Kal K. Korff has put the final nail in his own coffin by
EXPOSING himself to the world for the incompetent and liar he is! You might've noticed Kal that I lifted not a finger. All I did was to merely take
YOUR OWN words and actions to show how
LUDICROUS your claims and threats truly are. You really do need to work on keeping your own story straight Kal.
Kal at first says a "terrorist threat" directed at him said Kal had one-week to get out of Prague and this is the
LAME EXCUSE Kal used to elude Kevin Randle in a debate. We later learn from Kal's
OWN WORDS that this threat was them supposedly directed at a Czech citizen. Next Internet user F1 Racer
EXPOSES Kal and catches him in another
DIRECT CONTRADICTION where Kal weakly says this "threat" was made toward Vojtek Sedlacek.
Kal dragging Mr. Sedlacek into this is beyond
REPREHENSIBLE! Mr. Sedlacek has done nothing but good for people and to have an
UTTER ASSHOLE like Kal K. Korff trying to throw a
GREAT MAN like Mr. Sedlacek under the bus is unforgivable. Mr. Sedlacek is a
TRUE HUMANITARIAN unlike you Kal! And
UNLIKE YOU KAL Mr. Sedlacek is truly dedicated to humanitarian causes.
UNLIKE YOU KAL Mr. Sedlacek has done great things for people - he has inspired people and likely saved lives! You are a
DISGRACE Kal for trying to throw Mr. Sedlacek into your crazed reality blender by blaming your cowardice on some nonexistent threat!
SHAME ON YOU KAL, SHAME ON YOU! But the shame does not end there!
Czechs are OUTRAGED at Kal's EXPLOITATION of those killed by communism where Kal video taped himself running around in circles when his LIES about this threat began to unravel and Kal SHAMELESSLY tried to tie the deaths of those at the hands of the brutal regime of communism to his PATHETIC COWARDICE!
HOW DARE YOU Kal try to use the pain and suffering of millions to benefit your
RUSE! You have
INSULTED people who actually
DIED defending what they believed and you have
INSULTED the citizens of the Czech Republic! It is one thing to be a coward Kal but it is wholly another to desecrate a memorial to the dead for your
OWN BENEFIT! You aren't fooling anyone Kal and you have greatly
ANGERED a number of people especially in the Czech Republic! You owe the people of the Czech Republic an
IMMEDIATE PUBLIC APOLOGY! Leave it to Comrade Kal to exploit the dead for his own purposes. This is what the communists did and it looks like Kal with his propaganda would have made the communist regime proud.After this
ATROCITY Kal skips not a beat in one of his corny videos on his way once again to the U.S. Embassy claiming he is going to give names to the representatives there and this is somehow supposed to scare people. What Kal was actually doing at the U.S. Embassy where anyone can walk in off the street is not completely known. Some have speculated that Kal was being told he had to leave Prague because he could not obtain an employment visa to stay. I have it on good word the people inside the U.S. Embassy are very happy Kal has left Prague and that he has been restricted from returning to the Czech Republic for two-years.
This all makes perfect sense because Kal now says he has moved to Switzerland. Good! Perhaps the Swiss are more tolerant of complete assholes who
EXPLOIT the dead to propel their own
LIES! I wonder if it was just too much for Kal to admit he had visa problems? What is very odd about all this is that F1Racer said he dropped Kal's info to a friend who works in the embassy and suddenly Kal is forced to leave? It is painfully obvious what happened and Kal will liekly never live down being given the boot from Prague. The rush to the U.S. Embassy, the hastily taped videos, the books missing from the shelf, this sudden claim of being married all amounts to Kal working at fever pitch to stop him from being forced out of Prague. Married? Oh for the love of God this just top sit all off like very poorly written television soap opera.
Kal now claims he is married, has been married, and has to the horror of everyone said he has fathered a son with a genius level IQ! Now I really am sick to my stomach. Not only over the thought of any real woman giving herself over to -
PUKE! - Kal but having his child!
DOUBLE PUKE! Can you fathom having Conniving Kal for your father? The torment the child would endure with telling his classmates all about his "colonel" daddy fighting terrorists and everyone seeing -
PUKE! - daddy's youtube videos and ranting Internet website. Oh the humanity of it all! Kal if you really do have a kid
PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU, give the kid a
FIGHTING CHANCE and put it up for adoption now! This marriage bit from Kal I will have to call complete
BULLSHIT on and I won't take Kal's word for it as he is a
CONFESSED LIAR who said he committed slander on national radio. This is a
FACT.So it looks like after the big wedding, having a kid, getting booted from Prague,
DISGRACING victims of communism, being a
COWARD and ducking Kevin Randle, Kal's big day just went on to announcing he would be broadcasting from Switzerland, reporting Royce Meyer III to "internal affairs" and claiming that Kevin Randle has ties to terrorism!!!
Kal, you walking lump of shit, how
DARE you claim Kevin Randle has ties to terrorism let alone would ever hurt your family!! I hope Kevin Randle
SUES YOUR ASS Kal! There is no sense in demanding Kal apologize to Kevin Randle or anyone else for that matter because everyone knows it would be an empty apology and Kal won't apolgize. Kal
LIED when he said if Kevin Randle proved him wrong on anything that Kal would publicly apologize to Kevin Randle. Kal can't even keep his own word!!
Up next here is Conniving Kal first claiming he has contacted "internal affairs" about Royce Meyer III and Kal then
CHANGES his story saying a "third party" is filing a complaint! Kal says it isn't anything "personal" but clearly from the amount of anger and resentment displayed in his videos it is
ALL PERSONAL to Kal with everyone he focuses he
Then Kal returns to youtube land for a new disjointed piece of trash video where he starts off talking about selling iPods and going "mobile" and field testing something. But don;t worry because Kal quickly turns it into evidence being tampered with in his brother's shooting and more big announcements coming next week.
I've said this previously but have to ask again.
WHERE is this twenty-five million dollars Kal says he has? And Kal has yet to explain how a Jewish person would ever accept money from the Saudis. Trust me it would
NEVER happen! And where is the all powerful and all knowing S3 during Kal's visa crisis? Wouldn't an organization as powerful as Kal claims it is have no problems in pulling a string here and there to make Kal's visa problems disappear? Would they not provide Kal with a place in Israel? This is more proof - not that any was ever needed - that S3 is a bad joke dreamed up by Kal.
Kal isn't having a good week by any means. Kal runs from a debate challenge he issued, Kal gets caught in his own lies, Kal pisses off a bunch of Czech citizens, Kal gets booted from the Czech Republic, Kal gets booted from Xzone, Kal is the ass end of far too many jokes, and poor Kal has to pack up his books and newspaper clippings before he gets deported. Who says there's no justice?
I have given serious consideration to ending this blog. Why, you might ask? It has become rather apparent to myself and a number of others that Kal K. Korff has some rather profound personal "issues".
I'm not a doctor or a psychiatrist so I won't attempt to expound on what issues Conniving Kal might have. Kal's claims and threats are so
UTTERLY ABSURD they deserve not even a glancing look.
Kal K. Korff is done for and his antics and double talk have been
EXPOSED. The ruse is over Kal. Over. How does it feel being your own worst enemy Comrade Kal?