Kalvin gets double slapped by another fixation of his named Kevin Randle. This is all over some flying saucer stuff but it indeed hilarious to watch Kalvin get all worked up on youtube.com, state something as fact and then get his own arse handed back to him.
In this particularly embarrassing and very public incident, Kalvin makes claims that a particular person's picture did not appear on the front page of any newspaper anywhere during the year 1947. This Kevin Randle fellow, wtih class and honor mind you, bitch slaps Kalvin into orbit. Read all about it here and have yourself a good laugh, once again, at the expense of Kalvin. And this Kevin Randle chap, who happens to be a REAL ranking officer in the military and a doctorate holder, is the same lad Kalvin wants to debate! I think were this a boxing match, Kalvin would get knocked out seconds after the bell.
This is all over that Roswell flying saucer bit. I know not much about this flying saucer business. Since I've decided to find out all about Kalvin Korff and put it for the public to see, I have read a bit more about it. Interesting stuff, great for conversation, but I just don't buy into it.
Now we've all hear Kalvin going bugger over someone supposedly making a false claim or a mistake, which is grounds for Kalvin to SLANDER and LIBEL people by calling them liars and frauds.
Kalvin should then be fully prepared to live up to his own standard. So I do suppose that since Kalvin has made a false claim and stated he searched all the newspapers for this, then Kalvin Korff by his own standards would be considered a FRAUD and a LIAR who is GUILTY of committing CONSUMER FRAUD for MISLEADING the public.
Is that about right, then?
Kal, when will you apologize to Kevin Randle for the NUMEROUS false claims you have made about his Roswell research? You were WRONG about the picture of Brazel, you were WRONG about the black sergeants at Roswell, and KMPG is NOT auditing Kevin's work. KPMG has NEVER heard of you Kal and they laughed at the thought of auditing a book about UFOs. It was clear that this was not the first time someone called asking about your PREPOSTEROUS claims.
Let me share with you a priceless quote taken from the mouth of Kalvin Korff. "For the record, if I am indeed ‘wrong’ about anything, I have no’ problems, either admitting this or retracting anything which is incorrect. This offer of mine is timeless and universal, and it is available especially to my so-called self-described ‘kritics’ — which includes Major Kevin Randle."
Well, well, Kalvin. Where is your apology to Major Kevin Randle?
Oh, and Kalvin, when you use the word "kritics" [sic] and follow it up with "includes", that isn't at all proper. Really. Say it out loud a few times and think about it.
Kal Korff a village idiot? How about a global dipshit!
Kevin Randle would OWN Kal Korff in a debate. Korff's insincerity and dishonesty would bleed through, not to mention that Kevin is WAY more intelligent than Korff could ever dream of being. Kal Korff is complete pretender where this "colonel" bullshit is concerned. I saw on korff's website that he has a picture of him in camo next to a picture of MAJOR RANDLE in Baghdad. Korff is trying to ride on the coattails of MAJOR RANDLE's service to this country. For fuck's sake Korff, a cleaning service could give any of its employees the title of "colonel" if it wanted! Korff isn't a real soldier or warrior and it is an insult to the real military to listen to Korff and his bullshit boasts of being involved in anti terrorism, which he isn't.
I wonder if the CIA uses Korff as a distraction from the real people fighting terrorism? I mean, it's the only conceivable reason the man has gone anywhere in this world.
This is like an evil version of Forrest Gump. Has anyone asked why he lives in the Czech Republic? You should look into why he left the United States. It would shed a lot of light on things.
Kal K. Korff left the United States because he was about to be sued and he knew he would lose so he ran out of here as fast as he could.
Sued by whom, and because of what?
A debate between Randle and Korff would be great theater. You would have a scenario that pits Randle's shoddy Roswell research against Korff's penchant for grandiosity. Randle would bury Korff if the debate revolved around one's intellect and personal resume, but if the lone focus is on Roswell, Randle's ridiculous claims will come back to bite him.
Say, you have my permission to post my kal stuff to your blog anytime you feel like it. What we see is that kal, afraid of critical comment, disables the comments sections of his YouTube rants and refuses to acknowledge his mistakes. Sure, I believed Frank Kaufmann, but it wasn't as if there was documentation (forged) to back him up and it wasn't as if the people in Roswell who knew him didn't tell me he could be believed.
With kal, he just twists the words to what he wants them to say and then goes off on a rant.
So, please, post my stuff to your blog if you want and the next time I feel the need to point out the mistakes in an attack, I'll let you know.
Kal disables responses to his YouTube rants for obvious reasons. However, there is a simple way to beat him at his own game.
Just videotape his presentations off your monitor and send it right back to YouTube. Label it 'Secretxwars', 'Korff' or whatever.
God, this is all so juvenile.
Look, anyone who's had dealings with or followed KKK's insipid rants already knows just how crazy he is.
He's emotionally and mentally ill, folks. The best thing people can do is to ignore him--he hates that, if your appetite tends toward schadenfreude.
I don't know--I could see responding to him in a calm, serious, and direct manner if he attacked me, which I think is what drives those who have been villified by him to respond to, but good lord, this is a little like kicking a two-legged dog with mange, just because he makes his feeble little barking noises.
He's sick, mentally incompetent, deeply disturbed, and seemingly lives to react to those who respond to his attacks. Bringing yourselves down to his level just fulfills his agent provocateur motivations, as absurdly stupid as those are. It's a bit like beating a brain-dead horse. Why lower yourselves, unless personally attacked by him. Even then, giving him the perverse pleasure of garnering your attention, which probably makes him feel alive and important, is just playing his twisted game.
The best "revenge" is living a good, and better, life. Ignore the twit.
He's not worth your time or effort. For those who can grasp what I'm suggesting, good. For those who wish to continue berating the psychological equivalent of a turnip, continue on your merry way. What a waste of time and mindspace, though, imho.
You gotta admit though, the Kal Is Crazy song is pretty funny. I mean, I really put some effort into that.
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