Why would you threaten to contact an employer or church leader? Why threaten to sue or press criminal charges when it appears you have no factual basis for such?
Most people would likely be afraid of such threats. Who would want some idiot contacting their employer or member of their church? No one relishes the thought of being reported to the authorities, whether or not such report has merit. And who wouldn't be concerned if someone was threatening to report them to a government agency or other official, whether or not such was warranted? Such threats surely would cause alarm, perhaps panic, and I dare say even terror.
I believe the basic principle of terrorism is attempting to use terror to force a desired result upon a particular person or group, whether accomplished through physical violence or threats and whether such threats have merit or not. When asked to negotiate, terrorists are often such zealots they would rather continue to fight for their "cause" rather than be "reasonable."
Kalvin has issued numerous threats and appears to be making the same threats to the same people repeatedly. One person offered to meet with Kalvin and discuss Kalvin's claims and to give Kalvin an opportunity to prove his claims. Kalvin refused to meet the person by offering a less than credible excuse topped off with legal threats. Hmm, more threats.
Wading through the endless claims of having lawyers in the process of filing lawsuits and taking people to court and having others arrested, I wonder how many legal actions Kalvin has actually followed through with or how many people have been arrested. Far as I know there have been ZERO lawsuits and ZERO arrests. I'll research all this a bit more and contact some of the people Kalvin has threatened to sue.
Kalvin claimed he would be participating in the arrest of a few people and that he was working with authorities to bring criminal charges against others. I don't think any of this has happened either. Anyone can Google all of Kalvin's old website postings and this information is not at all difficult to find, even if those threats and claims are over a year old. In fact, there are so many THREATS that I could readily dedicate an entire blog just to Kalvin's THREATS.
Kalvin demands apologies from people and accompanies such demands with threats of legal action or threatens to expose them. When Kalvin's demands are not met, he retaliates by further threatening to expose, sue, prosecute or audit them. Remember one thing, Kalvin has ABSOLUTELY NO OFFICIAL AUTHORITY to arrest or prosecute anyone. Kalvin is a PRIVATE CITIZEN and a self-admitted PUBLIC FIGURE who has NOT ONE OUNCE OF OFFICIAL AUTHORITY.
You can see some of the numerous threats Kalvin has issued via the Internet from various pictures I took of Kalvin's own websites. With that, what then is Kalvin's real purpose for issuing all of these THREATS? Is Kalvin Korff an Internet terrorist? That is for you to decide.

Wow - good job!
"Colonel" - I really, really, really, really, really DESPISE you...
Kal Korff is a computer jihadist! Doesn't Kal have a middle eastern backer with terrorism ties?
Don;t forget all the times Kal threatened to sue posters at expats! Kal was criticized there too and didn't like it!
I love how Kal doesnt have the balls to respond to any of these things. Typical schoolyard bully.
F1 Racer
As one of the people that Korff has repeatedly threatened, I can confirm that he's absolutely lying about contacting "the police in my area".
This is a pathetic, weak little man, screaming for some attention, alone and irrelevant, a wasted life without meaning or merit, a tragic car crash. This attention we give him, is all he has, the lone thing keeping him from taking his own life. Seriously - I feel kind of bad even typing these words.
That said, I'd love to see him fall off a bridge, but then, who would we have to laugh at? :-)
And whoever is doing this blog, thank you for clearing up the dataset and exposing Kal for the idiot that he is, I for one do appreciate having the record set straight.
Kal, you are the worst kind of bully with no guts. Now you've resorted to trying to pressure people into your idiotic and delusional demands by contacting their priests? This is crossing the line into stalking territory. This is a bit frightening and I fear Kal will get worse and his unstable behavior will escalate. Get help Kal. Please get some professional help for whatever issues you are having before it is too late.
Internet terrorsit? More like a rabid stalker!
I was once a target of Kal K. Korff. the guy will stop at nothing to prove himself right and will try to destroy anyone who threatens his little fantasy life. Terrorist is a good label for Kal.
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