We have Kalvin obviously writing questions to himself so he can start dishing it out to the flying saucer people he clearly has an obsession with. Kalvin really hates this Kevin Randle chap and Don Eker fellow. So what is this latest wacky "show" Kalvin is posting to youtube.com?
With Kalvin formulating his own questions - who gives a shit about someone supposedly calling Kalvin a superhero? - it is Kalvin opening doors for himself to spread his hate and obvious jealousy of certain people.
Kalvin isn't some brilliant analyst or anti-terrorism guru. Kalvin is a hater, a pathetic little man who will try and make anyone who challenges him or questions him pay in any way Kalvin thinks he can make them pay. Kalvin, you're vindictive and keep proving it every time you put your ridiculous face in front of that camera and open that rather large orifice you call a mouth.
Kalvin is so desperate for what he considers his glory days that he tries to recreate the past every chance he gets by telling the same tiresome stories and pulling out his "resume" as an author from books published over ten-years ago! Kalvin likes to remind people he was on certain television shows with his last big television appearance in 1993!!!! Fifteen-years ago isn't last week, Kalvin. You should step back, examine your life and stop spreading your hate.
I dig some digging on the "a-bomb kid" story. Kalvin Korff was NEVER the "a-bomb kid" and this is a LIE made by Kalvin. Kalvin in his own words claimed to be the "a-bomb kid." Kalvin wrote in an e-mail to this Royce Meyer fellow, " This is a matter of public record, and I have the news clippings, but logically they are not all on the internet, but as you may recall I am the "A Bomb Kid" the young bozo who designed a nuclear warhead (a doomwday device) back when I was 14. I got into trouble, especially after I entered it into our school's science fair, and one of the judges there had a degree in physics and it scared him. So Dr. Severson was called and then some feds came in and there was an investigation into how this kid could do this. I told them the truth, that I had figured it out. For me, it was a great exercise in physics. Problem was, the design was similar to a then-classified weapon called the neutron bomb. I had no idea."
Kalvin claims this was in some local newspapers and he has the clippings. Of course, Kalvin won't scan them saying it isn't important. Yet Kalvin keeps bringing these subjects up in an attempt to persuade people that he is some sort of genius. Kalvin also tries to offer up proof that his "a-bomb kid" story is true by showing the front of some award ribbon. Kalvin expects you to accept such a low standard of evidence when he is called into question but wants others to provide absolute proof of their claims and stories? You're a hypocrite, Kalvin, and in the worst possible way.
When Kalvin Korff claimed in his earlier e-mail to be the "a-bomb kid", Kalvin Korff is LYING. You were not and are not the "a-bomb kid" Kalvin and you know it. This makes you a LIAR and a FRAUD. Prove me wrong, Kalvin. You don't even have to scan in the newspaper clippings you allege you have. Just provide the name of the newspaper and a year and we'll see exactly what is true and what isn't. Better yet, if you have nothing to hide then scan the articles and post them for all to see. Live up to your own standards for once instead of directing your one-sided moral rules onto others so you can focus whatever personal issues you might have into hatred.
Don't be a hater, Kalvin, just because you aren't happy your pathetic "past glory" swirled down the drain long ago.

Kal K. Korff is not the A Bomb Kid and never won some science fair for designing a nuke and never was in trouble over it. Kal is doing what he does best: steals someone else's story and puts his name on it. You're a rube Kal K. Korff.
Kal is a chump.
Kal Korff is a scam artist and a criminal. He will never ever confront his critics and will attempt to de-rail any confrontation by spewing out as much BS as he possibly can.
F1 Racer
Kalvin is a piece of dung.
PS - I'd need to listen to it again, but doesn't he say something like "just because it's called the Special Secret Services doesn't mean to say it's secret"? The reason being that "secret" is just a "loose translation" from the original Hebrew...?
You are lying scum, "Colonel".
This piece in the London Times today reminded me of this blog and the valuable service it performs:
We will hound you to the very ends of the earth, "Colonel". Be assured of that....
well well well lookit this:
Got to love Intelius people search.
F1 Racer
I attempted to e-mail the K-Man twice today, but received messages indicating that the e-mails were undeliverable. Jeez, not only is Korff's website a mess, but he can't even get his e-mail to work properly. I guess that his new mission in the United Kingdom doesn't allow him to communicate with the little people.
How can you tell when Kal Korff is lying? His lips move. How can you tell when Kal Korff is full of shit? He claims to be right.
Tis blog is great! Shoving Kal K. Korff's own bullshit right back down his throat is simply justice to all who have to endure his ramblings. I knew Kal was full of it on some things, but I had no idea he was this full of it!
"How can you tell when Kal Korff is lying?"
---Actually, it's when he does that sly sideways look. He does it a lot.
"How can you tell when Kal Korff is lying?"
---Actually, it's when he does that sly sideways look. He does it a lot.
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