Kalvin so badly wants people to believe he is some sort of "in the field" anti terrorism agent that he claims his supposed book is being hailed as the definitive work on the subject of terrorism. Kalvin also has claimed on countless occasions that his book is being published "later this year."
What's odd about that is that Kalvin has been saying the SAME thing for over FOUR YEARS now! Kalvin even promised to show the world video of him sending his terrorism book off for publication to Prometheus Books.
What Kalvin OMITS from the public is the FACT that Prometheus Books IS NOT PUBLISHING THIS BOOK! This is first hand direct information from Prometheus Books. Yes, Kalvin, anyone can simply contact Prometheus Books and find this out because that is EXACTLY what I did.
And if Kalvin's book is supposedly the "definitive work" on the subject of terrorism, why is it that he can't get the book published? Surely another publisher would scoop such a prestigious books up were it being hailed as the "definitive work" on terrorism. I certainly would like to know who, aside from Kalvin and his washed up "supermodel" sidekick, is calling Kalvin's book "definitive". We can't expect Kalvin to tell us since he won't ADMIT that his book isn't being published.
Another FALSE claim on the part of Kalvin and further PROOF that Kalvin Korff is MISLEADING CONSUMERS with his FALSE CLAIMS. When can we expect the TRUTH Kalvin? Kalvin, you are NOT above ACCOUNTABILITY! come clean about it all while you still have time.
I'm still trying to figure out Watchcat. He's "protecting consumers"? WTF is Royce selling that "consumers" need protection from?
I glory in how goofy this fucktard is. It's amazing. He can't actually believe anyone takes him seriously, right? I mean, he's got to know that the world is in on the joke at this point.
Or, maybe not.
If I were UFO Watchdog I'd sue Kal Korff's ass for libel and slander. UFO Watchdog is the farthest thing from a fraud and anyone paying attention knows that. Far as I can tell UFO Watchdog does all of this for free and doesn't sell anything. Shame on Kal Korff.
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