Not a single website Kalvin has is in the top 100,000 in the world. I know Kalvin is stupid, but does he truly believe the public this stupid? Let's examine alexa.com website traffic rankings for Kalvin's websites.
- kalkorff.com is ranked at 5,157,545
- roswell.org is ranked at 5,157,545
- criticalthinkers.org is ranked at 5,157,545
- martinatycova.com is ranked at 17,948,712
- martinatycova.net is ranked as having no data
- ufowatchcat.com is ranked as having no data
- kalskorner.net is ranked at 25,387,214
- andtheylie.com is ranked at as having no data
- ufoombudsman.com is ranked as having no data
- specialsecretservices.com is ranked as having no data
- michaelakocis.com is ranked as having no data
Let us examine some of the websites involving people Kalvin hates.
- theyfly.com is ranked at 663,827
- ufowatchdog.com is ranked at 584,509
- figu.org is ranked at 732,708
- theparacast.com is ranked at 834,634
When will Kalvin learn? A fine example of what could be considered CONSUMER FRAUD by the person claiming to be a beacon of truth and justice. Kalvin should be prepared to be held to a higher standard and at this rate should be prepared for many, many more PUBLIC and PAINFUL lessons in ethics and honesty.
Now I'm prepared to see how quickly Kalvin erases this bit of data on his website, or what convenient excuse the ever disingenuous Kalvin K. Korff will treat the public to. Let me guess, Kalvin has a super dooper special secret website that only those in the intelligence community know about and this would account for forty-six million plus hits. Kalvin is a fool of the lowest order.

Martinatycova.net is parked*
UFOwatchCat.com is parked*
KalsKorner.net is redirected**
FreeKurtis.org is redirected**
* to GoDaddy.com
** to Criticalthinkers.org
"Freekurtis.org is redirected." But wait - if you Google "freekurtis.org" and "Martina Tycova", you get a fragment of a(now deleted webpage) that reads...: "Czech Journalist and Supermodel BUYS FreeKurtis.org
- Czech Journalist Martina Tycova has bought FreeKurtis.org and will be merging it with other Web sites dedicated to fighting against abuses of justice."
Go figure.
Michael Horn's website not only gets more hits than Kal's, Michael Horn's website looks 1000 times better!
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