the claim simultaneously to making it. Why not just name the paper, papers, syndication agency or global media conglomerate? No need to make a video unless to fake it.

Remember the Majestic 12 documents? Photographs of pages so they couldn't be tested or evaluated in the first person or separately from the pictures. Sounds like that's what Kalvin is setting up. There's no need to make a video at all, just name the newspaper. We'll call them, or have someone find a copy to verify whether they publish articles by Kal Korff. Nothing else will satisfy those who are used to Kal Korff lying about his past, employment, education, etc.

What a tiring game. But then again its not important what we think about it here or even the Flake Book crew. The important sucker is whoever's sending Kalvin his rent money. This isn't about is, somebody out there is being snowed and it's pretty obvious who the likely pigeon is.

The Unknown Korffer said...


This isn't about US, somebody out there is being snowed and it's pretty obvious who the likely pigeon is.

There are no valid, rational reasons for going to such lengths.

The Unknown Korffer said...

Also, let's look at how much of Kalvin's Flake Book post is devoted to his obsession with what others think, say or write about him.

Kal Korff: Hi everyone, sorry to be so busy and not be on FB for some days, I've just been swamped. Here's the first of seven more articles I am honored to have published.

That's all, as far as anything which needed to be stated, everything else is just obsessive strange and speaks for someone with an awful lot of time to sit around caring what everybody thinks of them.

I continue to laugh at my clueless "kritics" who lie and say they're not in the papers, soon there will be a video showing the newspaper, I even include in these reprints the actual article as it appeared. So when they claim this is not tr...ue or not happening, they lie of course, but I don't expect truth and objectivity from haters and extremists and CONspiracy nuts. None of my "kritics" are officially accredited members of the media, I am. They do not work for a newspaper and they're not syndicated by a media group. Instead, they're bozos, and I'm being extremely polite. :-)

I count four rows of text in the opening, TWELVE lines of text in the rest of it, a four to one ratio. So, which is more important, the articles or the conflict? The articles got four lines out of sixteen, and a third of one of them was Kal's own name.

happy red mogul balloon! said...

yay thanks for a new update kernal kal! also add to the delusions list, apologizing to facebook, lol. i'm a self admitted avid facebooker and have never known anyone to apologize for not being on or posting or holding court or whatever it is korffy thinks he is doing with it. quite to the contrary! typical biggest concern in my social circle is embarrassing ones self by being on there too much! lol you can't get anything done while using it, if you're on it at work you're job's a joke, if at home you aren't out or doing something interesting with other people, and if you are & brot your wireless set along just to update your status while doing something cool you are a l o 0 s E r :D if anything real people apologize for too much fb activity since its a sure sign that you're really just a schmuck. sorry kal! can't stop yourself from being a tool i guess.

Anonymous said...

Kor our CZ Korffers....

Kal Korff: Funny video, worth watching. I remember when I bought my first Turkey after moving to Prague. I was proud of myself that I even found one, since Czechs don't do Thanksgiving and care less about it. Then I got it home and prepared it and went to insert it into the oven, only to discover that Czech ovens are NOT BIG ENOUGH to fit a normal, US sized whole Turkey inside them! So I had to thaw it enough to cut it up and cook it in two sessions, wasn't the same and ruined what was supposed to be a "normal" Thanksgiving. :-))

Anonymous said...

Korff slip-up

"Here's the first of seven more articles I am honored to have published."

Yes you did publish these Kalvin, on scibd.com

"I" am honored to have published... on scibd.com


Anonymous said...

Kal has to apologize for not posting on Facebook for a couple of days?
What kind of a weirdo thinks that way?
Nobody missed you Kal, so no need to apologize.

Anonymous said...

aha so it is painful for kal to be all alone over the holidays and he does wish he could enjoy a normal thanksgiving with his family. too bad about all of those old warrants.

She Said She Said said...

Then I got it home and prepared it and went to insert it into the oven, only to discover that Czech ovens are NOT BIG ENOUGH to fit a normal, US sized whole Turkey inside them!


That's What She Said, isn't it Kal?

Anonymous said...

Martina said that?

Anonymous said...

So Korff posted adeal on Face Book, telling people about Langdon's new Meier video.


Korff then posted a few responses to a couple of people, this part we'd care about because it's all a lie.

Korff stated that Meier and many others we're already under investigation and papers we're sent, etc. Even stole and fake a US lawyer to scare Big Don Ecker.

"I will starting next year seriously pursue them..."

Right, and Royce Meyers III and Big Don Ecker and JimmyD and F1...

Anyway, he is a sick boy. A truly sick in the head boy.

Kal Korff: I agree with you Tracy. I have been trying to get Swiss police to prosecute Meier for at least mail fraud. It has been a mixed bag. I will starting next year seriously pursue them, along with help from the FBI in the USA, since they care more about mail fraud and have expressed concern over Meier's promoter there.

Billy Meier's Wedding Cake said...

More fake lawyers, Supergenius! Your tired old "accredited journalist" bit is as worn out as it is stupid. Nobody believes the fake lawyer crap either, but at least it's funny.

P.S. Billy Meier laughs at you.

Anonymous said...

Boy are Billy Meier and Michael Horn in big trouble now! Next year, Kal is going to start "seriously pursuing" them. I guess he's just been getting warmed up for the last 20 years or so, and now he's ready to get serious. I hope he doesn't decide to get serious about Kevin Randle, Don Ecker, Paul Kimball, Royce Meyers III, various law enforcement entities who have wrongly persecuted his innocent brother, Obama and other corrupt and incompetent politicians, military and intelligence leaders worldwide, and if he has any extra time, watch out F1, Jimmy D and FN. This time, he is serious!

My question is, how will the Kernal proceed to get serious? Will he publish internationally syndicated Xsposes on Scribd for literally dozens of people worldwide to see? Will this be an undercover S3 operation, possibly involving Nanodust and Indian martial arts bodyguards? Will Lt. Tycova be assisting, as well as servicing the Kernal in the evenings? Will it be poorly videotaped for the whole world to see on Youtube? Does this mean that the long-awaited Secret Wars will now be 8 or 10 volumes and 2800 or 3200 pages? Oh, the possibilities.
It certainly won't involve the FBI. I'm sure the only interest they would have with Kal would be monitoring or investigating him, not working with him to try to nail flying saucer frauds!

Anonymous said...

"the newspaper"....

Which newspaper?

Google says ZERO newspapers.

Type in: "Kal Korff articles" and see what comes up.

"I was one of many journalists who noted his over the top and needless self-serving use of "I" in his speech. "

You mean when you took a group of students to see Obama speak in the CZ and then you promised to release a detailed report on that speach, and you never did? You mean that one?

Or do you mean your self-serving Face Book post I copy and pasted below?



Lying lair.

Kal Korff: Hi everyone: I am genuinely honored and humbled to report that there are now over 9,000 hits for the articles I have written and have had published in the newspaper. The interest and support is beyond what I would imagine when I started uploading them, it even seems to be increasing. THANKS VERY MUCH for all your kindness, I'll upload more soon. I have a review coming up about the new book purporting to say how bin Laden was killed, it exposes some false claims made by the author in it, and also cites and gives him kudos for what he got right, especially about the part where bin Laden's death did not have to be mentioned as soon as it was, but Obama was determined to claim credit as much as he could, I was one of many journalists who noted his over the top and needless self-serving use of "I" in his speech. Had Obama had competence, he would have rolled up more al-Qaeda before tipping our enemies off and allowing them to scurry for cover, etc. Details coming soon.