Yet it is a lonely Internet poster and Prague resident going by the screen-name of f1racer who left the following comment on Kalvin's youtube.com profile, "I hereby issue a challenge to Kal Korff. Friday at noon i will be under the horse on Wensceslas Square (if you live here you know exactly what that means). I hereby challenge Kal Korff to meet me and PROVE his many claims such as the Kevin Randle audit, the 500 book deal, his nanobots, his membership in the Secret Services etc.
Kal if you choose to IGNORE this you will be ADMITTING TO CONSUMER FRAUD AND LYING in which case you will be EXPOSED to the Internet and the world. bring all the Israeli bodyguards you can muster (lol) if you are too scared to come alone.
Whether Kalvin will ever admit to any consumer fraud or lying is one thing, yet another when the guy claiming to have a 219 IQ and to being a "colonel" in an anti-terrorism organization cooks up the lamest of excuses to avoid a meeting in a public place with a resident from Prague. Yes, the ever so brave and calculating Kalvin Korff apparently did not have the courage to rendezvous with one person. Instead Kalvin Korff treated us to the usual variety of bullshit he is best known for.
The person only known as f1racer left a comment on Kalvin's youtube.com profile stating Kalvin had sent the following regarding the challenge issued, "Dear Sir, Colonel Korff is currently on assignment in Central Asia for S3. I CAN assure you however, that ALL of his claims are INDEED TRUE. It is YOU who CANNOT prove anything, since of course, Colonel Korff speaks the TRUTH. If you persist in your FALSE and LIBELOUS accusations against Colonel Korff and this organization we will have to take matters to the courts.
Avim Ashkenazi
Warrant Officer
Israeli-based Special Secret Services"
Amazingly enough this Avim and Kalvin Korff have identical writing styles! And this is apparently not the first occasion Kalvin has threatened this f1racer with legal action. As we all know, Kalvin is too well versed in threatening any chap who takes him to task with some form of legal consequences.
When do we see any actual proof Kalvin was ever in Asia on some assignment? Never as it is patently obvious Kalvin is not a "colonel" in any official anti-terrorism agency. How could Kalvin be since he doesn't have the courage to meet one person in a public place!
The guy sure moves fast! Just yesterday morning at 8AM local, Friday 6/20/08, he was broadcasting LIVE from Prague on the X-zone radio program!
Kal K. Korff = COWARD
"Colonel Korff is currently on assignment in Central Asia for S3."
Liar! Liar! Liar! Liar! Liar! LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kal K. Korff doesn't have the courage to go face-to-face with anyone. This is why he always got his ass kicked as a kid. Kal sure as hell wasn't some genius like he makes out. None of that bullshit about him being the a-bomb kid is true and none of that other horseshit about him getting in trouble with the JFK stuff is true either.
Kal K. Korff is living in denial.
Kal Korff afraid of meeting a challenge face to face on short notice? No surprise. Kal really has never had any balls where it came to actual face time with people. Kal has been a coward his whole life only lamely trying to strike from afar.
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