Go fuck yourself? Goodness. This doesn't sound very professional at all, Kalvin. In fact, it sounds rather hateful considering you claim to not take any of this personally. Kalvin, I'm going to have to call you a liar here because it is rather apparent from your email to Mike Horn that you are taking this all personally. Does your supposed Special Secret Services condone such unprofessional behavior and language? In the real military, this sort of hate filled communication would not be tolerated. In fact, isn;t this the same type of behavior Kalvin says is causing humanities problems?
It also looks like Kalvin Korff took the ideas of a young artist and made off as though they were his own according to the artist. Tsk-tsk, Kalvin. Someone needs to wash your mouth out.
I love the last bit in the e-mail from Kal Korff where he claims that his adjunct and his "financial backers" are coming after Billy Meier and this Mikey Horn moron. How many i-Pods does "colonel" Korff need to sell to go after Billy Meier? lol! Kal Korff is a first rate dork and he and Mike Horn should meet up in California and get married! They deserve each other!
Mike Horn's ramblings are also well known on the net. He's just like Korff. But to stay on topic, Korff's reply speaks volumes. Full of hate and rage, nor does Korff address the issue of using someone for his book in a slimey way. Brad (above) is right. Korff and Horn should get married. Hahaha.
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