The question here would be what "syndicated" column is Kalvin talking about? So far as I know, Kalvin is not in current syndication anywhere, let alone "around the world" as Kalvin laughably is staking claim to. I'd love to see Kalvin show the world where his column is being "syndicated daily around the world." Syndicated is defined in journalism as an agency that buys articles, stories, columns, photographs, comic strips, or other features and distributes them for simultaneous publication in a number of newspapers or periodicals in different localities.
If Kalvin is having his had-better-days former supermodel sidekick Martina Tycova "producing" his nonsense, well, this simply doesn't cut mustard as legitimate syndication. Unless Kalvin can conclusively prove his column is in legitimate syndication I will have to say Kalvin is being less than honest with the world AGAIN. Looks like Kalvin Korff will never learn that not everyone buys into his self promoting propaganda. The Czech people learned long ago during the communist occupation of their country to see through lies and misdirection. The good people of the Czech Republic surely see Kalvin for the rube he is.

A magnificent piece of Korff-esque gibberish at the top of criticalthinkers.org:
"Eminem is one of the greatetst rappers or [sic] all time. His crossover hit, Without Me [there should be a comma here, "Colonel"!] is presented as only Eminem can do it."
There is no beginning to your talents, "Colonel"!
You are the man who rose without trace.
Kal could never get a regular writing job so it isn't any wonder why he flew to the other side of the world to get a job and I see that didn't last very long. Typical Kal.
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